FBI mind attack: the super psychological tactics of the US federal police

Chapter 7 Combining Hardness and Softness, Leveraging Strength to Fight Strength——FBI's Super P

Chapter 7 Combining Hardness and Softness, Leveraging Strength to Fight Strength——FBI's Super Psychological Code of Combining Hardness and Softness (2)
In fact, Richard Speck did not conceal the truth about his murder from the US police, but the US police did not think that knowing the superficial truth was the end of the process of solving the case.However, what attracted the attention of the police was that Richard Speck kept reminding the police that he was not of the same type as the other suspects, and even had few similarities.The FBI also believes that, to a certain extent, what Richard said is not wrong, because he is indeed not a serial murderer.So-called serial murderers often have a certain amount of time between committing crimes, and this is what the FBI calls a "cooling off period."From a psychological point of view, certain emotions of the perpetrators of these serial murders have periodic characteristics. Once these people reach the time when these emotions flare up, it is the date of the murder case.Therefore, the FBI classified Richard as a "mass murderer."The so-called "mass murderer" means that two or more victims will be killed in the same operation.However, Richard's original purpose of sneaking into the residential building was not to kill people.

Richard's original purpose of sneaking into the residential building was simple, to steal some money.When Klaas Amuro, who was only 23 years old, came to answer the door, he broke into the room with a pistol and a dagger, tied up Amuro and his five roommates, and stated the purpose of his trip-to steal money.However, when the other three roommates returned, Richard suddenly changed his mind and began a frantic rape and slashing.Because Amuro was huddled in a corner in horror at that time, he was able to escape.When Richard left, Amuro immediately went to the balcony and shouted for help. She told the police that the suspect had the words "Born to make a fuss" tattooed on his left arm.A week later, Richard attempted suicide and came to the hospital for treatment, but the doctor recognized the tattoo on his left arm. The doctor notified the police in time, and Richard was arrested.According to the procedures, the FBI police will of course interrogate him.

During the interrogation, John Douglas and Bob Rescoe met the "mass murderer" in a visiting room at the Giriette Prison.Later, Richard chose the top of the conference table, which meant he could sit higher than the FBI cops.However, at the beginning of the interrogation, Richard was reluctant to talk to the FBI police, just swearing, saying that the FBI tried to search his dormitory-in fact, the warden just wanted the FBI of police officers look at his collection of pornography.

John Douglas watched Richard calmly, and Richard pretended to be indifferent.At this time, John and the supervisor who came to interrogate with him started a "psychological strategy".

The supervisor, Bob Resco, is a very cheerful man and very sociable.What makes John Douglas proud is that he and his supervisors have a wealth of experience and profound wisdom in defusing hostility, which are the necessary qualities for negotiators.Confronted with a cocky Richard, John Douglas and Bob Resco begin talking about Richard's case as if Richard wasn't there.John said, "Do you know what your fellow did? He killed eight women, and they were all beautiful women, and he took the lives of eight beautiful women by himself. Is it fair?"

At first, Bob was very uncomfortable with this kind of interrogation, because he didn't want to reduce himself to the same level as the murderer, and he was very angry at mocking the dead.Of course, John also had a similar view, but John thought that this approach might be the most effective one under the circumstances.Soon, Bob figured out John's intentions, and then replied to John with the same tone, so the two of them sang and said something related to the case.

Sure enough, this method worked quickly. Richard listened carefully for a while, then shook his head and said with a smile: "You policemen must be crazy, and they must not be much different from me." , let John see the beginning of the success of mind attack.John immediately asked, "How did you kill eight women at the same time?" Richard stared at John blankly, and then said, "I didn't rape them, in fact I only raped one of them." John then asked Said: "Is that the guy on the sofa?" "Yes." Richard confessed.But all this, in John Douglas's view, was vulgar and repulsive, and yet it explained something to John Douglas, that Richard did not have the self-awareness that men should have.Richard knew that he didn't have the ability to control multiple women at the same time.From another perspective, Richard is a complete opportunist, he just wants to seek excitement in the process of attacking others.Judging from crime scene photos, Richard ultimately chose to assault a man lying face down on a couch.From John's point of view, Richard at the time considered this person to be an impersonal object, and his contact with this woman was not any human contact.Moreover, John Douglas knew that Richard was not a thoughtful or organized man.Of course, there is no doubt that the above inferences of the FBI are not groundless, and the aggressive method of trying to get caught also played a role in the process of interrogating Richard.

In fact, when John Douglas sat in the prison conference room, he was imagining how his opponent would behave when he committed a crime.Before the interrogation, John Douglas also consulted all the files on Richard Speck, the purpose is to find out what his opponent has done and will do.It is undeniable that these practices of John Douglas played a very important role in solving cases and breaking into the hearts of opponents.Because of this kind of preparation, John Douglas was able to thoroughly understand his opponent, and then he was able to use the "playing hard to get" method properly and give him what his opponent most wanted.During the interrogation of Richard, John and Bob used another tone that was completely different from the police interrogation to talk about the crime he committed in front of Richard, and all this is exactly what John and Bob gave their opponents. most needed things.In order to be able to thoroughly penetrate the opponent's heart, John and Bob imitated Richard's tone to talk about the case after observing Richard's actions, and this allowed Richard to see what he wanted-in Richard's view, The ability of the police to speak in this tone must prove that they have similar personalities or hobbies to themselves, which allowed Richard to get someone who understands himself.

Sure enough, under the attack of John and Bob, Richard quickly took the bait, and he said to the police: "You must be crazy, you policemen are not much different from me." Under the attack of the police, Richard, who had already admitted his crime, further described the process of his crime.There is no doubt that the FBI has achieved complete success in the process of solving the case, and John and Bob have also become the victors in the psychological battle.Because psychological research shows that when people express dissatisfaction with other people's words and deeds, if they force their opponents to change by forceful containment, it is easy to stimulate their opponents and make them more resistant.Generally speaking, the stronger the persecution, the more obvious the resistance, and the more serious the consequences.In fact, containment is not the best tactic for attacking the mind. If you change the method of attacking the mind at this time, you will definitely get more obvious results.Therefore, the master of heart attack reminds people that sometimes, if you want something, it is not the best tactic to fight hard. Only by following the other party's psychology and giving the other party what he wants most can he make it conform to your intentions, and you Only then can the final victory in the heart attack be achieved.

Many times, people try to use their strength to overwhelm others, but these people ignore a problem, that is, people have feelings.Just like the fable of the French writer La Fontaine, using strong means to attack the hearts of others can only get the opposite effect like the north wind in the fable.You are eager to conquer the other party, but instead make the other party resist.Therefore, the FBI mind-strikers remind people that if you want to conquer your opponent, you might as well indulge your opponent first, and use what the opponent is most interested in to lure the opponent to surrender to you.Therefore, the FBI's psychological elites often break through the conventional thinking of "everything for themselves" when attacking the opponent's heart, and do not blindly think about what facts or clues they will get from the suspect. The FBI's psychological elites know that doing so will only increase the psychological distance between themselves and the suspect, and will not bring any favorable results to themselves.

However, if you want to make the "playing hard to get" method fully effective when attacking your heart, you must investigate the opponent's information before attacking your heart, so that you can know what your opponent needs and gain insight into his personality and preferences.In this way, you will give your opponent what they need in the process of attacking the mind.On this point, the FBI's approach is very innovative, because "following what one likes" has always been classified as a derogatory term by people, but the FBI has applied this method properly from the correct angle. "Playing hard to get", using something the opponent likes to lure the opponent to tell the truth.The main reason for this difference is that most people have selfish or even ulterior motives when they "follow what they like", while the FBI is open and reasonable when they "follow what they like" , Therefore, the FBI's "playing hard to get" method will make itself a master of attack.In fact, as long as people carefully recall their life and work experiences, they will find that when they give to others, they will also get a lot in return.

In short, if you want to win a complete victory in the psychological battle, you must try your best to get the other party's cooperation in the psychological battle. This requires that the mind-attacker must know the opponent's hobbies, personality, habits and other factors, and even know what he has done in the past , what things are he proud of, only in this way will the attacker know what his opponent needs.And only when the attacker has these conditions, can the opponent be convinced.

In fact, in mind-attacking warfare, hard-hitting capture will not allow the attacker to obtain useful information, and may not lead to a good ending, but the method of "playing hard to get" can often allow the attacker to cleverly use the things the opponent is interested in to lure the opponent Surrender, and then defeat the opponent.

3. It is not necessary to rely on words to attack the heart, and the psychological warfare without speaking is better
In life, people often encounter such a situation - many times, people need to make some demands on others, and they will not forget their demands on others for a long period of time, so once people feel uncomfortable for a long time If you see the response of others, you will think that the other party does not pay attention to your request, and even feel dissatisfied.Therefore, if you are unable to help others solve their problems for a while, as long as you give the other party a certain response, you will avoid negative emotions from the other party.It can be seen that what makes the requester dissatisfied is this practice of "not speaking".In fact, the strategy of "not talking" is also an important way to win in the heart attack.Sometimes, the FBI never engages in a positive psychological battle with the suspect in the process of solving the case, but the FBI's case-solving elites can get conclusive evidence from other sources and find out the real suspect.

Tuesday, June 1978, 6.Kara Brown and her fiancé, Mark Phil, will host a "Thank You" dinner later that night, in order to thank the friends who helped them move into their new home.Of course, the content of the banquet is very ordinary, that is, carnival and drinking that young people are keen on.

The couple's new home is on Acton Avenue, a tree-lined street in the town of Woodriver.The setting was a perfect match for the house, and Kara Brown, a beautiful lady with a charming figure and blond curly hair, was once the object of many people's pursuit.According to her fiancé, it is a blessing to have such a wife even though their marriage has been delayed for many years.Sadly for Mark Phil, though, he didn't have his blessings for long.

At about 05:30 that night, Mark Phil, Kara Brown and their friend Tom Feigenbaum came to their new home.While backing up the driveway, Mark got out of the car to look for Kara, only to find that she was nowhere to be seen.Mark Phil believes that the fiancée must have gotten out of the car to buy things for the banquet.However, at this moment, Mark Phil accidentally discovered that the rear door of the car Kara was riding in was not locked, which made Mark a little sullen.He thought it would be good to remind Carla of these things.Later, Mark showed Tom a tour of their house.When they came to the basement, Mark found that it was a mess.How did that happen?Mark thought.You know, he and Kara just cleaned up here not long ago.Mark realized that something must have happened here.Just when he turned to look for Carla, through the open door he saw a horrifying scene in the laundry room - Carla was kneeling in a cardigan, but she was naked from the waist down, her hands covered People tied back with wires.Carla is bent and kneeling, her head submerged in a drum-shaped bucket filled with water.

Seeing this scene, Mark and Tom suddenly screamed out. They ran over and pulled Carla's head out of the barrel, and laid Carla flat on the floor.At this moment, Mark saw that Kara's head was purple, and there were wounds on her forehead and chin.Kara's eyes were open, but she was clearly dead.Mark was devastated, and Tom immediately reported the case to the FBI.

Officer David George of the Wood River Police Department was on the scene minutes later.Not long after, several senior local police officers also rushed to the scene.The result of their investigation is: Kara's head was hit with a blunt instrument, and the stockings around her neck were the weapon used to strangle Kara.However, although the police obtained clues from the scene, the detection work did not go smoothly.

At that time, a police inspector named Alva Bush was also involved in the investigation. He is a crime scene evidence expert with many years of experience and rich experience, but this time his camera's flash light was not working properly at the scene. Work.Another officer, Bill Redfern, had a camera, but only black and white film in it.Another thorny issue was that many friends and relatives had helped Mark and Kara during their move, and these people would naturally leave their fingerprints at the scene.In this case, it is extremely difficult to extract the fingerprints of the murderer.

In desperation, the police had no choice but to investigate the case from people related to Kara.At this time, a friend of Kara provided a clue: Kara's relationship with her stepfather, Joe Shepherd, had never been ideal, and her stepfather had also beaten her roughly.But the police have no evidence to link Shepherd to the case.

At the same time, the US police also noticed another person, this person is Mark Phil, and the police believe that this person must also undergo a detailed investigation.Because he is also one of the discoverers of the body, and because Phil can freely enter and leave the wedding room, and he is also the person closest to the victim.However, it turns out that Mark's grief was deep and heartfelt.As the investigation progressed, the U.S. police discovered that Mark Phil, Tom and Shepherd had all passed polygraph tests.Although the police later investigated others, there was no breakthrough.However, Alva Bush, the state crime scene investigator at the scene of the incident, still has not given up on the investigation of the case.

(End of this chapter)

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