Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 297 God, Your Family Has Died Again 30

Chapter 297 God, Your Family Has Died Again 30
Gu Mo stared at Luoxi's face and didn't respond to their words. The immortals also felt strange, but the good training prevented them from looking up. As soon as the lieutenant looked up, he saw the eyes of his own immortal army looking at the devil emperor without blinking.

Thinking of the recent rumors, a bad feeling surged in my heart, and I took a step forward and raised my voice.

"Immortal Army!"

Gu Mo still ignored him, took a step forward, and under the surprised eyes of the immortals, he hugged Luo Xi in his arms and pinched her cheek affectionately, the laughter echoed in the hearts of the immortals present.

Luo Xi threw himself into his arms unprepared, and after being surprised, raised his head and bumped into his smiling eyes, as if he knew his decision and was slightly shocked, he nestled in his arms obediently and smiled.

"Immortal Army!"

"Shh, don't scare my wife."

As soon as the words Madam came out, the immortals nervously clenched the weapons in their hands, and their eyes fell on Luoxi who was in his arms, but Luoxi turned a blind eye to these eyes, blushed instantly and beat his chest coquettishly one time.

"Who is your wife?"

Accepting the soft fist with a smile, he turned slightly to block their eyes and threw the token symbolizing the fairy army to the deputy army with his free hand.

"Tell the Heavenly Emperor that Gu Mo can no longer be a fairy army, please ask him to find someone else."

Looking down at Luoxi's flushed cheeks, he said with a smile.

"Gu Mo is going to marry a wife. Even if our names are not on the Sansheng Stone, this fate is destined. I hope he can fulfill it."

Looking at the smile on Gu Mo's face, the deputy army actually felt that this was the most authentic smile from Xianjun.

Because the deputy army did not give an order, the immortal soldiers watched Gu Mo leave with the devil in his arms, and did not move. When the deputy army woke up from Gu Mo's "beauty", Gu Mo was gone trace.

Seeing the token in his hand, he thumped his head in annoyance, looked around for a week, and the immortal soldier with the same dazed face reluctantly withdrew his team to discuss the matter with the Emperor of Heaven.

Changsheng Xianjun was abducted by the newly appointed female devil emperor. This is a big deal.

Gu Xiaowu and Luo Yao dared to transform into human forms after the immortals had left the tea to cool down, and followed a thief secretly.

"Why are you here? This is the forbidden place of fairies, do you know!"

Luo Yao lowered her head, clasped her hands together and stood there aggrieved.

"I heard that Xianjun was injured, so I went to Taishang Laojun to ask for a moment of elixir, and I want to give it to Xianjun..."

"Does he want it?"

Speaking of this, Luo Yao suddenly thought of the elixir that Gu Mo had dropped, and what he said just now, and the woman in her arms who regarded her as a treasure, suddenly felt a sense of grievance in her heart.

The golden peas were also dropped as soon as they were said, one by one hitting the ground and twitching.

"No, no, it fell to the ground, and he told me to go quickly, woo woo woo."

Rubbing her forehead with a headache, Luo Yao from thousands of years ago actually looked like this, it's really a headache.

Without a sound to comfort her, Gu Xiaowu waited for her crying to subside slowly, calmed down and rubbed his nose, lowered his head and still had a strong nasal voice.

"Lan Ling, let's go back."

"Well, let's go."

Gu Xiaowu took the lead in walking ahead, and did not see the stubbornness in Luo Yao's eyes with her head bowed.

12139 saw her expression in his eyes, and silently did not tell Gu Xiaowu.

Let's see when the host of this stupid 12138 will know.

(End of this chapter)

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