Kuai Chuan will never be a female supporting role

Chapter 71 General, Bridal Chamber? 45

Chapter 71 General, Bridal Chamber? 45
Fire guns, firecrackers, red lanterns to open the way, blowing and beating all the way.

The roadside was full of soldiers maintaining order, and the surging crowd came one after another, shoulder to shoulder, and everyone stretched out their heads to watch the long-awaited wedding.

The man on the black horse was wearing a red robe, his dusty handsome face was radiant, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. Although he still looked paralyzed, his whole body exuded a rippling sense of happiness.

The blaring joy of gongs and drums beat all the way to General Xie's mansion, and Gu Xiaowu in the bridge didn't stop until he felt that he was about to sway.

Being helped off the sedan chair by Xi Po, eyes were still dimly red, Gu Xiaowu lowered his eyes and sighed.

Forget it, then don't watch it.

His big sweaty hands took her by the hand and led her towards the mansion, with crowds rushing over to watch the excitement on both sides.

All the guests took their seats, and the one sitting at the top was Gu Mo.

The fiery red wedding dress is embroidered with a bird with outstretched wings. It looks like a phoenix but not a phoenix. It's just an ordinary bird. It's covered with a red wreath and shawl, and the long tail of the skirt drags to the ground.

Gu Mo's eyes gradually became moist. The little girl who was acting like a baby in his arms just now got married like this, and his promise was fulfilled.

Luo Xi... Our daughter is finally married.

"Pray to heaven and earth~"

The two knelt down facing the sky, facing the guests, Jiang Qingyi among the guests looked at his brother's loneliness with distress, and lowered his head.

"Second obeisance to the high hall~"

Gu Mo looked at the two kneeling down with tears in his eyes, and looked a little unhappy at Xie Huiyu who was also dressed in happy clothes.

"Couples greet each other~"

Xie Huiyu looked at the little girl whose face was covered by the red hijab, and the joy in his heart was about to overflow his words.

"Send it to the bridal chamber ~ Li Cheng!"

The autumn wind blew, and the red hijab blew up, and the whole wedding hall was lit up in an instant.

The red wedding dress reflected her peach-blossom face, her beautiful eyes shone with brilliance, her red lips and teeth were bright, and the beads hanging in front of her face were blown by the wind and collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

In that instant, Xi Niang quickly arranged the hijab and helped the bride into the inner hall.

Everyone's eyes were lingering in that direction, Xie Huiyu was a little bit taken aback.

Hmph, it's useless to look at it, now it's my wife!
After drinking for three rounds, many soldiers around Xie Huiyu who knew he didn't drink came to help hold back the wine, so the guest table drank a lot, while Jiang Zhechen and Jiang Qingyi left long ago.

After seeing off the last person, Xie Huiyu shook his head, trying to stay awake.

Although someone helped to block the drink, it was impossible for him not to drink a glass, and he was still drunk a lot.

When he staggered to the door of the room, he retreated a little. Looking at the candlelight in the room, he was afraid that it was just a dream.

When he turned around to leave, he was spotted by the impatient Gu Xiaowu.

"You're not going to come in?"

Xie Huiyu's body stiffened in an instant, and he pushed open the door resignedly and walked in.

The woman sat upright on the festive bed, her hijab had not been touched.

It must be hard to sit like this all day.

Xie Huiyu thought that she would feel uncomfortable, so he lifted the hijab with his hands without taking anything from the plate.

When the little girl's slightly tired face appeared in front of him, his breathing stopped.

That's what Beauty Can't Breathe is.

Watching the little girl slowly take off the accessories from her head one by one, let her long hair fall down, and finally when her bare hands fell on the skirt of her clothes, Xie Huiyu turned around and walked out.

"General? Where are you going on the wedding night?"

 : General~Where are you going for the bridal chamber wedding night~
  Xie Huiyu〒_〒Go away!

  : (dish`) ying ying ying

(End of this chapter)

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