FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 26 Courtesy first, Soldiers later, Give enough face before setting conditions - FBI's p

Chapter 26 Courtesy first, Soldiers later, Give enough face before setting conditions - FBI's psychological tactics of post-strike (3)
And this is only the first step in the FBI's implementation of the entire plan. In the next period of time, the "little gangster" created a lot of value for the organization with his extraordinary courage and courage.Under such circumstances, the "little gangster" has gradually gained the trust of other leaders of the organization.In the end, the organization decided after research to officially promote the "little gangster" to a member of the organization and give him a certain position.

After the "little gangster" gained the trust of the organization, he mixed into the organization.He was very cautious, because before the final victory, he did not dare to be negligent, but carefully observed the internal situation of the organization.During the observation, he gradually got a thorough understanding of the organization's terrain and personnel distribution, making preparations for future work.

After the "little gangster" found out the internal situation of the organization, he did not seek the help of the FBI, but began to sow discord among the members of the organization, especially several leaders.On this day, he ran to a person in charge and said, "I heard that someone told the police where we were hiding."

The person in charge quickly asked, "Who did it?"

"I'm afraid..."

"You don't have to be afraid, and don't worry, I will keep this secret for you." So, the "little gangster" confessed another person in charge.

The "little gangsters" used this method to successfully provoke the relationship between several responsible persons.A week later, the relationship between several responsible persons became very bad, causing them all to have distrust of others, and as the contradictions deepened, the relationship between several responsible persons broke down completely, and even an accident occurred. The conflict led to the organization's final disbandment.

It can be seen from this that the FBI has used the psychological attack to the highest level, breaking down the opponent's strict organization without firing a single shot, and achieving the goal of "fire in the opponent's backyard".This kind of mind attacking strategy is indeed worth learning from. It is no wonder that many American psychologists praised the FBI for using this kind of mind attacking technique: "This kind of mind attacking technique has its own uniqueness among many mind attacking techniques, because it is one of the techniques of mind attacking. The highest state."

5. The FBI starts from the opponent's point of view and lets the opponent weigh the pros and cons

The FBI is good at capturing the psychological dynamics of the opponent to achieve the purpose of attacking the mind, which is inseparable from their focus on attacking the mind in their daily training.Therefore, most people are in awe of the FBI, a mysterious organization, and hope to learn how to attack a person from their experience in actual combat.

The FBI believes that the purpose of attacking the mind is to thoroughly understand the psychological characteristics of the other party in order to take corresponding measures in a timely manner.If you can't know a person's psychology well in practice, how can you understand the other person thoroughly?For this reason, the FBI regards attacking a person's mind as an important training subject.

Heart attack may be very esoteric in the eyes of many people, because it is not easy for ordinary people to understand another person's psychology in the face of the intricate social environment.The FBI, through continuous practice and summarization, is always slightly better at understanding the opponent's psychological state.So, how do they do it?
It can be said that starting from the opponent's point of view and letting the opponent weigh the pros and cons-is an important method for the FBI to implement a strategy of attacking others.

In the view of the FBI, to fully understand a person's true inner thoughts, one must first consider the opponent.That is to say, from the perspective of their interests, when the facts are in front of the opponent, the opponent will take the initiative to weigh the pros and cons in order to achieve the purpose of gaining insight into the opponent's psychology.

For example, when a person wants to challenge a dangerous activity on a whim, if someone wants to persuade him to give up, just say to him: "This is too risky, don't go!" In this case, the other party's determination to give up the challenge may be Not much; if you put it in another way-"Challenging this activity has a risk probability as high as 90%. According to statistics, as many as 5 people are disabled every year because of challenging this activity." In this way, those who are persuaded are very likely to give up the risk.

From the comparison of these two statements, it can be seen that although the starting point of the two statements is that he does not want this person to take risks, the first expression is obviously a bit blunt, and others may not accept it, while the second expression does not. Instead of stimulating the other party with blunt words, from the perspective of the other party's personal safety, tell him the possible risks of taking risks in a reasonable way, and let him weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.Normally, in the end, the one who wants to take the risk tends to forego it.

When a criminal wants to satisfy his growing desire and is about to commit robbery, different words may have different results for this person:

"You are a robber. It is so inhumane that you actually rob the weak. If you don't stop, I will send you to the police station." Judging from the FBI's years of experience, the criminal not only He won't stop, is more easily provoked, and is likely to make other crazier moves.

"Hey, friend, you must have encountered some difficulties. If you want, I am willing to help you find a solution. Robbery is not a good way. You must know that the federal government stipulates that if the robbery is successful, you will face 3-5 Years in prison; if the amount of robbery is particularly large, it may also face life imprisonment. However, I believe that you, like me, do not want to see this situation, right? Stop robbery immediately, maybe it will change Your life, whether you are free or not, is completely controlled by your thoughts." It can be seen that this is the strategy of attacking the robbers.Because it can be heard from the words, this is completely from the robber's point of view, for him to analyze the possible consequences of the robbery.I believe that ordinary robbers will definitely be shaken after hearing these words, thus losing the courage to continue the robbery.

In the actual process of handling the case, the FBI used this psychological attack extremely freely.

In 2008, in a peaceful small town in New Jersey, USA, people were disturbed by successive animal murders.According to the residents of the town, every Friday, a reindeer is killed in the town's safari park.According to the person in charge of the zoo, the criminal is like a ghost, and he can't be seen at all. Every Friday, a reindeer will be killed.In order to find the murderer who killed the reindeer as soon as possible, the zoo management office reported the case.

When the FBI came to the scene of the crime, they couldn't help being taken aback.Because they not only could not see the traces left by the criminals, but also did not leave any valuable information at the scene.Such a result obviously surprised the FBI and made them feel the complexity of the case.

Even so, the FBI conducted a DNA sample test on the scene of the crime and implemented a 24-hour defense around the zoo in order to catch the murderer.

The day known as "Black Friday" by the townspeople came as promised. In order to find the murderer who killed the reindeer in the zoo, the FBI had already made preparations nearby, only waiting for the criminals to arrive.The moment the hands of the clock swayed at zero, a black figure jumped out of the woods. The FBI saw with the help of advanced monitoring equipment that it was a criminal wearing a black coat, walking barefoot, wearing a mask and holding a sharp knife. The FBI sent people to approach him gradually from behind the shadow...

Just when Sombra was about to kill a reindeer, an FBI agent suddenly appeared in front of Sombra, and said to Sombra in a peaceful tone: "Brother, maybe you are in financial trouble and want to kill the reindeer." The way reindeer get antlers to get money, have you ever thought that doing so has violated the laws of the federal government."

After speaking, the FBI agent found that the other party's hands and feet were shaking constantly. The FBI realized that the psychological attack on Sombra had already shown some results.So the FBI agent immediately continued: "If you have any difficulties, you can go to the federal government. It is obviously not a good way to solve the problem by killing reindeer. Because reindeer are one of the animals that the federal government protects, if you continue to attack them, How could the federal government let you go?"

After the FBI agent finished speaking, the criminal immediately threw the sharp knife on the ground and sat down on the grass himself.In this way, the FBI captured the criminals by using psychological tactics, thus restoring the peace of the town to the past.

The classic case of the FBI has been widely recited by people, and at the same time, more and more people learn from the FBI how to use this kind of psychological attack well.Thus, the FBI made the following conclusions:

(1) Understand it with reason and move it with emotion.

When dealing with opponents, try to impress them with words.At this time, the first thing to pay attention to is that the tone of speech should not be too high.According to a study by the American Psychological Association, when a person commits a crime, the brain is completely in a state of high tension. If the voice is loud and blunt, it will directly stimulate their brain, further irritate them, and make them lose control of their emotions. ; but if the tone of voice heard by the criminal is gentle, the degree of tension in the cerebral cortex will also be relaxed, and the probability of emotional loss will be greatly reduced.

Secondly, don't say words that stimulate the criminal's nerves.For example: "You are a big villain", "Simply inhuman", "A guy with no moral sense"...Because such words are "blockbusters" that anger criminals.

(2) Proceed from the immediate interests of criminals and follow their words.

The FBI believes that every criminal must have an ulterior purpose behind committing a crime.It may be for money, status, or self-esteem.Regardless of the purpose, starting from the perspective of criminals and following their words is a good way to attack them.

Judging from the fact that the FBI has successfully used psychological attacks on criminals many times, most criminals hope that others can say what they want, so that they can feel comforted in their hearts.If someone doesn't know how to "push the boat along with the flow", he may detonate the "bomb" in the criminal's heart in an instant, making the development of the situation not optimistic.

(3) Reasoning based on facts.

Reasoning based on facts is the last step in the FBI's attack on criminals.That is to say, explain to criminals the possible consequences and impact of committing crimes, and let them decide whether to continue committing crimes.It can be seen from the many cases of the FBI's mind attack that if this step is achieved, then the mind attack strategy against criminals has been successful-most criminals will be obedient after realizing that committing a crime may bring high crime costs. stop.

From the above content, people can clearly see how the FBI has used this psychological attack well in actual combat.I believe that from the perspective of the opponent, letting the opponent weigh the pros and cons will become a magic weapon for the FBI and even more and more people to learn and continue to use.

6. It is not a good way to refute everywhere, but to push the boat along with the flow is the last word

When a person expresses his point of view, if he is refuted by others, he may feel angry and feel that the person who refutes his point of view has not taken his own face into consideration, so the conflict between this person and the person who refuted it arises.

The FBI believes that when someone expresses certain views, especially in front of a crowd, one must not blindly refute them. You must know that it is wise to push the boat along.Maybe some people will express a different view on this-"If someone expresses an incorrect opinion and does not point out his mistakes in person, doesn't it mean that he is allowed to continue to make mistakes?"

According to common sense, it is very valuable to be able to point out a person's mistakes face to face, but in the eyes of the FBI, although everyone can say that they can "accept criticism and correction from others", the real thinking behind these people is often "don't make mistakes in person." Contradict me, it would embarrass me, tell me the mistake in private, so I can embrace the mistake pointed out by others."

The FBI psychological expert who is good at studying people's psychology continued: "Everyone can talk about accepting criticism on the surface, but once someone exposes their mistakes in person, the previous commitment to accept criticism from others will disappear. Being left behind, glaring at those who criticize them, and even confronting them in person. In this way, you can imagine the difficulty of continuing to interact with each other."

People who can accept criticism for verbal promises, but are actually disgusted by others' rebuttals or criticisms, are called "hypocrites".However, the FBI has a different view on this.Because from the experience gained from the FBI's actual combat, those who refute others everywhere and insist on competing with others, compared with those who know how to back down and can push the boat along, the harmony between the two sides exists. Very different.That is to say, only those who know how to back down and push things smoothly can be loved by others, and others are willing to open their hearts to him.

Money laundering crimes are very common in American society, and it will directly bring a certain impact on the American economy.To this end, the Federal Reserve decided to cooperate with the FBI to launch an operation called "Bright Sword" to crack down on money laundering crimes.

But it is not an easy task to crack down on these highly concealed money laundering crimes in a short period of time.According to rumors, some powerful consortiums in the United States are also involved.In order to obtain accurate information and find the "black hand" hidden behind the scenes, although the FBI secretly investigated the consortium involved in money laundering crimes, it still failed to obtain valuable information. The FBI realized that only after gaining the trust of these consortiums and penetrating into them, could it be possible to obtain valuable intelligence.

But how easy is it to break into these consortiums?To this end, the FBI racked its brains, and through special relationships, an FBI proficient in financial management entered the operation against money laundering syndicates.

Because the FBI is very proficient in financial management and finance, the FBI was quickly reused by the consortium.Once, when conducting financial operations, the FBI knew that the director of the consortium gave him wrong operational instructions, but he did not refute them in person, but followed his instructions.Afterwards, he learned that the directors of the consortium already knew that the operation instruction was wrong. He did this for two purposes: one is to confuse the outside world and convey a false image to the outside world, so as to achieve the purpose of money laundering secretly; To test whether the financial officer (FBI) they hired is reliable, and the well-thought-out FBI had already expected this, so it pretended to follow the instructions, thus paving the way for itself to win the trust of the consortium directors.

In the next period of time, the FBI received several "wrong instructions" one after another, but the FBI "pretended to be confused" and never refuted the director of the consortium, but followed his operating instructions.Gradually, in the eyes of the directors of the consortium, this FBI became a person who "knows the current affairs" and was promoted to be the executive financial officer of the consortium.In other words, all transactions related to money laundering of the consortium will be handed over to the FBI.

Obviously, the FBI won the trust of the consortium by not rebutting in person and pushing the boat along the way. The FBI used such psychological tactics to paralyze its opponents, investigated the financial situation of the consortium, and secretly sent dozens of money laundering transactions conducted by the consortium to the FBI headquarters. The necessary conditions are provided.

Next, the FBI headquarters dispatched the FBI to surround the office building of the consortium with lightning speed, and launched an investigation on its person in charge.At first, the person in charge of the consortium denied participating in money laundering crimes, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Your investigation of me is completely illegal, and there is no evidence. Please show evidence that my consortium has participated in money laundering crimes, otherwise I will sue you." When the FBI brought the consortium's money laundering records in the previous five years to the head of the consortium, he slumped on the ground and lowered his proud head.

(End of this chapter)

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