Chapter 393 Kun Tian
A man, dressed in a white robe like snow, broad and thin, stood in the sky, in front of a group of Phoenix Nest Legion, with his back to Star City, and slowly pointed out his fingers under the desperate and terrified eyes of everyone.

"Emperor are Emperor Zhun!" The two commanders screamed, trying to escape, but under that index finger, the world was imprisoned.

"Even if you become the quasi-emperor, you are no match for that lord!" The other commander also screamed, he couldn't move, but there was a brand activated between his eyebrows.

In an instant, the world trembled, as if a peerless master was about to cross the border and come down to this world.

This is a backhand, mainly to deal with the Eucharist and prevent accidents from happening.

"Luo became the quasi-emperor?!"

In the city below, a group of figures rushed out, including the great sage, and some ancient road practitioners like Ye Fan.

Thirty-two years ago, Luoyi battle killed too many strong men, killed a great sage who no one dared to be respected, killed a quasi-emperor who spilled blood in the universe, and even killed a person who was about to become enlightened.

Then he disappeared, and it was a flash in the pan two years later. Now, 30 years have passed since the last time he disappeared. Luo's rhetoric and Luo's life experience are still important topics in the starry sky, and they are also the focus of people's endless disputes.

Any small action about him will be magnified invisible. It can be said that Luo is the brightest star of this era and the representative of this world. Even the Immortal Queen is much worse than him.

Now that Luo is back, is he finally about to start a war with Huang Chao?
"is it?"

Luo Tianchen whispered, making the whole sky quiet down.

But his index finger remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, and it fell on the two commanders.


Blood flashed, and the two great saints standing on the top fell down, just like he killed the great saints like ants, without any effort.

However, although the two were dead, the light in front of the brow of one of the commanders became more and more intense, and a figure actually appeared from within.

The emperor's aura is surging and surging, like a boundless wave, covering the sky and covering the earth, as if announcing that a supreme master is coming to the world.


The person who came was tall, like an ancient demon god, his eyes were vicissitudes, with an eternal indifference, like frozen spirits!
This is an extremely frightening man, with blood-colored hair flying, eyes like blades, and an astonishing beam of light. Under a glance, the oppressive force is astonishing, causing the creatures who were observing in the dark to fall in pieces.

"A big one appeared!" Long Ma secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Fortunately, You Luo saved you from disaster!"

Ye Fan was silent, and he was also terrified. He knew that Huangchao had sent someone to kill him, but he didn't expect that it was not only the Great Sage, but also the Emperor Zhun!

"Quasi-Emperor... triple?!"

The person who came was suddenly silent, and even his figure retreated instantly.

This was shocking news. He once thought that he was wrong. It was inevitable that Luo Neng would become the quasi-emperor.

Even, the other party who appeared 30 years ago may be the quasi-emperor!

However, how many years has Luocai practiced Taoism?It took only about 100 years to survive. If this rate continues, Luo may only need a hundred years to prove the Tao!

"We met again. I thought it would be the sun and the moon, but I didn't expect it to be you." Luo Tianchen stood in the air, extremely calm, "Unfortunately, it's just an incarnation. If your body is here, you can kill a general today." .”

"He wants to kill the general?! Is this melon so fierce now!" Long Ma was shocked.

Even Ye Fan was twitching the corners of his mouth, feeling incredible.

"Kill me?" Kun Tian sneered, "In the ancient times, no one dared to say kill me..."

"I dare!"


A palm slapped over, covering the sky and the earth, covering the galaxy. The myriad symbols in the palm shone like ten thousand swords of the Great Dao, one after the other, slashing down one after another, releasing a killing breath that made all living beings tremble.

Luo is too strong, as always, unchanged, he presses down with one hand, like the incarnation of heaven, in charge of thousands of killings, killing life on behalf of heaven, a terrifying mess.


Kuntian is not to be outdone, now he is just an incarnation, in the third level of Zhundi, in the same realm as Luo, but his fists are like two fairy phoenixes revived, the wings of the phoenix spread, dominate the world, shattering a handle of the avenue sword.

One sword, two swords...ten swords...fifty swords...he couldn't take it anymore!


Blood flowers bloomed one after another, sprinkled all over the sky, Kuntian was very strong, he was a truly invincible figure who once commanded the universe and ruled an era.

He has fought in ten directions and all over the world in the past, and he has no opponents for a long time, but now, he has been sprinkled in the starry sky by the blood of Luo's one hand, and his entire incarnation can hardly support it.

There were blood flowers all over the starry sky, each one was so shocking, but Kun Tian ignored it and let the blood drip from the wound.

Soon, the entire starry sky was filled with bright red, a string of blood flowers, a sea of ​​blood, countless blood flowers were blooming, and the boundless sea of ​​blood was spreading, enveloping the world, as if it had no end.

This is horrifying, the sky and the earth are red and boundless, and the whole world is submerged in a sea of ​​blood in an instant.

This kind of scene is too terrifying, the sea of ​​blood is boundless, exuding a strange magic light, swallowing the heaven and the earth, the waves are rolling, tens of thousands of feet high, covering the sky and covering the earth, rolling down pieces of asteroids and falling on the blood A large piece of blood-colored waves stirred up in the sea, and at the same time, the scene in the sea of ​​blood was also revealed.

Those are the heroic spirits sleeping in the sea of ​​blood, all of whom were beheaded and killed by Kun Tian in the past. Their heroic spirits have not dissipated until now, and they are bound in a kind of law.

Now, they were completely awakened, recovered from the sea of ​​blood, as if they were revived again, terrifying and weird.

This is a very powerful method, created by Kun Tian, ​​whoever is killed by him will sleep in the sea of ​​blood and be used by him for the rest of his life.

"If my body is here, what are you Luo?" Kun Tian stood on the sea of ​​blood, like an ancient demon god, with thousands of ancient corpses revived under his feet, standing upright on the waves.

"Give you a chance, let your body come over!"

Luo Tianchen moved, and stepped into the boundless sea of ​​blood. Every time he took a step, the sea of ​​blood decreased by one point. After taking a few steps, the boundless sea of ​​blood had dissipated and turned into the original blood flower again.

"No Beginning Technique!" Kun Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face changed instantly, "You have obtained the Beginless Inheritance!"

"Why do you need others to inherit it? It's just going back in time."


Luo Tianchen stepped out abruptly, and his figure appeared in front of Kun Tian instantly, covering it with a big hand.

Kuntian danced with both fists, knocking down the surrounding world, but the mighty power of that hand was too strong, like the hand of God pressing down on his body, smashing directly into the void, and punching out black holes.

(End of this chapter)

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