Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 289 God, Your Family Has Died Again 22

Chapter 289 God, Your Family Has Died Again 22
A high-pitched dragon chant resounded from his heart, startling Gu Xiaowu, sitting up from the lawn and staring, his eyes just happened to bump into those eyes.

Standing up in an instant, the dress fell along with her movements, covering her slender legs completely.

In the water, a large head was exposed. The long beard around the mouth floated up from the water and then fell into the water. There were two golden gemstones inlaid on the head and looked at him unblinkingly, with curiosity and... disgust in his eyes.

From the looks of it, it should be the Dragon Clan.

Gu Xiaowu just stood there staring at him, but it was Gu Xiaowu who finally spoke.

"who are you?"

Those big eyes blinked, and under Gu Xiaowu's gaze, he jumped out of the water, flew into the night sky and circled around a few times.

Gu Xiaowu clearly saw the black scales on the dragon's body.

He swam a few times in the night sky, turned into a golden light and landed in front of Gu Xiaowu.

Subconsciously took two steps back, the hand behind his back tightly grasped the thing in his hand.

The golden light dissipated, and Gu Xiaowu saw his face clearly for the first time.

The most eye-catching thing is the silver hair that looks like the luster bestowed by the moon, combed into a bundle and tied with a silver hair crown, with a tall nose bridge and thin lips, and those golden eyes full of calmness majesty.

It's just that he's a little short, probably about 1.5 meters five.

baby teeth.

This is the definition Gu Xiaowu gave him in his heart.

"Who are you."

Asked the question again, the boy straightened his chest.

"I am Zhu Ni, the third prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. How about you?"

The third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace chases Ni.

Silently reading this title, Gu Xiaowu couldn't help thinking that the white horse in Journey to the West was also the third prince of the East China Sea. Could it be that the lower realm here is the era of Journey to the West?
Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowu couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The child was already furious because Gu Xiaowu didn't reply to his words, but now he was made even more angry by such a smile, staring at Gu Xiaowu with big eyes.

"Why are you so rude, laughing at others without answering their questions?"

"Did you ask me a question?"

"You!... Forget it, I won't argue with you, what's your name?"

Zhu Ni put her hands on her hips, snorted softly and turned her head away from looking at Gu Xiaowu, but in fact her little eyes were looking straight at Gu Xiaowu.

"My name is Lan Ling, see Your Highness Long San."

Gu Xiaowu suppressed the smile on his face, bowed in a proper manner, and did all the etiquette by the way.

"Well, I see, why are you here today at the Peach Banquet?"

"The Queen Mother approved Xiaoxian to come out for a walk, where is Your Highness?"

Facing Gu Xiaowu's smiling eyes, Zhu Ni was flustered and stammered.

"I, my father said that I can come out."

With her waist thrust forward, Zhu Ni puffed out her chest, which was a bit broken.

"You little fairy, why do you care so much, it's very noisy."

Gu Xiaowu didn't mean to provoke him, so he responded with a good temper.

In fact, she had also paid attention to all the immortals at the banquet, Zhu Ni had such conspicuous long hair, it was impossible not to have seen it, then there was only one possibility, that is, he never stepped into the door of the banquet.

Seeing that it was time to go back, Gu Xiaowu was about to leave, looking at the child in front of him with a smile and throwing the things in his hand to him.

"Go and find your father early, happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Looking at her smile, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, until her back disappeared, he still stared at that side in a daze, lightly bit the peach in his hand, lowered his head and smiled and rolled his eyes.

so sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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