Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 126 The Mermaid Like a Song 20

Chapter 126 The Mermaid Like a Song 20
Lin Huan and Ouyang Ya struggled to protect Gu Xiaowu into the company one after the other, but the group of crazy people were stopped by the security guards, and the flashing lights of the mobile phones held high were still flashing.

"It's all about you, you're still dawdling after getting out of the car."

"Me? It's not that you are pulling Xiaowu in the car, can Xiaowu be so slow?"

"If you didn't arrange security earlier, would we have been stopped outside and spent so much effort to get in? Look!"

Lin Huan pointed to Gu Xiaowu, who was crowded by the crowd with messy long hair.

"Xiaowu is the victim!"

Ouyang Ya was rendered speechless by Lin Huan's words, he snorted heavily and turned his head away.

Lin Huan seemed to be sounding the horn of victory, with obvious pride on his face, but with his messy curly hair and clothes, he looked like a child who had snatched candy.

Gu Xiaowu looked at this and then at that, and finally turned his head to look at the crazy crowd stopped by the security guards at the door, and then patted his chest in fear.

God, are fans so crazy? This is not my fan.

There was silence in the elevator again, but Gu Xiaowu seemed to be one spring and one winter.

Glancing at Lin Huan, who is covered in flowers on the left, and Ouyang Ya, who is covered with frost on the right, silently staring straight ahead.

Alas, children are noisy.


Gu Xiaowu lived up to expectations and became popular in N City with the song "The Sound of the Piano Is Like a King's Language". Everyone talked about the silver-haired woman in the mv sitting alone in the pavilion with her head bowed. Qianqian flicked the brisk tune with her fine fingers, with an indelible sadness in her eyes.

The microblog signed by 'Ruge' opened a big V and at the same time the number of fans increased crazily. In just one hour, it increased by several million in a straight line, and the trend is still growing at a rapid pace.

Lin Huan held up his mobile phone and took a picture of Gu Xiaowu's side face with his head down memorizing the words, and posted it without any words.

Because there is no definition of Gu Xiaowu's image, Lin Huan, as a Weibo agent, can't post some words, which is more likely to mislead fans.

Simply because Gu Xiaowu's good looks pass the test, the fans are very happy just by looking at his face.

"Like a song."

"Huh? Sister Ya."

Gu Xiaowu, who was memorizing the words, raised his head and bent his eyes when he saw the person coming.

"Drink some water."

Ouyang Ya brought a glass of water to Gu Xiaowu. This was her second job, an advertisement for a cup.

Gu Xiaowu took a sip of water, the phone turned on, and Ouyang Ya's eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Hey...hey, I forgot today. Well, I don't know...hehe, I remember I was just joking. I planned to call you after I finished shooting this one...No...well, I'm very happy...I asked ask……"

"Sister Ya."

Gu Xiaowu suddenly raised his head and looked at Ouyang Ya.

"Can I go home today?"

Facing those eyes full of hope, Ouyang Yan couldn't bear to refuse to nod.

"There is no important announcement tomorrow, so go back early today."

Sure enough, a smile bloomed on her face, and she became alive instantly.

"Well, Sister Ya said yes... Hey, are you coming to pick me up later? No, then I'll wait for you."

Gu Xiaowu hung up the phone and put it aside, his whole body became brighter, and he smiled cutely at the makeup artist.

The makeup artist was dazed by the smile, and when she came to her senses, the girl had already gone to shoot. The makeup artist picked up her phone and edited a Weibo with an excited heart to share.

"Ru Ge smiled at me, ah ~ thank my parents for supporting my career at the beginning ~"

After this Weibo was posted, there were a lot of talents in the makeup artist industry.

 Crab crab cute sister meow's tip ╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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