Chapter 101 Falling apart!

When the LC team was immersed in joy

In the makeshift lounge of the QE, the air freezes like ice.

The current coach of QE, Zhang Xuefeng, was sitting in the middle, staring at the silent tears with cold eyes.

"Crying! You did a good job!"

"What should I do now that QE has lost the qualification for the competition?"

Zhang Xuefeng couldn't hold back his anger and jumped up.

His eyes scanned everyone present.

The failure of the QE campus competition was no longer as simple as a small failure for him.

But it is related to the future survival of QE.

As soon as QE lost to LC, he received a notice from the QE Management Committee.

Expressed dissatisfaction with the team he managed.

Especially the tearful attitude towards the saber was recorded by the reporters present.

Greatly damaged the external image of QE.

Suddenly, QE completely stood on the cusp.

Someone has to take this responsibility!

Seeing Zhang Xuefeng lose his temper QE everyone shrank their heads in fright and no one dared to say anything.

I was afraid that Zhang Xuefeng would scold him badly if he was not careful.

You must know that Zhang Xuefeng is a strict coach on weekdays.

And this time QE lost such a major game
They can't afford the consequences
Just when everyone looked at each other and dared not open their mouths

Sitting next to Zhang Xuefeng's left weeping, he put down the cell phone he was playing with and let out a lazily breath.

"Old Zhang, you are too nervous."

"What's the point of losing a game, don't we still have a qualifying match?"

Zhang Xuefeng, who was already on fire, immediately widened his eyes when he heard the tears.

At this moment, the last person he wants to deal with in his heart is tears.

The captain of the f*cking position changes his position appointments to the players at will and insults the former captain.

There is also that Zhao Ze who even relied on tears to support the relationship within the team.

In all of this, the person who should be most responsible is crying!

If there are no tears, can QE lose this game? !

If Zhao Ze hadn't provoked LC, would QE lose so badly in this game? !
Thinking of these things, Zhang Xuefeng, who usually treats tears with a negotiable tone, snorts coldly at tears.

"Crying, you have nothing to say?!"

Looking at Zhang Xuefeng's eyes, the corners of his mouth were tearful and he laughed and shrugged.

"Say what, what can I say?"

"What do you want to do, old Zhang, isn't it just a matter of your words?"

"Crying, you.!"

"Captain Farewell"

Seeing the indifferent tone of tears, Zhang Xuefeng immediately slapped the table.

The other QE people beside him turned pale with fright.

Tears are provoking Zhang Xuefeng!
Doesn't this justify death? !
Tears looked at the expressions of the people present and the corners of their mouths evoked a smile.

She spread her hands at Zhang Xuefeng.

"Old Zhang, I did my best with QE."

"Who can lead this group of trash? If you want to talk about responsibility, I think you will be the first one."

"I can't recognize people clearly, so I found such a group of two hundred and five."

"Crying, I see that your mind is flooded!"

"Have you forgotten who you are when you say this?!"

Hearing the tears, Zhang Xuefeng was so out of breath that he almost couldn't breathe.

He really didn't expect that in tears, he would shirk his responsibility in front of everyone in the team.

How could I choose such a toy as the captain? !

At this moment Zhang Xuefeng completely understood Saber's mood.

At first, he didn't believe the reporter's report.

I thought it was just those gossip reporters deliberately hyping it up, but now I see that he completely believes it!
Tears, you are a white-eyed wolf!

The faces of the other people on the side turned pale with fright, only Zhao Ze stood up bravely and explained to the angry Zhang Xuefeng by pulling the corners of his mouth.

"Mr. Zhang, don't take what the captain said seriously. He was just stimulated."

"Look at this game, he really tried his best."

Seeing that Zhao Ze stood up unexpectedly, everyone present was taken aback.

They didn't expect that someone would intercede with tears.

But in fact, Zhao Ze is suffering in his heart at the moment.

He really didn't want to speak for tears.

But as long as the QE people, no one knows that he is a hardcore confidant who sheds tears.

If the tears are driven away, then his good life will be over.

No matter what you say, you have to fight!
It's just that before Zhang Xuefeng could speak, the tears on the side actually laughed when he heard Zhao Ze's words.

You Qi looked at Zhao Ze with tears in his eyes, and there was a playful smile in his eyes.

"Zhao Ze, oh Zhao Ze, you are still sensible."

"It's just that you think the trash I'm talking about doesn't include you?"

"You are the biggest waste here!"

"Captain, stop talking"

Although Zhao Ze didn't want to persuade him at all after listening to the tearful words, he had to say this for his own sake.

It's just that she didn't buy the tears at all, seeing Zhang Xuefeng's face gradually flushed, she even laughed arrogantly.

"My C-position output in the upper reaches of the alliance was delayed by you trash!"

"A team that is about to fall into the lower league, still has the face to discuss my merits and demerits here?"

Hearing the tearful words, Zhang Xuefeng couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

Pointing at the door of the living room and roaring

"Get out! Get out of here!"

"QE doesn't have you scum!"

It's just that the tears seemed to be expected, and he smiled at Zhang Xuefeng.

"Don't you just want to put a shit bowl on my head?"

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

"I really don't care to be the captain!"

As he said that, crying, he tore off his armband and threw it in front of Zhang Xuefeng like throwing garbage.

Then got up and walked out.

It's just that when he opened the door, he looked back at the people present with tears and sneered.

"Old Zhang, I forgot to tell you. From now on, QE will definitely not be able to enter the secondary league."

"Because I'm going to beat you shit in FK!"


Zhang Xuefeng shouted at the tearful back with all his strength.

Now he is really angry.

Not only because of the tearful confrontation, but also because of betrayal!
FK is the team that squeezed QE out of the secondary league.

Even crying is taking defeating FK as the goal of QE!
But thinking about this now, Zhang Xuefeng only felt deeply ironic!

How could he not hear it from the tearful words

The QE captain, whom I have always trusted and relied heavily on, shed tears, and even wanted to leave a long time ago!

This is the greatest insult to his coach!

Tolerable or unbearable!
It's just that she looked at Zhang Xuefeng panting with her hands propped up on the table in tears, showing no remorse at all.

There is even more banter in the eyes.

Fortunately, I prepared the back road to FK.

Otherwise, if you framed me and let me bear the responsibility for the failure of QE, I still have a way to survive?
What's so rare about a QE captain?

FK is the place where I became famous!
Lin Chuan, Fang Qingning, Saber, you trash, get ready for me to step on your feet!
Thinking of these tears, he sneered, closed the door and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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