Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 118 The Mermaid Like a Song 12

Chapter 118 The Mermaid Like a Song 12
Following Ruge's words, Gu Xiaowu closed his eyes and thought of the dress he tried on in the afternoon.

Xie Huiyu was still wondering if Gu Xiaowu closed her eyes because she was sleepy, and her body changed.

Yingying's bright light enveloped Gu Xiaowu's body, and the towel slid down at some point. Xie Huiyu subconsciously turned his head, but still couldn't help looking at it curiously.

The light turned into a light blue knee-length skirt, the skirt was very beautiful under the moonlight, just like Gu Xiaowu's tail.

Gun Gun was also stunned, it didn't even know that there was such an operation, and quietly stepped forward to touch it, the cold feeling was the same as touching a fish's tail.

"Wow! Xiao Wu is amazing."

Gu Xiaowu also came out of the meditation, the clothes on his body seemed to grow there naturally, and he didn't feel the slightest. If he hadn't seen Xie Huiyu's expression, he would have thought he had failed.

Looking up and accidentally bumping into Xie Huiyu's eyes, Gu Xiaowu lowered his head in inexplicable embarrassment, acting like a child.

"I... I just knew it could be done like this."

Gu Xiaowu, who realized that he had been led astray, was a little confused.

:Eh? ? ?Why am I like a mentally retarded person.

"Xiao Wu, haven't you noticed that your personality is very similar to the original owner in every plane? It's because you will blend into one with the original owner's original personality."

: ... You didn't tell me!
Gu Xiaowu, who found the reason, pushed the blame to this with peace of mind, and he was much more comfortable acting coquettishly.

"It's beautiful."

After getting the compliment, Gu Xiaowu lowered his head and pinched a corner with one hand and whispered shyly.

"Thank you."

Everything is because of the character of the original owner. Everything is because of the character of the original owner. Everything is because of the character of the original owner.

Gu Xiaowu, who had been in self-hypnosis for a long time, finally let go. At this moment, Gu Xiaowu was Ruge, and Ruge was Gu Xiaowu.


Gu Xiaowu got up early, sat obediently on the sofa and waited for Xie Huiyu to feed and go to work.

"Can I go with you?"

Being looked at by a pair of shining eyes is like a cat that has been abandoned at home, even Xie Huiyu can't say anything to refuse.

"I don't make trouble, it's just that the house is too boring, I can..."

Bei Zi bit her lower lip lightly, her beautiful eyes kept sneaking glances at Xie Huiyu at the door.

"Can I stay with you?"

Xie Huiyu, who was hit by Cupid, took Gu Xiaowu out with a flutter, and when he came back to his senses, he was already on the road, and the little girl was sitting in the co-pilot and looked at him obediently, even though her eyes were full of surprise, she still looked at her. Resist not to look outside.

Seeing such a little girl, I can't bear to let her stay at home alone, but...

Looking at the dazzling silver hair and eyes that are different from ordinary people...

"What's wrong?"

Gu Xiaowu tilted his head and looked at the troubled Xie Huiyu, alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Could it be that you want to send me back, I have to get close to Lin Huan, so hurry up and find a way!What should I do... By the way, try being cute.

Blinking his big eyes and looking at Xie Huiyu suspiciously, his silver hair slipping down his shoulders and hanging by his side with that curious face is like shooting Xie Huiyu in the heart again.

Xie Huiyu, who pretended to be calm, opened his eyes as if nothing had happened, and stared at the front seriously, as if I was going to drive seriously and don't bother me.


Silver hair is fine, different pupils are fine, people in country n are also different from people here, so it won't cause restlessness.

 Crab and Crab, Qing Zhichen's tip~\(≧▽≦)/~
  And I want to say something.

  Maybe everyone thinks that the heroine is a bit stupid, she doesn't look like a person who does a task at all, but it's her first time to do a task, although the setting is very clever, but after all, she is a person and not a god.

  And there is me, it is also my first time to write fast time travel, the heroine is stupid and I am also responsible for it.

  It is undeniable that some readers are right. I hope that if you give me some time, one day my article will show you a good article without a single flaw.

  Finally, the support of everyone, because of your concern, this article will never be pitted.

(End of this chapter)

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