The meaning of covering the sky is supreme

Chapter 522 Sacrifice the ancestor

Chapter 522 Sacrifice the ancestor
"Is it because of that world..."

No one answered, and another figure died. It was the combination of the two ancestors of the fairy and the devil. Their one body hugged a dark fairy emperor waiting to be sublimated, and ignited together with the other.

With such decisiveness, even the two great ancestors couldn't help frowning.

"Death is not the end, our will will continue to be passed on."

"God is defeated, but God will never die. As long as there is one person, he will inherit our hope and continue to guard the heavens and all spirits!"

It was Buddha and Dao. They worked together to restrain a dark immortal emperor, dragging the other party to sacrifice themselves without hesitation.

This is dedicated to that big world. They not only sacrificed themselves, but also sacrificed to the Dark Immortal Emperor.


"That's it!"

Two deep voices sounded, the spears were thrown across the sky, and the red-haired arms were raised. The two ancestors fought together to wipe out everything. They can no longer tolerate this kind of thing happening. They are their descendants and the future The successors, every Dark Immortal Emperor corresponds to an ancestor.

"Is it enough? We don't think so!"

During the battle in the distance, a dark immortal emperor was dragged by three figures and crashed into the sea of ​​offerings, causing boundless waves.

This scene made the aura of the two ancestors even more indifferent.


The spear came at an unimaginable speed, but a figure stepped forward and blocked the blow with itself.


Brother Di Gu and Ye Fan watched the last Emperor of Heaven fall, their eyes were tearing apart, obviously unfamiliar, but that man blocked the fatal blow of an ancestor for them.


Ye Fan screamed, feeling extremely guilty in his heart. He wanted to rush to another ancestor, but at the critical moment, the picture scroll beside them suddenly glowed, and all the lines on it completely lit up.

At the same time, the hazy small courtyard at the top also became clear, manifesting a vague figure in white.

It looked like an unconscious person, and also like a ghost. He stood in the small courtyard, looked up at the sky, and seemed to see where they were.

At this moment, whether it was the attacking red-haired arm or Ye Fan who wanted to rush out, they all stopped, like a suspended picture scroll.

But in the next moment, both he and Brother Digu were teleported away without any trace left, as if they had never appeared before.

"How could this be..." The moment before they left, they saw that the picture was blown away by a hand, and they didn't know where it fell.

"Why don't you let me go to the battle, even if I die again, I have no wishes and no regrets!" Brother Di Gu stared at his red eyes, wanting to fight back, but was stopped by Ye Fan.

"You are different from are really dead when you die..."

"What's the meaning?!"

In the middle of a large mountain, Brother Digu turned his head and looked at this junior with a complicated face. Back then, the other party was just a trembling ant in front of his eyes, looking at the black mist in the sky, but he couldn't breathe.

But, now, the opponent has also reached this level.

"Some things are inconvenient to say now, but we are all for the sake of the world." Ye Fan shook his head, apologetically.

That was Emperor Huangtian's idea, and he agreed, so he was also a participant.

But is this really right?Ye Fan thought of the previous scenes, and felt a little shaken in his heart.

Living is not because he is afraid of death, but because he is waiting for the right time. However, he has indeed lost his courage in doing so. If Luo is still alive, is he willing to do this?

Ye Fan suddenly became a little confused. The determination of one immortal emperor after another made him in a trance, knowing that he could not do it. In his current view, this is unwise.

However, it also reminded him of his former self. At that time, he was fearless and never backed down. He was full of vigor, moved forward indomitably, and defeated everything with an invincible heart.

"Why do I feel that I used to be reckless? Am I wrong? Without the me before, how can I be the me now? Am I denying myself...or am I old..."

Brother Di Gu was at a loss, looking at Ye Fan who disappeared, this person did lose a ray of vigor, it seemed that there was no change, but it had indeed been affected.

"Are we right..."

At this time, in a stone box under the Kunlun Mountains on Earth, there was a faint voice.

It can be vaguely seen that there are three different seeds in it, one is full, one is dry, and the other is half dry.

"Right or wrong is not important, the important thing is that we still have hope..."

A voice came from the shriveled seed, and even a blurry figure appeared. He looked outside, his eyes seemed to pass through all obstacles, and landed in the evil soil.

"A ancestor died...can't be resurrected..."

"The ancestor is dead? You killed the ancestor?!" A shocked voice came from the half-dried seeds.

But that figure did not speak, but became silent again, as if participating in that battle.

Indeed, Shi Hao is just a clone in the outside world, but his body is always watching everything.

At this moment, in that big world, the war is like a fire, and the world is destroyed, and thousands of mountains and rivers are destroyed.

This place is like another eternal time and space, isolated from everything, and possesses extremely strange abilities.

"I can't kill you..." The three ancestors looked at the two opposite people very solemnly.

They seem to have been fighting for a short time, but this level has exceeded people's imagination, but every breath seems to have gone through several epochs.

"No, this is the ability of this big world, like another ancestral land, which can keep her resurrected, but this resurrection is also consuming the power of this world!"

The three ancestors were very dignified, looking at the re-condensed pollen, "You are bound to this world, so you can be resurrected. If we blow up this world and turn everything into ashes, you will really die."

"It doesn't matter if I fall or die, but you have no chance."

Even Shi Hao is desperately trying, he can kill the ancestor, but the consumption is equally astonishing.

"Regardless of success or failure, this is the one action."


The brilliant sword light is endless, like the turbulent waves slapping in the eternal time and space, they illuminate the ancient and modern, like the brightest sacred light, illuminating this big world, everywhere, everywhere, and then instantly disappear For a huge sword cage, the three ancestors were temporarily imprisoned.


At this moment, the ancestors roared in unison, Huang paid a big price to trap them, the other party was too crazy, completely reckless.

"Silence with me!"

At this moment, Emperor Huafen was surrounded by a black halo, and rushed out in an instant. The halo was huge, like thousands of lines, and it seemed that the order and origin of the big world were intertwined.

But in the next moment, they bloomed an unprecedented sacrificial fire, the pollen was burning, the avenue was burning, and the origin of all things was also burning, and even the whole world turned into a black flame.

"Pollen..." Shi Hao whispered, dragging his tired body to appear in the sea of ​​offerings.

There is a kind of indomitable in that woman who ignores everything. She has never thought about herself, nor has she cared about life and death.

This scene moved him.

(End of this chapter)

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