Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 173 School Doctor, I Like You 29

Chapter 173 School Doctor, I Like You 29
Because the driver and housekeeper were on leave, Xie Huiyu drove the car.

Gu Xiaowu sat quietly on the passenger seat with his head down, holding the roll and fiddling with it.

Seeing Gun Gun's somewhat nondescript horns and tail, he turned to look at Xie Huiyu.

"Isn't Gungun a system? Why does it look so different?"

Rolling like four: ...

"The new system will change its image as it is upgraded. Rolling Roll is only the first stage. From the second stage, it can change any shape at will."

"It's so powerful."

Gu Xiaowu held Gun Gun in front of his eyes in surprise, thinking of Hu Bai from the previous plane.

"Can the person behind the face see it?"


Xie Huiyu replied patiently, parked the car in the waiting area and looked at the red light over there, then turned to look at Gu Xiaowu who had turned into a curious baby.

"There is also a possibility that that person does not belong to that plane in the first place, and such a person can see Gun Gun, except for those who travel through."

Speaking of this, the red light just turned into a green light, and Xie Huiyu drove forward.

"The person who crossed over should be a person from that plane. It may be that the chaos of the plane caused them to go to another plane. When they were young, the plane could not detect it. When they grow up, the aura is strong, and the plane will be aware of it." Try every means to expel outsiders, which is what you think of as death crossing."

"Oh~ In fact, there is no time travel at all, it's just going back to 'home', right?"


Xie Huiyu didn't continue talking, but looked into her surprised eyes.

"Here, there should be no one at your house, let's go say hello to the butler."

"it is good."

Gu Xiaowu put on the scarf, took a deep breath and opened the car door.

Gu Xiaowu was wearing a red plush coat, lined with a pure white sweater, a long plaid skirt that covered his slender legs, and had cute gloves on his hands. With that small face, he was simply very cute kid.

The cold air came in instantly, making Gu Xiaowu shiver.

Winter really hurts.

The housekeeper has always followed Xie's father. His wife passed away when he was young, and he never remarried or left a child.

In previous years, I spent the Spring Festival with Xie's parents. This year, because of the heavy snow, the planes were canceled and the two did not come back.

After stepping into Xie's old house, Gu Xiaowu knew who 'Carter' was.

Looking at the giant Alaska wagging its big fluffy tail and panting with its tongue, Gu Xiaowu was silent.

So that day, did Xie Huiyu pet him like a dog?

After visiting the old man, the two of them stood outside the gate of Xie's house, and snow began to fall outside at some point, decorating this world into a beautiful fairy tale world.

Gu Xiaowu remembered that Xiao Sheng said that her home was also in this community, so it didn't seem very far away.

"How about, let's go to senior sister's house to pay New Year's greetings."

Even if some people don't want their daughter-in-law to see that person, they don't want to spoil her interest.

When the two arrived at Xiao's house, they were told that the young master and miss had been taken away by the master, and they didn't know where they were going.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to go back home. Before going back, Gu Xiaowu went to the supermarket to buy a lot of junk food and went back.

No one knows whether Gu Xiaowu, who was giggling while holding the food, had considered his weight.

Xiao Sheng, who was supervising someone in every possible way bored somewhere, made a beep on his cell phone.

Little Angel: Sister, I came to your house but you were not there, then we will see you at the beginning of school, happy new year.

Xiao Sheng wailed and lay down on the chair and didn't move. The few people over there took a look and turned their heads to do their own things.

Miss mental retardation is not a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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