Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 267 Domineering President, Please Get Out

Chapter 267 Domineering President, Please Get Out
[Black Box: Never Forgotten. ——Xiao Qingqing]
An unprecedented grand wedding is what every girl fantasizes about.

The sound insulation effect of the dressing room is very good, and the bustle outside cannot be heard. The makeup artist helped Gu Xiaowu put on makeup and then left, leaving Gu Xiaowu alone in the dressing room staring at the mirror in a daze.

Gu Xiaowu pursed his lips and looked at the woman in the mirror, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Every plane gets married once, and every time it is so grand, alas, it is really a happy trouble.

Caressing his flat stomach, Gu Xiaowu sighed.

little bastard.

—This is the dividing line—

"Congratulations, cousin-in-law."

Xiao Qingqing was rarely seen wearing a small purple dress, and it didn't feel out of place with that neat short hair, and there was a slight smile on her delicate face.

Xie Huiyu glanced at Xiao Qingqing, nodded and said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for four years. Why did you cut your hair short, but your cousin has already grown long hair."

"My cousin-in-law is still so childish."

Xiao Qingqing smiled softly, knowing that she would not be angry on a happy day, but she was a little bolder.

Xie Huiyu really didn't say anything.

"You are a lot more courageous, and you have come to tease me..."

"Thank you uncle~"

The unfinished words were interrupted by the immature voice, and the two looked at the source of the sound at the same time.

The little boy wore a black suit and a red bow tie, looked up at the two with big round eyes blinking, and smiled sweetly when they looked over.

"Uncle Xie, my dad asked you to play with me."

Looking at the familiar little face, Xiao Qingqing couldn't help being stunned, but he came back to his senses in a split second and looked at the child who was picked up and smiled.

"My cousin-in-law is also very busy, so I won't bother you."

Looking at the back of Xiao Qingqing leaving, the little boy taught with a serious face.

"Uncle Xie, you are really serious. You are getting married today. You are so happy chatting with other women. Sister Gu will be upset when she sees it."

"My daughter-in-law is not happy to care about your business, and why does she call my uncle her sister?"

"Because you are ugly."

The little boy made a playful face at him, struggled to get off the ground and ran away.

Seeing the two people on the stage exchanging rings, Xiao Qingqing lowered his head and smiled, turned and left quietly.

"Hi, go to the airport."

After getting in the taxi, Xiao Qingqing looked at the profile of the woman on the phone and smiled.

Cousin, it seems that you are very happy, so I am relieved. I was afraid that I would not be able to leave, so I did not say goodbye to you. I will come back when my little niece and nephew are born.

Looking at the receding scenery by the window, Xiao Qingqing's tense body slowly relaxed.

She didn't come back these years because she didn't want to see everyone who was there, including her cousin. She...hasn't forgotten, and hasn't let go of that matter.

After paying the money, Xiao Qingqing dragged her suitcase to the airport.

After getting on the plane, Xiao Qingqing felt that she was wrong and didn't bring a coat with her.


While Xiao Qingqing was thinking about something, a magnetic male voice came into Xiao Qingqing's ears.

Looking up, Xiao Qingqing was stunned by the face that caught his eye.

"Miss, this is my place."

The man raised the air ticket in his hand, with a polite smile on his face.

After a long time, Xiao Qingqing heard his own voice.

"What's your name."

The man seemed a little surprised, but he still said his name honestly.

"My name is Lin Lian."

 Thank you Nan Zhi for your reward╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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