Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 302 God, Your Family Has Died Again 35

Chapter 302 God, Your Family Has Died Again 35
[Black Box: You may not believe it, but I delivered myself. ——Gu Xiaowu]
When the two immortals were beating the sky and the earth was dark, a clear and loud cry resounded through the world, and the blue sky that had been clear just now was instantly covered with dark clouds, and there were lightning flashes in the clouds.

The two immortals looked towards the source of the sound, both stunned.

Gu Xiaowu held a small baby in his arms, the baby's face was as smooth as a piece of emerald jade, his eyes were tightly closed, his little hands were tightly clenched and he opened his voice to cry.

Holding the child skillfully in his arms, Gu Xiaowu felt a strange feeling.

Is she hugging and coaxing herself?
Looking at the child with familiar features and eyes in his arms, Gu Xiaowu curled his lips, and after putting the child to sleep, he put the child in the arms of the weak Luo Xi.

"Thank you."

Luo Xi whispered in Gu Xiaowu's ear, Gu Xiaowu stared into her eyes for a moment, nodded slightly and straightened up, at this time the two immortals both gave up and fell from the sky.

Gu Mo hurriedly walked towards Luoxi, helped Luoxi to check her body carefully for any damage, Gu Xiaowu curled his lips in disdain, her father must be too guarded against him.

On the other hand, Luo Yao looked at Gu Xiaowu with his mouth open for a long time in disbelief but was speechless, and finally gave up and looked at Gu Xiaowu without saying a word.

Gu Xiaowu, who gave way to Gu Mo, blocked Luo Yao's gaze, raised his head to look straight at her, and laughed halfway.

"You dare to fight the fairy army."


"I thought you were going down to the realm because you were naughty. I never thought that you came down to trouble the immortal army. The immortal emperor didn't want to trouble them anymore. You are amazing."

"Lan Ling...I..."

Luo Yao watched Gu Xiaowu hesitate to speak, and finally clenched the weapon in his hand.

"I just want him to go back, his destination should not be here..."

"Luo Yao!"

Seeing Luo Yao getting more and more excited, Gu Xiaowu couldn't bear to interrupt her. Luo Yao now stubbornly believes that Luo Xi led Gu Mo into a "wrong path". As long as Luo Xi and the child die, Gu Mo can return to the In heaven, everything can be as if it never happened.

This will not work, something will happen.

"Should he be here, the person who has the most say is him, not you."

Luo Yao was a little puzzled, and looked at Gu Xiaowu full of puzzlement, but her eyes were full of disappointment, and she said every word.

"Luo Yao, you disappoint me so much."

At the right time, the baby started to cry, and the strong wind blinded Gu Xiaowu's eyes, so she didn't see the crazy stubbornness in Luo Yao's eyes.

Gu Xiaowu's words hit her heart word by word, it was extremely heavy, and the disappointed eyes seemed to wrap her tightly, and the crying of the baby seemed to be a breakthrough, successfully attracting Luo Yao's attention on her.

As long as she dies, as long as she dies.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Yao has already used two magic weapons and hit Luo Xi directly. Gu Xiaowu's brain has not come to your senses, but you have already rushed forward to block the menacing magic weapon.

Feeling the breath of death again, is this the first time on this plane?Gu Xiaowu himself doesn't remember anything, the only thing he remembers is...

Looking at Luo Yao who was stunned over there, a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

It's the same person every time.

(End of this chapter)

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