Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 151 School Doctor, I Like You 7

Chapter 151 School Doctor, I Like You 7
When the results were announced, many people saw a joke.

Wen Ruolin, who was admitted as an exception, was ranked outside the twentieth place. Wen Ruolin, who had always had the advantage of excellent grades, saw this result and couldn't accept it. She turned and pushed away the crowd behind her, covering her face and rushing out the door. She was stopped at the door.

"Hey, isn't this Wen Ruolin, our special case student, why is she so sad, she must have done well in the exam."

Wen Ruolin looked up, the girl who was at the door of the dormitory before came to make trouble again, this girl came from the small family, her name was Cao Xue.

Although the family is not as good as those on the ranking list, it is definitely comparable to Wen Ruolin's well-to-do family. The inexplicable dislike for Wen Ruolin and sense of superiority prompted Cao Xue to keep looking for trouble.

Wen Ruolin didn't speak, she lowered her head and tears kept falling as if she had been wronged a lot, such a lovely and pitiful appearance made Cao Xue seem very strong.

In the eyes of others, they would probably feel sorry for this weak girl, but all the children present were from the family, and almost all the mistresses raised by her father were soft, weak, white lotus-like girls like her. It's strange to like it.

But this is relative to girls. In the eyes of boys, Wen Ruolin's appearance really makes them want to protect.

Under the shade of the tree, Gu Xiaowu stood there watching the scene from afar.

"This heroine collapsed a bit, can you find out why?"

"Her parents held a banquet before school started, and then she drifted away."

Probably because he was overwhelmed by the polite words at the banquet.

During the talk, there has been a new trend there.

Cao Xue looked at the two people in front of her, feeling as uncomfortable as if she had swallowed a stool.

"Xu Rong, what are you doing here? Do you want to stand up for her?"

The Xu family is just a baby son, he is too used to it, he is known as a playboy in this circle, no one is willing to marry his daughter to him, but the Cao family has no choice but to ration their daughter to him because of the favor of the Xu family. Xu Rong.

And Cao Xue is that person.

"Cao Xue, what do you mean by bullying a girl, go back quickly, don't lose this person."

Cao Xue laughed back angrily, and glanced at Wen Ruolin who shrank behind her.

"It's preventing you from picking up girls, isn't it? I'll leave right away."

If it falls into Xu Rong's hands, life might be worse than death, Cao Xueru thought of it and turned around with a mocking smile.

"Are you OK."

Wen Ruolin shook her head, pulled her hand back and carefully glanced at Xu Rong, then quickly lowered her head, her eyes were as red as a frightened little rabbit from crying.

Xu Rongchang is not bad at flirting with girls, nor is he bad at flirting with girls, he has done a good job of coaxing Wen Ruolin.

"Don't blame Cao Xue, she just has a bad temper. Next time she comes to trouble you, come to me."

"Okay, thank you, senior."

Gu Xiaowu couldn't hear the conversation over there, and only saw Wen Ruolin shyly ran away after saying something, and Xu Rong standing under him looked at her back with a sweet smile on his face.

Smash it, smash your mouth, and quickly hid behind the tree when Xu Rong looked over, successfully avoiding Xu Rong's gaze.

It's time to discuss with the teacher about moving the dormitory.

Gu Xiaowu, who left, didn't see a tall figure standing there in a small window on the second floor of the teaching building, looking at her all the time.

In a white coat and black trousers, he looked at her with unblinking black eyes, which contained too much tenderness.

Got you.

 Wen Ruolin: This is not my true level.

  Xiao Wu: No, this is it.

(End of this chapter)

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