Chapter 343

"Congratulations, a boy was born."

Just looking at the swaddled baby, he anxiously grabbed the doctor's hand and asked.

"What about my wife? Is she okay? When can I come out?"

The doctor was not annoyed, and answered his questions one by one in a good-tempered manner.

"She is a little weak, and she is asleep now. The mother and child are safe and well, but they need to be recuperated, and they will be able to come out later, don't worry."

As soon as the last words were spoken, the door of the delivery room was pushed open, and then a hospital bed was pushed out. The man instantly left the doctor by one step and ran to the bed in two steps, looking eagerly at his wife on the bed.

When his eyes touched her tired face, a big man's eyes turned red.

"Honey, we won't have children in the future, okay?"


When Gu Xiaowu was full moon, Luo Xi hugged her alone and looked at the gate, eyes full of hope, but as the night fell, the black seemed to stain her eyes, making her gradually sink in.


The laughter in her arms interrupted her disappointment, looking at the baby Luoxi in her arms she cheered up, teasing Gu Xiaowu in her arms and took a deep breath.

It's about cheering up.

When Xie Huiyu was full moon, Xie's father returned home early, hugging his wife distressedly.

"Why do you keep hugging him? What should I do if I'm exhausted?"

As he spoke, he hugged Xie Huiyu in her arms and handed it to the confinement sister-in-law who was waiting beside him, pinching her cheeks that had lost a lot of weight.

Xie Huiyu fell asleep peacefully in the confinement wife's arms, smacking his mouth from time to time to sleep soundly.

When Gu Xiaowu was five years old, the conflict in the family broke out to the highest point, and the reason was that Xiaosan approached the door.

Gu Xiaowu poked his head out at the stairs, and the chubby man held the stairs tightly and looked at the two women who were confronting him below. He didn't know what he said, and the long-haired woman turned and left with a contemptuous smile.

The moment the door closed, Gu Xiaowu let go of the handle and ran to Luoxi with short legs, holding her big hand hanging by her side.

"Mommy, don't cry."

The immature voice made Luo Xi look down at the little Gu Xiaowu, squatted down and hugged her, and buried his face in her arms.

Little Gu Xiaowu comforted Luo Xi slowly with his chubby hands, and softly sang the lullaby that Luo Xi sang every day when he lulled her to sleep.

When Xie Huiyu was five years old, Xie's father's company was successfully listed. Xie's father hugged Xie's mother excitedly and spun around in circles, while Xie Huiyu stood there and watched them both bow their heads and continue to read their books without saying a word.

After the company stabilized, Xie's father took Xie's mother to the most famous villa area and bought a villa.

"This will be our home from now on."

Xie Huiyu who was ignored: ...

Holding his book in his arms, he walked out of the courtyard and walked slowly to the iron gate next door.


"Mommy... Mommy..."

Gu Xiaowu rubbed his sleepy eyes and searched all over the house but couldn't find the person he was looking for, so he ran outside the gate with bare feet.

With a bang, strange blood-colored flowers bloomed in front of my eyes.

"Oh my god, my husband is going to call 120."

"Xiaoyu, come back quickly..."

He couldn't hear anything because of the buzzing around his ears, Gu Xiaowu stood there blankly, his eyes were filled with blood, and the man he was looking for was lying on the ground...

Xie Huiyu, who was held in the arms of Xie's mother, poked his head out and looked at the little girl over there, her white skirt was stained with blood...

That was their first meeting.

 Because I have to practice subject three, so I update a chapter every day, everyone, don’t dislike me
(End of this chapter)

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