Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 187 School Doctor, I Like You 43

Chapter 187 School Doctor, I Like You 43
Gu Xiaowu didn't wake up that day, except for opening his eyes unconsciously during the attack.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowu is in a state of chaos, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, without end.

Gu Xiaowu's face was a little ugly. She had been walking here for a long time, but she never came to the end, and the surrounding scenery did not change.

Sitting down where he was, Gu Xiaowu began to think about why he was here.

If I remember correctly, she was performing a mission in the plane, and the hostess Wen Ruolin injected caroline a few days ago, so she died?Then this is not her soul space, could it be...

Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in front of him, Gu Xiaowu stood up and quickly moved towards that side.

If it is here, as long as you find her, you can definitely leave here.

The light faded, and the girl stood quietly on the lake in a white dress, exuding holy light all over her body, and circles of ripples appeared under her feet.

It was only then that Gu Xiaowu realized that he had been standing on the surface of the water, while the bottom was bottomless.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, and quietly looked at Gu Xiaowu with a peaceful smile on her face.

"you are?"

"My name is Lin Luo."

"Why are you here?"

Lin Luo walked in slowly and stopped in front of Gu Xiaowu.

The exact same appearance, as if a mirror reflected a different self.

"I'm here to help you get out. Your current situation is not optimistic. If you can't get out of the plane, the 'I' will die, and you will be trapped here forever."

"Where is this place?"

Gu Xiaowu had many questions in his mind, for example, if I help you change the ending, where did you go?Why can you come back, where is this place?Why is there no end? Did you come here to prove that your mission is complete and you want to go back?
But Lin Luo didn't give her a chance, she just tapped on her forehead, and she lost consciousness. At the last moment, Gu Xiaowu heard Lin Luo say softly.

"Replace me and live."

The sadness contained in it was beyond Gu Xiaowu's comprehension.

Someone was crying next to his ear, a suppressed cry, Gu Xiaowu frowned, and gradually opened his eyes.

The sudden blinding light made Gu Xiaowu close his eyes a little uncomfortable, and when he wanted to raise his hand to cover it, he felt weak all over.

"Brother! Xiaowu is awake."

Xiao Sheng bluffed and said such a sentence with an obvious crying voice, which made Gu Xiaowu a little ashamed.

This is not the character design of Senior Sister Gao Leng, it suddenly collapsed.

There were some messy steps, and then there seemed to be an extra person beside him, because his gaze was very hot.

Finally, Gu Xiaowu, who got used to the light, opened his eyes, and what he saw was Xiao Sheng's face, which was very close.

Gu Xiaowu felt that this was too scary, and he could pass out again.

"Xiaowu, you finally woke up!"

Xiao Mo stood beside the bed with no expression on his face but he could still find some clues from his slightly moving eyes.

Liang Yu stood at the end of the bed, his eyes never fell on Gu Xiaowu, he just looked at Xiao Mo stubbornly.

According to Xiao Sheng, he had been in a coma for nearly half a month, and he was always unconscious and talking nonsense until he passed out completely a few days ago and never woke up again.

Gu Xiaowu was slightly startled, had he been in a coma for so long after walking around in that space a few times?And that feeling has only been experienced twice, and I have arrived in that space, so whether it is protection or imprisonment...

(End of this chapter)

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