Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 167 School Doctor, I Like You 23

Chapter 167 School Doctor, I Like You 23
The pure white snowflakes drifted down and instantly turned into drops of water when they landed on Xiao Mo's hair, and the two shadows on the ground kept interlacing and separating.

"What are you doing with me?"

Xiao Mo stood under the streetlight, his shadow was dragged very long, and the boy followed behind him step by step like a shadow.

He glanced at Xiao Mo and lowered his head without speaking, as if he was thinking about something.

The dagger in his hand was still dripping with blood, and his clothes were also covered in blood. Only your face was not stained with blood, just like himself...

Xiao Mo stared at him indifferently for a second, then turned around and continued walking forward, but the boy didn't catch up and looked at his back in confusion.

Just as his back was about to melt into the night, the boy moved.

"I want to become stronger."

Xiao Mo smiled slightly as he looked at those eyes that had no ripples as if they were dead.

"Wait for me at Chengtian Academy tomorrow, if you can't get in, then don't follow me."

People are still alive but their hearts are dead. It seems that this kind of person is what my father said... the best weapon.


"Brother, where have you been?"

Xiao Sheng stood at the door and looked at Xiao Mo worriedly. Just now Xiao Mo went up to the fifth floor with the medicine but never came down. Worried, she ran to the fifth floor Xiaowu but said she hadn't seen him.

There was a vague smell of blood around the tip of his nose, Xiao Sheng grabbed Xiao Mo's hand and said nervously.

"Bro, are you hurt?"


Xiao Mo gently broke free from her shackles, his eyes did not rest on Xiao Sheng, and he went straight to his room without squinting.

When passing by him, the smell of blood became stronger, Xiao Sheng stood there and looked at him worriedly, and then sighed helplessly until his figure disappeared behind the door.

I don't know if it's right to encourage him to chase after Xiaowu, but I've made myself like this in just a few days.

You must know that every time there is a fight, it is me who runs ahead, because my brother thinks that fighting is a waste of time, and he is too lazy to do it.

As the cold wind blew, Xiao Sheng shivered and hurried back to the room with his arms folded.

It's so cold, why do I wear so little.


On the street, the blood-covered boy stood with his head bowed. The blood on the dagger had dried up, and the blood on his shirt was also clotted.

But he stood there motionless with eyes lowered, like a sculpture, the snow gradually covered his thin shoulders.

In fact, he saw that when Xiao Mo killed people, when that fresh life disappeared, Xiao Mo's eyes were dead, dim and very calm, as if he was just playing a game.

So he moved, the feeling of blood spurting out was very good, it made him feel as if he was still alive for the first time, not the kind of forced living to protect his sister, but really living for himself!

Blood is a different kind of drug, as long as he is infected, he can't quit, but he is still too weak, he must find someone to rely on, and Xiao Mo, the young master of the Xiao family is the best to rely on.

The boy moved his stiff fingertips, raised his head and looked at the direction Xiao Mo was leaving, his dark pupils were full of ghosts, and he took a long time to move slowly.

At first he staggered and almost fell, but he stabilized his figure and hid the dagger on his body.

It was very strenuous to walk with stiff joints, the boy clenched his teeth and stepped forward firmly step by step.

Xiao Mo, here I come.

(End of this chapter)

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