Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 185 School Doctor, I Like You 41

Chapter 185 School Doctor, I Like You 41
In the end, together with the school's teachers, they sent Wen Ruolin to the Public Security Bureau. Xiao Sheng also wanted to take Wen Ruolin back to have a good time, but so many people saw it, it was not easy to take it away, and people would criticize her. Although the Xiao family is not afraid of this thing.

"Student Xiao, Student Gu, is she okay, why don't you take her to the hospital."

A female teacher supported her shoulder with one hand, frowning worriedly.

She saw that day that the situation of the unconscious Gu Xiaowu was indeed not optimistic when he was taken away.

"It's okay, teacher. My family has a professional doctor who is more professional than the hospital. Don't worry."

Xiao Sheng took out his phone and clicked on a dialog box.

Sheng: OK, but Xiaowu's condition is not very good. I don't know what he was injected with.

Xie Huiyu looked at the information on his mobile phone, and turned his head to glance at the four happy people behind him.

Xie: I haven't been able to come back yet. I'm afraid her parents will worry if they don't hold her steady. Don't worry, she can get through this difficult time.

Regarding that thing, Xie Huiyu also has a bottom line in his mind, but just because he can't go back doesn't mean he can't make trouble and bully my wife?I will let you sit in prison.

Looking at the sunny sky, Xie Huiyu sighed.

Xiaowu, I believe in you.

Over there, Xiao Mo was writing the inspection report tightly with his hand, and his face was rarely angry.

"What is it, brother?"

Xiao Sheng anxiously snatched the crumpled one from his hand, and could only vaguely see a few words: caroline.

"Damn, it's really cheap for Wen Ruolin! She should really let her have a taste of that."

After crumpling the report and throwing it into the trash can, Xiao Sheng cursed in a low voice.

Liang Yu also saw the report. He was the one who brought the report. He couldn't tell what he was feeling. He seemed a little happy but not at all.

Pursing his lips and looking at the decadent Xiao Mo over there with his head hanging down, he felt very uncomfortable.

The atmosphere in the room was very low for a while, so no one saw the person on the bed trembling his eyelashes, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Looking blankly at the unfamiliar furnishings around him, he wanted to sit up, only to find that his whole body was limp and without any strength.


"Xiaowu! You're awake, is there any discomfort?"

Xiao Sheng was the first to climb up, followed by Xiao Mo and Liang Yu standing behind Xiao Mo.

After looking over the faces of the three of them one by one, he returned to Xiao Sheng who was at the front. Gu Xiaowu shook his head, opened his mouth to speak, and found that his throat seemed to be on fire.

Silently closing his mouth and shaking his head, he raised a smile, probably very weak.

Xiao Sheng stretched out his hand along her hair to comfort her distressedly.

"It's okay, it'll be fine after a while."

Gu Xiaowu lowered her eyes, and she also knew what Xiao Sheng meant when she said that it took a while. Last night, the floating feeling didn't disappear until midnight, and she fell asleep exhausted.

After falling asleep, she returned to the soul space. Gun Gun wanted to terminate the mission because the original owner was infected with caroin, which would not be conducive to completing the mission, but Gu Xiaowu refused.

If Xie Huiyu came back and saw his own cold corpse...

Unable to twist Gu Xiaowu, Gun Gun had no choice but to put her back.

Seeing that none of them seemed to want to get water, Gu Xiaowu could only speak silently.

I want to drink water.

"Huh? Xiaowu, what did you say?"

Xiao Sheng had a blank look on his face, while the other two were also blank, and Gu Xiaowu was silent.

Are these three people really going to be the big bosses in this area in the future? Is it really okay to be so stupid?

(End of this chapter)

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