Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 308 The Ghost King’s Substitute Bride 1

Chapter 308 The Ghost King’s Substitute Bride 1
"Xiao Wu, you are really amazing!"

"Go away?"

As soon as he arrived in the soul space, his face was covered with a fluffy unknown object. Gu Xiaowu was a little dazed. He stretched out his hand to pull her off her face, and stared at her.

"Have you rested?"

Rolling struggled and scratched his little paws in the air, he stopped when he heard Gu Xiaowu's words, and watched her blink his small eyes.

"Yeah, I woke up when you just came back."

"It didn't do you any harm that time, did it?"


"What did you just say about me being amazing?"

Speaking of this matter, Gun Gun was immediately excited.

"This is the plane, Xiao Wu, you got a high score."

Gu Xiaowu's heart skipped a beat, he swallowed, and heard his own voice slightly hoarse.

"How tall is it?"

"25 minutes!"

"Plus my previous..."

"A total of ninety, Xiao Wu, you only need to go through one more plane, and you can go back."

After looking around for a week, there was a lot of crowded space, reluctance flashed across his eyes, and he lowered his eyes to cover up all his emotions, and said lightly.

"Well, let's enter the plane."

—This is the dividing line—

"Xiaowu, you can go instead of Miss."

"Miss picked you up and gave you a second life. It should be time for you to repay Miss."

"Xiaowu, miss still has a great time, she can't just be buried here."




The voices of all kinds of people were intertwined in a very chaotic way, and the loss and malice could not be concealed in the words.

"Others are getting married when they wear wedding dresses, why am I sending myself to die..."

Opening his eyes suddenly, Gu Xiaowu stared at the surrounding environment in a daze.

It was dark all around and could not see the end at a glance, and he seemed to be in the state of a soul body.

Looking down at her red wedding dress, there was a black peacock embroidered on the chest, and the empty eyes were embroidered with red embroidery, which looked extremely orange, and the hem of the lower skirt was not festive red, but with The black silk thread has a dark red feel.

With long hair hanging behind him, Gu Xiaowu guessed that his complexion was not very good either.

I'm afraid I'm not transmigrating into Sadako.

Shrugging indifferently, Gu Xiaowu stretched out his hand to touch the darkness lightly, his fingertips felt a burning sensation and he retracted his hand instantly, but he was still burned.

Seeing the gradually healing burn on his finger, Gu Xiaowu shook his hand.

"Go away, send me the plot."


The memory is gently introduced into the brain, like a clear spring.

This is a story of forced marriage.

The original owner is a little maid in a compound, and the hostess of this plane is the young lady served by the original owner.

The original owner was sold to human traffickers by his parents since he was a child, and was taken home by the hostess Gu Ruoan from the traffickers, and given a new name: Gu Xiaowu, which can be regarded as giving the original owner a new life.

The original owner and Gu Ruo'an grew up to the age of 16 together. Gu Ruo'an was not only graceful and graceful, but also had a very kind personality. Later, there were many people who proposed marriage.

And one day, the ghost king personally came and asked Gu Ruo'an to marry him as a sacrifice, otherwise the town would bleed three feet.

The residents of the small town pressed on step by step, and the man who had come to propose marriage changed his face in an instant. Father Gu had no choice but to agree.

Gu Ruoan washed her face with tears all day long, and Gu's mother was also very reluctant to part with her only daughter, so her eyes fell on the silent original owner.

(End of this chapter)

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