Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 253 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 27

Chapter 253 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 27
It's a pity that Ouyang Chen still underestimated Xie Huiyu's determination to find fault. After the opening, there were many studios who came to see it, but there were very few people who bought it.

When everyone saw the cemetery behind them, they were unwilling to look any further. Just kidding, who would be willing to buy an office building near the cemetery is not a fool.

Gu Xiaowu ran up and down day and night, and he didn't even have time to reply to the messages. His cheeks that were originally thin were gone, and they were thin and beautiful.

Xie Huiyu looked distressed and punished Ouyang Chen to death, and the cemetery was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. Many people who had bought it asked to return it instead of renting it. People who came to see it ran away as soon as they saw the cemetery behind them. Yes, it was a miserable time.

Ouyang Chen's black hair turned white with worry, his original high-spirited appearance no longer existed, replaced by a man who looked like an old man.

"President, just now someone called to say that they want to return the rented place in Xincheng District."

"Tell him that after signing the contract, you can pay liquidated damages if you return it. No matter who is checking out, he will say so."

In the past few days, such calls have been made almost all the time, and they are all from the same person, asking for a refund of the lease with various provocative questions.

The assistant who answered the phone outside was newly recruited, and having to report any calls made Ouyang Chen even more stressed. Every time he saw her stupid look, he wanted to fire her and call Gu Xiaowu back, but Gu Xiaowu Now in charge of running business and attracting people, Gu Xiaowu was not the only one who was actually excluded.

Ouyang Chen looked out of the window, his face was full of exhaustion, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes were faintly visible, and his eyes were full of exhaustion and bloodshot eyes.

The company is almost unable to continue to operate. Just selling this place can't be invested in the company's operation at all. The current Ouyang Group is like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

—This is the dividing line—

The chirping of cicadas in summer is very noisy even in the middle of the night.

"You should resign too."

"Well, when he started laying off staff."

"You can't resign yourself."

"Just resign by yourself, how about Xiao Qingqing?"

Not wanting to talk too much with Xie Huiyu on this issue, Gu Xiaowu changed his mind and covered the document in his hand, leaned on the chair and closed his eyes and said.

"Recently, she comes back very late every day, and her complexion is not good after she comes back. Did you bully her?"

Xie Huiyu called out his grievances, and it's really not his fault.

"I always get off work on time, and every time I get off work, she is no longer there. It seems that she followed Jiang Lin."

Gu Xiaowu knew about Xiao Qingqing's matter, but he just purposely found a topic to change, and the two of them talked about other things in a random way until late at night before hanging up the phone reluctantly.

Gu Xiaowu rubbed his forehead tiredly, this plane is four years older than Xie Huiyu, Xie Huiyu turned into a milk dog in a second, extremely clingy.

It was okay at first, but later on I started to stick to the phone infinitely, otherwise I would get angry.

"Has Xie Huiyu's IQ regressed?"

Gu Xiaowu looked at Rolling who was holding the cake and chewing on it, curled his lips in disgust, and continued.

"You're fat again."

Inexplicably, Gun Gun, who was personally attacked, ate the last bite of the cake with great aggrievedness, urging him in a low voice.

"Obviously I only ate three percent full every day."

Gu Xiaowu rolled his eyes, covered the quilt and closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

With such an interruption, Gu Xiaowu also forgot to ask Gun Gun just now.

In fact, mental retardation is contagious.

(End of this chapter)

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