Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 104 See the Empress Dowager 30

Chapter 104 See the Empress Dowager 30
As time went by, the temperature became lower and lower, Gu Xiaowu tightened the fox fur on his body, and felt lucky to bring thick clothes.

Ah Da, who was driving outside, also put on winter clothes. I heard that it snows all year round near the snow-capped mountains, and there is no distinction between spring, summer, autumn and winter.

During the month of traveling, Gun Gun still didn't figure out why Hu Bai could see him. He also wandered around Ada and others, and found that only Hu Bai could see him.

This kind of thing has never happened to the favorites in other worlds. Although it is very evil, I really can't find an answer, so I have to give up.

This month, the two also established a deep 'friendship'. Gun Gun doesn't reject Hu Bai as much as before, and Hu Bai also learns to take care of Gun Gun's little temper carefully.

Gu Xiaowu, who sees it in his eyes, often laughs and says that the way of getting along between a fox and a system is the way of getting along between young lovers.

Just as the friendship between Yihu and Yisystem warmed up, parting came.

Even sitting in the carriage, Gu Xiaowu could still feel the cold outside, and secretly said that the coldness of the snow-capped mountains is really not covered.

In the past few days, he just wandered around the snow-capped mountains without actually stepping in. Hu Bai seemed a little excited, probably because he was close to his home.

: Go ahead, scan where the fox group is, we will take Hubai back tomorrow.

Gun Gun glanced at Hu Bai, who was eager to try, and was a little bit reluctant, it's not easy to not feel so disgusted with it, right? It's time to say goodbye again.

Even if there is reluctance in his heart, Gun Gun will not try to resist Gu Xiaowu.

The topographic map of the snow mountain was passed into Gu Xiaowu's mind, and after a rough look, she locked her target in a valley surrounded by mountains.

If he died in the snow-capped mountains, Jiang Yu would definitely send someone to find the body, and then the location of the fox clan would be exposed...

After thinking for a long time, Gu Xiaowu still decided to take Ah Da in, and then just leave halfway.


Gu Xiaowu walked up to Ada and looked at the snow-capped mountain in the distance.

"Our final destination is over there."

Ah Da followed her gaze, and looked away after just one glance.



A thing that she thought was particularly difficult, she didn't know how simple it was until it actually happened.

The elders of the fox tribe sensed the aura of the fox, and sent several white foxes nearby to look for them, so they were surrounded by a group of white foxes as soon as they stepped into the snow mountain.

Hu Bai in Gu Xiaowu's arms looked at his family extremely excited, jumped out of Gu Xiaowu's arms and ran towards his family.

Gu Xiaowu and Ah Da Gungun watched this scene silently, and the white foxes around them were completely ignored by Gu Xiaowu.

Finally completed the task, you can leave here.

"Let's go back."

Ah Da agreed, supported Gu Xiaowu to retreat, and the white fox surrounding them consciously gave way to them.

Humans are indeed vicious, but they also know that not all humans are very vicious.

Hu Bai turned around and saw Gu Xiaowu's leaving back, ran towards her a few steps and bit her fox fur, sobbing.

Gu Xiaowu, who was pulled and stopped, couldn't bear to see Hu Bai like this, he knelt down and stretched out his hands to rub Hu Bai's little head, and said softly, looking at the white foxes who were looking at them.

"Your home is here, I promised you to take you home, right? Look..."

Gu Xiaowu hugged it and turned around to face the white foxes waiting behind it.

"Your family and friends are waiting for you."

Hu Bai looked up at the billow in the air, and whined as if asking for its opinion.

Seeing the tears welling up in its eyes, it rolled down and waved its little paws and hit it moderately.

"You, stay here well, and be a great hero in the future to lead your group to the highest point."

That day, Hu Bai saw the most beautiful scene in the world, even though it stood at the highest point in the end, the countless beautiful scenery it has seen cannot compare to that smile.

 It's over for today, and the next one is a side story.

(End of this chapter)

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