Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 280 God, Your Family Has Died Again 13

Chapter 280 God, Your Family Has Died Again 13
The breeze blew across the flower field, the colorful flowers swayed with the wind, and crisp laughter echoed in the sky above the flower field.

Her body was warm as if she was in a hot spring, Gu Xiaowu lazily closed her eyes, she didn't even have the desire to open them, in her words, yes.

As a flower bud that needs oxygen and sunlight, what can you do with your eyes open?

That's right, her new vest is just that - a little flower in bud.

After the last death, 12139 brought her back hundreds of millions of years ago, when everything started, it said it would let itself find out the whole story.

So 12139 is really not suitable for novice taskers. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed by it. I don't know why.

Surrounded by a group of twittering flower spirits, they start twittering every morning, chatting, talking about the embarrassment of this fairy today, gossip about that fairy the next, and have new ideas every day.

Hua Ling's heart is pure. Even when discussing, she only speaks with curiosity, without any distracting thoughts, and forgets after speaking.

Gu Xiaowu is the quietest one inside, because he really can't chat with them.

Stretching the petals hard, Gu Xiaowu shook the flower with his head down.

Through 12139's introduction, she knew that she was a bluebell flower, and she thought she could be taller, such as tuberose, but she really couldn't expect 12139 to find her a good vest.

Sighing comfortably, raised the flower buds to face the warm sun.

It's really peaceful... by the way, the heroine.

: No, it's right next to you.

next to me?
Gu Xiaowu looked aside, and saw a budding peony chatting enthusiastically with an unknown flower, and the excited green leaves rolled up.

"Do you know, you know, I heard that the most powerful person in the heaven is Changsheng Xianjun! I really want to see what he looks like!"

"Don't be so excited, when we can transform into human form, we can go in and out of the heavenly palace as we please after being sealed as a flower fairy, there is no rush."

This voice was very weak, and it was a little weak when you listened carefully, Gu Xiaowu tilted his body slightly.

Next to Luoyao is a very beautiful Clivia, but at the moment her leaves are so weak that she looks very listless. On the other hand, Luoyao is full of energy, and the leaves are green with infinite vitality.

After weighing it in his heart for a while, Gu Xiaowu silently moved away from Luo Yao.

She doesn't want to die before she leaves school.

"But but but, I really want to see him! I also want to step on the battlefield like him!"

For a flower fairy, this idea is indeed shocking, but she is the heroine after all.

Looking at the luck hovering around Peony's flower, Gu Xiaowu silently turned his head.

He expressed that he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky to be 'born' beside the heroine.

When the sun gradually set on the mountain, the surrounding gradually quieted down, and Gu Xiaowu breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the day of tinnitus is finally over.

Everyone closed their eyes and began to practice earnestly. Huaxian cultivated with the help of the scattered brilliance falling down from the moonlight. The faster he absorbed, the more chance he had to transform into a human form.

Those flowers that failed to transform will eventually be eliminated, withered and turned into spring mud to protect the next flower.

Being by Kao's side is more or less influential, but it also has advantages.

Immersed in the strong fairy energy, Gu Xiaowu glanced at the peony flower that was in full bloom unconsciously indulging in cultivation, and hugged his own flower bone tightly.

Just kidding, who dares to compete with Kao.

(End of this chapter)

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