Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 113 The Mermaid Like a Song 7

Chapter 113 The Mermaid Like a Song 7
"Hello, boss?"


The male secretary has followed Xie Huiyu since graduation, and it has been five years now.

The boss in my memory is a workaholic, but he has a clean temper but has a good temper.

Today's boss is very strange, not only leaving early, but also calling himself during working hours, the key is not to speak.

What's wrong?Could it be... the boss was kidnapped! ! !
"Boss, what happened to you?"

Speaking of this, the male secretary lowered his voice mysteriously.

"Did someone kidnap you and ask for a ransom?"

Xie Huiyu, who was struggling with how to speak, was defeated by the other party's imagination.

With one hand stroking the frown that was frowning because of distress, the thin lips squirmed a few times but still couldn't say it, but he thought of someone who was hiding in the toilet and couldn't come out alive.

"What are you thinking, I... want... to make you..."


The male secretary swore that this was the first time he heard the boss speak so hesitantly, and the voice was getting smaller and smaller.

"Let you help me go to the underwear store to buy some sets of women's underwear and send them to my house."

The male secretary over there was stunned, and Xie Huiyu's ears were red and hot. He couldn't get a response from there for a long time. Xie Huiyu kept rubbing his forehead, feeling a little desperate.

"Did you hear that? This is your overtime pay at the end of the year. Send it to me before four o'clock in the afternoon."

The male secretary silently glanced at the time 3:40 on the computer.

I rely on! Boss, you are playing with me!

"Hey, where are you going, Secretary Lin? It's not off work yet."

The male secretary's surname is Lin and his name is Lin Huan. Everyone likes to call him Secretary Lin.

Lin Huanjiang hurriedly walked outside while looking at his watch.

"Boss wants me to buy something to send over, I'll leave before it's too late."

Lin Huan left everyone with a seemingly unrestrained back.

"Oh, it's good that Secretary Lin got off work early."

Moving the mouse, the person whose fingers were flying on the keyboard glanced at the time under the computer.

"We're almost there, we can leave after finishing this."

For a moment, there was only the sound of fingers tapping on the keyboard in the huge space.

Lin Huan bought all sizes of underwear with the perverted eyes of the shopping guide and walked to the door of Xie Huiyu's house.

Looking at the watch, the hands were exactly at four o'clock, Lin Huan exhaled a breath of turbidity in his chest, and rang the doorbell.

When the doorbell rang, Xie Huiyu and Gu Xiaowu were sitting on the sofa, and the other was standing timidly beside the TV cabinet in a loose shirt.

"Boss, I bought them all without telling you the size."

Lin Huan handed the bag to Xie Huiyu, not because he was brave, but because the boss blocked the door and refused to let him in.

It's not that Lin Huan is unreasonable to stay by Xie Huiyu's side for so long. If the boss refuses to watch it, he won't watch it. He can control his curiosity very well, which is why Xie Huiyu keeps him.

"Well, go to the finance department for reimbursement."

When Xie Huiyu took a step back and closed the door, Lin Huan saw the girl poking her head curiously.

The thigh-length shirt made the girl look very petite, and the most conspicuous thing was her silver-white long hair and blue eyes that were different from ordinary people.

Lin Huan was stunned at just one glance, and looked at her the moment the door closed.

In fact, Lin Huan is a lolicon, and Gu Xiaowu's small stature completely hits Lin Huan's cuteness, not to mention that conspicuous silver hair.

Lin Huan was inexplicably relieved when he realized that this was his boss's house.Fortunately, the boss didn't see it, otherwise it would be over.

Gu Xiaowu's pupils constricted when he saw the face of the person behind the door, and at the same time, the emotions welling up in his heart stimulated the secretion of normal saline.

It's you……

 Recommend a friend's "Sweetheart Wife: President, Secretly Petting"

  [Sprinkling sugar + Shuangjie + forming a group to pit the hero = doting on the heroine, feeling sorry for the hero's daily life]

  "Throw her down." He had been indifferent before.

  "Because you are worth it." He had been gentle.

  "You are the only one in my world." He once confessed.

  "Okay, I will fulfill you." He had once cut off his love.

  The flattered Xia Chengqi couldn't see clearly the heart of this indifferent CEO, "Mr. Ji, why are you so different?"

  "All my tenderness is just for you."


(End of this chapter)

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