Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 143 I Haven't Tell You I Like You Yet

Chapter 143 I Haven't Tell You I Like You Yet

Gu Xiaowu has been crying for an hour, and her crying echoed throughout the space, and it hasn't stopped since she came back.

Gun Gunsheng is nestled next to her, his ears drooping, and even the small corner between his forehead looks weak.

"Xiao Wu, don't cry..."

"But...but I haven't told him yet...I like him...every time he...he is a new life, and he won't remember me in the next plane...Why is he so stupid to give me back Block the knife, do you think the protagonist has the aura of the protagonist... this idiot... woah T^T"

His death caused him heart-piercing pain, so in the second plane, did he feel the pain of his own death, that's why he chose not to marry in his whole life and left early with him.


Gun Gun has never seen Xiao Wu like this. In its impression, Xiao Wu is a very rational person, and he can feel it from the first sight.

But ever since meeting Xie Huiyu in the second plane, Xiao Wu has become weird, and began to worry about when to leave, and even took the initiative to stay in the plane, why... is what they call love ?

Love makes people stupid?Become indecisive?That was too scary.

Gun Gun can't wait to throw Xiao Wu into the plane immediately, but if she is thrown into the plane in her current condition, she is afraid that something will happen.

While Gun Gun was still worrying about what to do, the space distorted for a moment, and then the whole world became quiet. Gu Xiaowu lay on the bed with his face hugging the quilt, and the water drops from the flowers on the table stopped in mid-air when they dripped.

Almost everything is suspended in time, except roll.


Looking at the man who suddenly appeared, Gun Gun was a little dazed.

Xie Huiyu?Isn't it an NPC in the plane?How would it appear here?Headquarters short circuited?
"Scroll? There is something interesting in your body."

The man was wearing an ancient black robe, with a crown of hair standing upright, a smile appeared on his incomparably handsome face, and he looked at Rolling Jokingly.

"Thank you...Xie Huiyu?"

: Idiot, he is Lord Lord God's younger brother, Lord Lou Xiao!Be careful with your words!

The words of 12139 made Gun Gun a little confused. Is Xie Huiyu the younger brother of Lord God?Then why is he in every plane?What is this new rule?

"You can't get close to Xiao Wu."

Gun Gun stood in front of Gu Xiaowu, even if the other party was his superior's younger brother, Gun Gun would swear to defend his host to the death, but it was useless.

Xie Huiyu glanced at Xiaotuo's Gun Gun, but he didn't know what happened, so Gun Gun was frozen.

Bypassing the extremely embarrassing rolling, Xie Huiyu came to the bedside, and when his black eyes touched the wet tears on her cheeks, her heart throbbed violently.

He leaned down, printed a kiss on her forehead, and whispered against her forehead, the tenderness in his eyes was no one could see.

"I'm sorry, but I actually know. I heard you said you like me too. Don't feel guilty. We'll see you next time."

As if hearing his words, Gu Xiaowu's frowning brows slowly relaxed, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xie Huiyu rubbed her soft cheek with his thumb to wipe off the tears on her face, and reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Can't stay here for too long, this is Gu Xiaowu's soul space. If there are two souls in it, she will collapse.

"Don't tell her I've been here."

Looking at the empty space in front of him, he felt helpless.

There needs to be evidence for this, eh, by the way, what did he say in my body just now? ? ?

 The main god who has never met before: without such a spoiler 〒_〒

(End of this chapter)

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