Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 111 The Mermaid Like a Song 5

Chapter 111 The Mermaid Like a Song 5
The male secretary discovered a big shocking secret - the boss was in a daze today, yes he was in a daze, looking out of the window in a daze, this has never happened before, he really wanted to record it with his mobile phone.

Considering his year-end bonus, the male secretary gave up this dangerous idea, glanced at the boss who was still wandering away, shook his head and slipped away holding the documents.

Go get busy, boss gossip is not so easy to read.


"who are you?"

The voice of the mermaid is really nice, looking into the depths of her eyes, it seems that you can see the churning waves in the depths.

The mermaid is the daughter of the sea and the most perfect creation of God.

His eyes fell on the constantly swinging blue fish tail and the fins stretched out in the water.

Hmm, it looks really good.

"My name is Xie Huiyu, how about you?"

The person on the opposite side hesitated for a long time, looking at him with timid eyes, before whispering for a long time.

"I am the princess of the mermaid clan, and my name is Gu Xiaowu."

Gu Xiaowu... read these three words silently in his heart, and a sense of familiarity emanated from his heart. Xie Huiyu looked at the seemingly innocent Gu Xiaowu with some doubts.

"You were in there the whole time?"

Xie Huiyu motioned Gu Xiaowu to look at the shells behind him. The shells in the water opened their shells as hard as iron. Gu Xiaowu turned his head to look at them and nodded.

"It will protect me."

"Can your tail turn into a foot? The balcony is not very safe."

Gu Xiaowu understood what he meant, if he stayed in the swimming pool all the time, he would be discovered sooner or later, but even the original owner didn't know if he could turn his tail into a foot.

"Xiao Wu, it's okay, as long as it leaves the water tail, it can become a foot."

It was that familiar voice again, Xie Huiyu looked straight into Gun Gun's eyes, and Gun Gun was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth and dared not speak.

Gu Xiaowu also saw this scene, seeing that he was still staring at the direction of the roll and stretched out his hand to him, looking at Xie Huiyu shyly.

"Well, can you help me?"

Xie Huiyu, who was still hesitating one moment, was attracted by Rou Yi in front of him the next moment.

The hands that have been soaked in the water for so long have no wrinkles, and are as smooth as jade.

Xie Huiyu gently held her hand, Gu Xiaowu jumped up from the water with Xie Huiyu's strength, the two of them were not ready for a while.

Thus, Xie Huiyu was successfully thrown down.

The two stared at each other, Xie Huiyu's shirt was already soaked in water, showing his figure without a doubt, his originally neatly combed hair became messy, and he was lying on the ground with his confused eyes open. There are three large characters of "seeking to be ravaged".

Gu Xiaowu was also stunned for a moment, not only the beauty in front of him, but more importantly, the changes in his body.

Because the only veil on her body was gone after the fish tail faded away, she is now naked.

The two are so close that you can even see each other's pores, but it's a pity that the other has no pores and the skin is so good.

"Aren't you going to get up?"

Gu Xiaowu was still thinking about how likely she was to be seen when she got up like this, Xie Huiyu's words seemed to have given her a blow in the head, she got up immediately before she had time to think about anything, the result can be imagined.


The male secretary who came out to make a cup of tea for the boss once again discovered a shocking secret—the boss blushed?The boss is blushing!What about the mobile phone? What about the mobile phone!

When the picture in my mind was still in a place that is not suitable for children, the flashing light outside the door interrupted Xie Huiyu's imagination for a moment.

Looking expressionlessly at the stunned male secretary outside the door, Xie Huiyu smiled and waved to him.

Come on, if I don't kill you today, my surname is not Xie.

 If you don’t understand the plot, you can ask the sauce (>ω<*)
(End of this chapter)

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