Chapter 396

The mist is very black, dark and cold, dark and deep, and extremely black and menacing. With the star as the center, it crosses the sky, the starry sky, and spreads to the universe.

At this moment, the black mist covered everything, and swallowed up any light wherever it passed. For a moment, the whole world was darkened.

"what happened……"

The creatures in this star field are horrified, they are completely submerged, they are in the black mist, they can't see their fingers, that kind of coldness and darkness swallows everything, no matter whether it is their divine power or primordial spirit, there is no light at all.

They feel that they are suffocating, trembling from the soul, that kind of depression is frightening, frightening, as if they are about to sink and completely become part of the darkness.

This is a desperate experience. They don't know how long they have sunk, and they don't know whether they have experienced life and death.

When the darkness shrinks and recedes, all living beings are paralyzed, they are gasping for breath, it is difficult to stand, and the whole person can't help being in a trance, like a serious illness.

"The Phoenix Nest is no longer the ancient Phoenix Nest, and the god generals are not the ancient god generals either. After going through the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, the human race is no longer the blood food it was in the past, and will not be slaughtered or threatened by others.

No one can threaten me, no matter what methods you use, you can't save the inevitable end. "

On this day, a sentence resounded through the starry sky, blowing across many star fields like the wind, which shocked people inexplicably.

"It's Luo, he's in the Xuantian Starfield!"

As soon as the news came out, there was a complete uproar. The Immortal Queen wanted to flatten the ancient road of the human race and kill hundreds of millions of living beings, thinking that she could bring flaws to Luo's Dao Heart.

But this is nothing more than the lowest level of means.

She has this strength, and indeed no one in the world can stop her. If she really wants to do it, she can completely wipe out the human race in the universe, killing blood to the sky.

As for Beidou's emperor soldiers?She was never afraid when she set off a dark and bloody era on Beidou, so how could she be afraid now.

In that era, she was indeed not afraid of anyone. There were eight groups of people, and she was a person who would become enlightened. She was also taken care of by an undead Taoist in secret. If there is no beginning to stop her in that life, she will really set off a boundless darkness.

But what she didn't know was that this time was very different, very different.

"Who can you kill with blood? Do you really think that this era is still ancient? The glory that belongs to you has long since passed away."

It was an old Taoist, carrying a hatchet on his back, bringing a middle-aged bearded man and an old man with yellow teeth, he descended into the Xuantian Starfield and spoke out publicly.

No one knows where that old Taoist came from, and no one has been to the Jiuzhong Emperor Pass.

But after the old man appeared, the spies from Youhuangchao yelled in horror, "The ones behind the Emperor Pass will become enlightened!!!"

"A person who will become enlightened?" People were stunned for a while, their eyes were full of surprises, "My human race also has a supreme master!"

Happiness came so suddenly that many people rushed to Xuantian Starfield.

But it didn't end there. After the woodcutter, someone else appeared.

It was an old god, and he led two strong men to appear in the Xuantian Starfield, and suppressed the breath of the enlightened man in the universe, which shocked many people.

"It's time to settle the grudges of the past." The old god didn't speak much, but his murderous intent was loud and loud.

At this point, the universe is boiling, attracting the attention of the world, and I don't know how many people's hearts are surging. They have never thought that there are so many strong people in the human race, and there are even two who will become enlightened!
"Is my human race so powerful..." Many people murmured, suspicious of life.

As we all know, the ranking of the human race in the universe is only a dozen or so. Although it belongs to the top, the strongest is the Great Sage, which has not changed for many years.

However, now, there are several quasi-emperors of the human race who have entered the Xuantian Starfield, and there are even two who will become Taoists.

Even Ye Fan gasped after hearing the news.

"My dear..." Long Ma and the others rolled their Adam's apples one after another, feeling their mouths dry.

"I remember that sick old man isn't dead yet... plus those from the old family, the human race can push the universe horizontally, right?!"

"Go, go to the Xuantian Starfield!" Ye Fan made a final decision, he felt his blood was boiling, he wanted to join the battle, bathe himself in the blood of all races.

This is the choice of many younger generations. The human race is powerful and unprecedented. If there is no accident, this battle will surely win. Many people want to participate in it and hone themselves.

At this moment, Huangchao.

The Immortal Empress had already stopped beating the drum, and under the huge Phoenix Nest, the army was densely packed, spreading into the depths of the universe like an endless dark cloud.

These are the tribes of all races, who were summoned to participate in the great battle.

But the Immortal Empress had no joy on her face, and her face was gloomy and frightening.

Even she didn't know that there was such a master hidden in the god organization that had been making small troubles all the time, and the development of the situation had far exceeded her expectations.

"There are so many people jumping out before I do it, if I do it, who knows what will jump out!"

At this moment, the Immortal Queen was depressed, her eyes were like two heavenly knives, terrifyingly sharp, no one dared to look at her, even the two great generals lowered their heads rarely.

"Luo's general situation has been achieved, let's endure it for a lifetime." Sun and Moon whispered.

"What do you say in the underworld?" The Immortal Queen said in a deep voice.

"Half of the phoenix blood." Sun Yue said.

"Half? Is the old ghost of the Underworld Emperor trying to make trouble?" The Immortal Empress held back her anger, and looked at Kuntian, "Where is Huo Sangxing? Luo killed his parents and children, is he still willing to bear it?"

Kun Tian hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Get lost..."

There was silence on the Phoenix Nest. Obviously, this was not Kuntian's original intention, but he was conveying the words of the old Jinwu.

The word "Roll" echoed continuously on the Phoenix Nest, almost causing the Immortal Queen's lungs to explode.

"Be patient, when we recover to the peak, the two generals are nothing to be afraid of." Sun Moon God General persuaded.

"Forbearance? Tell me to avoid Luo?! Come out after Luo's death?!" The Immortal Empress was silent, biting her red lips tightly with her white teeth, and her eyebrows were erected on her glamorous face, full of evil spirit.

Sun Moon and Kun Tian didn't speak, they only offered opinions and didn't participate in the final decision.

There was a sigh from the crowd below. An old man led a lame old horse and looked at it for a moment. Instead of recognizing each other, he turned around slowly and disappeared into the crowd.

I don't know if she felt something, but the Immortal Queen was slightly startled, and suddenly looked at the crowd there, but no matter how she searched, she couldn't find the person she wanted to see.

"Is it must be him, he is still here!" The Immortal Empress suddenly smiled, and regained her confidence. The phoenix robe and palace skirt were bright red and enchanting, with snowy muscles and fine bones, unparalleled in beauty and seductive.

"Even if it wasn't him, I wouldn't be afraid, and I wouldn't give in to a child!" Recalling the person who secretly shot him more than [-] years ago, she believed that that man was also in this world!
(End of this chapter)

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