Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 291 God, Your Family Has Died Again 24

Chapter 291 God, Your Family Has Died Again 24
[Black box: I'm not the kind of immaculate god in your heart, I just want to possess you, ruthlessly, possess you. ——Gu Mo]
Recently, Gu Mo is no longer in the fairyland.

"Aww, why isn't he over there!"

Taking time out to take a look at Luo Yao who walked in dejectedly, she lowered her head and continued to read her book.

Seeing the roar, those who didn't know thought it meant the wolf demon instead of the flower fairy.

I have to say that there are still many books in the collection of Tianjie that are not available in modern times but are very useful.

Gu Xiaowu is a person who loves to learn, so he has been intoxicated in the ocean of knowledge these few days, unable to extricate himself.

"Lan Ling~"

Holding the book to escape the pounced figure, he slowly raised his head to look at Luo Yao, and the disgusted look in his eyes perfectly interpreted it.

"It's not spring yet."

Getting used to Gu Xiaowu's poisonous tongue, Luo Yao looked at her happily.

"I know, we've already transformed and won't spread pollen."

"Well, otherwise it would be a disaster for your stupidity to be absorbed by others."

He didn't get angry when he understood what she said, he still laughed and joked with Gu Xiaowu until he put down Gu Xiaowu's book, then turned around and stopped, quietly sat on the chair and looked at her with his head tilted.

A wind blows from somewhere, blowing her long hair and blurring her face, and there is a feeling of tranquility for a moment.

As long as she doesn't speak.

"Lan Ling, tell me why he hasn't been here recently."

Putting the book on the table, Gu Xiaowu looked at the sky and closed his eyes slightly to feel the breeze.

"Probably very busy."

—This is the dividing line—

"You rascal!"

"Oh? How rogue?"

"You are a scoundrel!"


"You...you...you just..."

A girl's delicate voice sounded in the room.

After a while, the arrogant voice gradually weakened. The girl looked at Gu Mo with her big eyes that had been washed, and put her small hand on his chest.

"You... what are you doing~"

The soft ending sounds like a kitten waving its paws and scratching Gu Mo's heart.

Gu Mo smiled softly, and gently leaned over to her ear.

"Teach you how to eat you."

The sound of the cello being plucked is thick and clear.

Her heart was pounding, and blood rushed to her cheeks, dyeing her pale little face like rouge.

"Yes, but this is so strange."

As he spoke, he pushed Gu Mo away, and he didn't know where to place his eyes to look around.

"You are so heavy, I feel so uncomfortable under the pressure."

"Pfft, this is..."

The big palm stroked her slender waist silently.

The big sleeves tied to his body fell quietly, and he felt a bit of coolness before realizing that the coat had slipped to his waist.

"Sex demon!"

The girl in white underwear wanted to push Gu Mo away.

He quickly grabbed her hand and pressed it above, his eyes were full of danger signals, and his black hair was entangled with hers.

"Want to regret it now? It's too late."

Reaching out his hand to caress the slightly swollen red lips and grind them carefully, at this moment Gu Mo cast aside the identity between them, and now he is just an ordinary man who loves her.

—This is the dividing line—

Listening to 12139's words, Gu Xiaowu laughed softly, which aroused Luo Yao's sideways glance.

Naturally, he also felt her gaze, Gu Xiaowu didn't care, and walked out along the bamboo slips on the table with one hand.

"I'm going outside for a stroll. If you have time, you should go and see the flower spirits in the flower field."

After saying that, there was not even a shadow left, Luo Yao pouted and turned around to leave.

snort!just go!
(End of this chapter)

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