Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 198 Sir, Please Check, Your Zombie Girlfriend 9

Chapter 198 Sir, Please Check, Your Zombie Girlfriend 9
In the middle of the night, Ariel was sick, her forehead was hot and her mouth was still talking nonsense.

Picking her up and placing her on the other side of the bed in the bedroom, Gu Xiaowu turned around and explained to Gu Xiaocheng.

"You look at her here, don't bite her, don't touch her, don't wake her up, don't let her down, stay in this room and don't go out, you know."

Having said so much, Gu Xiaocheng tilted his head, blinked cutely at Gu Xiaowu for a long time, and then nodded slowly.

Looking at Gu Xiaocheng who is so cute and silly, Gu Xiaowu sighed, hoping he really understands, it seems that he has to go and go back quickly.

Putting on his coat, Gu Xiaowu closed the door and quickly went downstairs.

Ariel kept talking nonsense, and Gu Xiaocheng, who was sitting beside her, moved over curiously and reached out to touch her, but when he was about to touch her, he recalled Gu Xiaowu's words and withdrew his hand back.

Qian'er in his arms also felt the breath of a stranger, but unfortunately she couldn't sit up and could only speak anxiously.

"Ho ho (Gege, are you working?)"

"Ho ho (Yeah, came in this morning, but I'm sleeping now.)"

"Ho ho (do you want to take a look at it deliberately?)"

"Ho ho (Okay, I'll pick you up.)"

Holding Qian'er upright, Qian'er blinked curiously at the flushed Ariel.

"Ho Ho (Tower's hair is chopped off.)"

"Ho ho (Me too.)"

"Ho ho (look up to her deliberately.)"

"Ho ho (sister, it seems that she wants to raise her.)"

"Ho ho! (Taiwan number!)"

Neither of the two zombies could wake up Ariel by saying ho ho.

Gu Xiaowu over there took a few minutes to find a sack, went to the pharmacy and put all the medicines in the sack, and went to the mall to pack food and clothes.

There's no way, Ariel looks like she's only 15 years old, and Ariel can't fit her clothes.

It took only 10 minutes, and Gu Xiaowu came back with the sack on his shoulders. He felt like he had eaten spinach and he was out of breath carrying the sack on the [-]th floor.

He found a few pills to swallow and put them in her mouth, took a few more sips of water and watched her swallow the pills, then Gu Xiaowu put the water beside him and dragged the sack to pack up his things.

After packing Ariel's clothes into the closet, Gu Xiaowu turned around after seeing another piece of clothing in the sack.

"Brother, bring Qian'er here."

Gu Xiaocheng raised his head, hugged Qian'er, got out of bed and walked over.

After taking over the soft little Qian'er, Gu Xiaowu untied the baby clothes from Qian'er's body.

"Ho Ho (>ω<*)."

Qian'er likes this sister very much, but she doesn't take her for a long time and occasionally hugs her, but she has to seize the time to be cute.

There was a silver lock hanging around Qian'er's neck, Gu Xiaowu lifted the lock and took a look, and there were three words 'Zhou Qian'er' engraved on the silver lock.

"So your surname is Zhou."

Quickly put on her clothes, carried her back to Gu Xiaocheng, and continued to pack her things.

When the sky was slightly bright, Ariel woke up slowly, clutching her head that was throbbing with headache, Ariel realized that she was covered with a quilt.

Looking along the quilt, Gu Xiaowu sat motionless by the french window with his back to her, not knowing what he was looking at, his soft long hair didn't look like a brutal zombie from the back.

"Ho ho!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ariel's relaxed body immediately tensed up.

Turning his head slowly, he saw two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, staring at him.


(End of this chapter)

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