Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 257 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 31

Chapter 257 Overbearing CEO, Please Get Out 31
Two months after Gu Xiaowu left, Ouyang Group began to lay off a large number of employees.

The little assistant was the first to be laid off, don't ask Gu Xiaowu how he knew.

Glancing at the crying little assistant who came out of the Ouyang Group's building with a suitcase in his arms, he withdrew his eyes and lay comfortably in someone's arms.

"You brought me here to see the beauties in his company?"

"No, I was passing by."

Xie Huiyu snorted proudly and turned his head away, but his bare hands, which wanted to hold her tightly, clasped together with ten fingers.

"Then let's go, didn't we say we want to see the progress of the construction site?"

"Well, let's go."

As he spoke, he clutched her Qianqian's thin hand tightly and didn't let go, Gu Xiaowu was helpless, clingy little milk dog, ordinary people really can't stand it.

Xiao Qingqing sat down on the co-pilot with his head down, his whole body collapsed into a straight line, and his big eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

Even so, watching the cousin and the president get along for more than a month, the president still can't adapt to the coldness. When he met the cousin, the president turned into soft water that entangled the fingertips, clingy and arrogant, and always regarded himself as imaginary enemy.

There is also my cousin, who even let the president pester her, she didn't refuse, and there was a tiresome helplessness in her eyes.

Of course, it wasn't just these two people who made her collapse into a straight line, but also the man sitting beside him as the driver.

Out of the corner of his eye was his perfect side face, and the space was only so small, even if he turned his head around the tip of his nose, his breath temperature had risen slightly, Xiao Qingqing could clearly feel his own temperature rising.

The window was closed, and the cool wind blowing in dissipated the heat in her heart, and successfully calmed her down.

Jiang Lin looked at the front thoughtfully, but he didn't know what he was thinking. The smile on the corner of his mouth had changed a bit, and it was no longer as gentle as before, neither good nor evil.

Xiao Qingqing propped her chin and turned her head to look out of the window. The breeze blew her long hair, and she was unwilling to close the window even though her eyes were hard to open due to the wind.

The atmosphere in front was as cold as the temperature in an ice cellar.

Gu Xiaowu's gaze fell on Jiang Lin for a while, then Xiao Qingqing for a while, and finally raised his head to stare at Xie Huiyu.

: Knowing that Jiang Lin doesn't like Xiao Qingqing, you still let him be the driver.

: As evidenced by heaven and earth, I really didn't ask him to come. He saw us just after coming back from our date, and you were there, so I won't take the blame.

Xie Huiyu innocently looked at Gu Xiaowu with big watery eyes.

I am also very wronged. Ever since Jiang Lin met Fu Ran, he has been absent from work every day. The key is that his brother is chasing his wife and he can't say 'No, you come back to work for me, work is important'.

Gu Xiaowu on this side was still making eye contact with Xie Huiyu, while Xiao Qingqing on the other side looked at Jiang Lin with loose eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

The smile on the corner of his mouth is the same as before, rising 45 degrees, the most standard smile, which makes people feel uneasy and resistant, always gentle and alienated, wanting to get close but have to wait and see from afar.

But that day, his smile was full of evil charm and casualness.

He was much more casual and relaxed than usual, as if he had taken off his mask and was completely exposed to that person's eyes without reservation.

That's obviously... also the him she wanted to see.

(End of this chapter)

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