Chapter 341
"Yan! Read! Wu!"

Gu Yuanyuan put her hands on her hips, and stared angrily at the girl who was slumped on the sofa.

The girl's long black hair was spread out on the sofa in a mess, and she was wearing a white ankle-length dress. The original skirt was lifted up by her movements, and her slender legs were exposed in the air.

Facing Gu Yuanyuan's roar, he just raised his eyes lazily, turned around without hesitation, buried his face in the pillow and continued to sleep.

This look makes Gu Yuanyuan half dead with anger.

"Where did you get Nian Tong?"


Yan Nianwu lazily got up and hiccupped, his lazy voice was slightly hoarse.

"Nian Tong said he wanted to go to the bar, so I took him there, but he suddenly disappeared and I couldn't help it."

"He said you can take him if you want to go! Why don't you go to heaven!"

"I thought so too, but you broke my beautiful white wings."

Yan Nianwu blinked her big beautiful eyes, propping up the pillow with one hand and flirting with Gu Yuanyuan.

"Mummy, don't worry, he's nineteen years old, he won't lose it, oh~ I'm going to catch up on sleep, and I'm walking back."

Yan Nianwu walked up the stairs step by step, opened his tired eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Yan Niantong is the younger brother I "picked up" from outside when I was five years old. At that time, he was four years old. He got out of the grass, his body was covered in dirty mud, but his eyes like stars could not be blocked. Even she herself was deceived by those eyes.

But in fact, he is a little devil who is a thief and a thief. His younger brother will act like a baby since he was a child, and her younger brother has bullied him since he was a child.

Let’s take the junior high school as an example. Yan Nianwu, who inherited Gu Yuanyuan’s beauty, has been the class flower since she was a child. She has had love letters from boys since she was in the fifth grade. Of course, Yan Niantong blocked them all. It's nothing, after all, Yan Nianwu himself doesn't have much interest in that kind of thing.

But!What's the matter with stopping even the snacks!

There are also junior high schools, all the snacks during the holidays are gone!He threw them all back to those boys, she was so distressed, she didn't throw them in the bar yesterday when Yan Niantong was just born, marrying off earlier would save trouble.

She half-covered her lips and yawned, her eyes were a little blurry, she really walked back last night, and after walking for most of the night, there was really no N city in the early morning!Have!drop!drop!
I don't know what's going on with him.

When he walked to the door of the room, his consciousness was already a little confused, he opened the door in a daze and walked in.

The door clicked, completely isolating the space outside the door and inside the door.

Also, the current situation.

Yan Nianwu opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man in disbelief.

How did he get back here in such a short time? ?

No, it seems that the point is not here.

Before Yan Nianwu could think of a reason, the boy opened his mouth first.

"Sister, do you hate me that much?"

Yan Niantong looked at the girl he had loved for 18 years without blinking his eyes, he was really uncomfortable with what happened yesterday.

What she did was so obvious that even Yan Anming could see it, but she still didn't know it, and she wanted to push herself to others.

So don't blame him for being rude.

Yan Nianwu's eyes widened, and he broke free from his embrace.

"We are……!"

Yan Niantong caught the fleeing girl with one stride, held her in his arms and pushed her, and the two of them fell heavily on the bed, Yan Niantong turned around and put all his weight on her to suppress her.

The boy who already knew what she was going to say reached out to block her next words.

"Not dear."

 It's the last chapter tomorrow, no wonder

  ps is so humble, it has been modified several times!
(End of this chapter)

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