Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 149 Mid-Autumn Festival Visit

Chapter 149 Mid-Autumn Festival Visit
"Ahem, welcome to the annual Mid-Autumn Festival visit. Today we invited classmate Xiaowu and her boyfriend Xiaoyu to give us a round of applause."

So the audience applauded meaningfully.

"Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, the moonlight is also very mellow..."

The audience in the audience impatiently threw eggs and yelled.

"Don't force me! We want Xiaowu to talk! And Yue Yueyuan is mentally retarded!"

Wujiang held the question-and-answer card aggrieved.

"Excuse me, Xiao Wu, what would you like to say to those cuties who say you're stupid?"

Xiaowu raised his eyes lazily, his gray eyes looked at the cute face of Wujiang, and showed his paws.

"Hit until you are served."

"Hey, daughter-in-law..."

Classmate Xiaoyu held Xiaowu's paw, and said softly.

"It can't be so violent, what should I do if I frighten the children..."

Turnip sauce, who was hiding behind the sofa, nodded in agreement.

"If you want to fight, I will fight, otherwise what will my wife do if I am tired."

The audience was quiet, and Wu Jiang smiled awkwardly.

"Hahaha, you two are really humorous. Let me tell you what Xiaoyu likes about our classmate Xiaowu."

Xiaoyu looked intently at Xiaowu in his arms.

"Eyes, nose, mouth, every cell in the whole body likes it."

"Then, who did Xiaowu and your mother save when they fell into the water?"

"Xiaowu, my mother can fly."

"Aj or Xiaowu, who is more important."

"Xiaowu, if AJ wants to step on me, I'll buy a hundred pairs and throw it on the ground for you to step on."

"There's a big-breasted beauty sitting on your lap..."

"Impossible, why let her sit on my lap, with so many bacteria on her body, did my wife agree with it? No woman, stay away from me."

Wu Jiang was dumbfounded, glanced at the card in his hand and silently put it away.

"Okay, the question-and-answer environment is over, and the next step is the tacit understanding test. I will ask you a question, and you two will write the answer on the answer list, okay?"

Xiaowu and Xiaoyu glanced at the answer board and nodded.

"Okay~ May I ask which plane the two of you remember the most?"

After the two finished writing, they showed the board together.

Student Xiaowu wrote about the mermaid, and student Xiaoyu wrote about the college.

"Describe each one."

"Because I lost him that time, I didn't want to experience that feeling again, so I warned myself not to make that mistake again."

Xiaowu sat up straight, frowning and pursing his thin lips.

Everyone in the audience wiped their tears silently, and Wu Jiang glanced left and right, secretly said: It's over, I arranged this plot, so I have to change the subject quickly.

"What about you? Classmate Xiaoyu."

Classmate Xiaoyu thought of something, blushed strangely, and coughed lightly.

"because of U.S……"

Shyly glanced at classmate Xiaowu, lowered his head and smiled foolishly.

After smoothing the goosebumps on his arms, Wu Jiang couldn't bear it anymore and walked forward.

"Okay, that's it. Our Mid-Autumn Festival interview program is over here. Welcome everyone to call us. Our phone number is 13812345678. Just let us reveal more secrets in the next program, Jiumi~"

After the show,
Xiaowu cast a glance at Xiaoyu, who was full of enthusiasm, stretched out his hands and twisted his ears viciously.

"what are you thinking!"

"No, daughter-in-law."

Classmate Xiaoyu smiled flatteringly, completely losing the dominance in front of the screen.

Wu Jiang silently stood next to the two of them, holding the dog food and chewing slowly.

Well, today's dog food is still so fresh.

 This should count as a chapter~

  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone who lives with your family~

  More votes for Jiang Jiang hehe (>ω<*)
(End of this chapter)

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