Chapter 14 (Pseudo)Twins 13
[Black box: Let's go to hell together, but this hell is not the other hell. ——Gu Xiaoxi]
The climate in N City is very unstable, the sun is still shining brightly in the morning, and when school is over in the afternoon, it is already overcast and overcast.

Xia Di folded her hands restlessly and looked at the raindrops that kept falling, cursing on her lips, took out an umbrella from her bag, opened it, and walked towards the dormitory.

The students who were still hiding from the rain chatted with the people beside them watching Xia Di disappear into the rain.

The windows of the dormitory were wide open, and the fierce wind was blowing like a devil, bringing raindrops down to the dormitory.

The lights above the head were flickering as if they were out of contact, Gu Xiaoxi sat at the table in a white dress with her head bowed.

Tick ​​tock.

The sound of water drops falling on the ground continued to resound.

"What the hell weather is annoying."

Xia Di cursed and opened the door of the dormitory and threw the umbrella outside.

The moment Xia Di opened the door, she smelled a faint smell of blood, which was fleeting.

"Gu Xiaoxi, what are you doing, what's wrong with this lamp, this school is really bad, I knew it earlier and asked Daddy to send me to another school."

Xia Di kicked the high-heeled shoes aside while cursing, walked barefoot to the edge of the bed and sat down.

Xia Di didn't react when her bare feet stepped on the cold and sticky liquid, until she touched her cold limbs on her bed, Xia Di slowly set her eyes on her bed.

Xia Di's pupils constricted when his eyes touched the red color.

Gu Xiaoxi walked behind her at some point and stuffed something in Xia Di's mouth to block Xia Di's scream that was about to burst out of her throat.

The disgusting smell of rust in her mouth made Xia Di's legs limp and she sat on the ground retching non-stop.

"vomit vomit."

Gu Xiaoxi squatted down and grabbed Xia Di's hair and dragged her closer to Xia Di's bed step by step.

"Xia Di, Liu Weian said she was so cold, she wants you to accompany her~"

Gu Xiaoxi's voice was like a poisonous snake, tightly wrapped around Xia Di's neck, making Xia Di feel suffocated.


Xia Di's face was slapped by Gu Xiaoxi, and she looked at the pair of eyes under the bed that were about to protrude.


Gu Xiaoxi covered Xia Di's mouth.

"Hush, keep your voice down and don't disturb others. This is a grievance between us."

Xia Di shook her head in horror, and looked at Gu Xiaoxi pleadingly.

The white clothes on Gu Xiaoxi's chest were stained dark red by the blood, and her short hair, which was blown by the wind, was already sticky with blood.

Blood dripped from Gu Xiaoxi's finger, and a bright red blood flower bloomed on the ground.

Gu Xiaoxi was unmoved, she sealed Xia Di's mouth and leaned into Xia Di's ear like an ambiguous murmur between lovers.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now."

"Xiao Wu, the heroine killed someone."


When Gun Gun told Gu Xiaowu, Gu Xiaowu and Xie Huiyu were working on a daily pig raising plan, and today was a seafood feast.

On Xie Huiyu's plate was a pasta, and the seafood was not touched at all.

Gu Xiaowu was a little surprised, the original heroine should not be so blackened, could it be
Gu Xiaowu remembered what he heard at Gu Xiaoxi's door a few days ago.

Gu Xiaowu couldn't help 'sympathizing' with these two people.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how poor the heroine is, she won't be able to be bullied by you guys, so she put her own life in it.

But Gu Xiaowu didn't care much about this matter, even if ten people died, as long as Gu Xiaoxi's luck is still there, it is impossible to go to prison.

"You don't like seafood?"

"I am allergic to seafood."

Gu Xiaowu looked at Xie Huiyu with his chin up and smiled, his long hair fell down and covered half of Gu Xiaowu's face, making Xie Huiyu unable to see Gu Xiaowu's expression clearly.

"Then what are you peeling?"

Xie Huiyu didn't even raise his head, and the movements of his hands went from jerky to proficient.

"Don't you like to eat?"

Gu Xiaowu's smile became brighter, and Gun Gun beside him was ashamed to watch.

Wasn't she still talking about the heroine's murder just now? Why did she suddenly change the channel?

Gu Xiaoxi locked Xia Di in the toilet, and whenever Xia Di fainted, Gu Xiaoxi woke Xia Di up.

From Xia Di's swearing at the beginning to her pleading with Gu Xiaoxi, she remained indifferent.

"Gu Xiaoxi, if I don't die, I will definitely take revenge on you!!!"

Gu Xiaoxi slowly stabbed the fruit knife in Xia Di's lower abdomen with the other hand holding Xia Di's throat, watching Xia Di's face distorted due to the pain in satisfaction.

The rain had stopped outside, and the moon was covered by thick dark clouds.

The darkness is like a monster with its bloody mouth open, trying to swallow all the light into its belly.

"The time is up, Liu Weian is still waiting for you, let's not make her wait too long."

Gu Xiaoxi pulled out the fruit knife, and bright red blood gushed out from the wound, staining Gu Xiaoxi's eyes red.

Gu Xiaoxi straddled Xia Di's body, frantically inserted the fruit knife into Xia Di's body and pulled it out again, tears kept falling and splashing on Xia Di's body and mixed with the blood once.

The sleeves that slid down with the movements revealed the unbearable marks on the arms, which stimulated Gu Xiaoxi's movements to become more fierce.

Gu Xiaoxi didn't stop until Xia Di was completely silent.

Looking at the bloody Xia Di below her, Gu Xiaoxi had a smile on her face that kept crying.

Gu Xiaoxi stood up staggeringly, all the places his eyes touched were blood red, and the strong smell of blood would not go away for a long time, but Gu Xiaoxi stood there motionless as if he hadn't smelled it.

Gu Xiaoxi looked at the darkness outside the window, the tears on his face had dried up, leaving two obvious tear marks.

After dragging Liu Weian out from under the bed, Gu Xiaoxi stuffed the two of them into the same box.

Putting the box aside, Gu Xiaoxi began to tidy up the room slowly.

The bloodstains were wiped off bit by bit, and when the night outside became darker, Gu Xiaoxi wiped off all the bloodstains and returned to the dormitory's original appearance.

Then Gu Xiaoxi changed the dirty skirt, took out the perfume and sprayed it on the dormitory for a long time, dragging the box out of the dormitory door as usual.

Gu Xiaoxi dragged the two hands that could hardly lift up and pushed the box deeper.

Watching the box fall into the pitch-black abyss, Gu Xiaoxi had no expression on his face.

"Goodbye, Xia Di and Liu Weian."

He took off the gloves on his hands and put them in his pocket together, then turned and left without nostalgia.

 I was about to cry when I wrote this chapter, I seldom read articles about killing people, and I really can’t think of it.


(End of this chapter)

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