Chapter 114 Fighting!

Hearing Xu Guanjie's words, the face that was originally crying with pride suddenly changed drastically.

But thinking about what the prince had said to him before, his eyes suddenly became angry.

"Damn it! Xu Guanjie! Don't you FK want to fight anymore?!"

"Forgot what the prince said?!"

Hearing the tearful words, Xu Guanjie froze for a moment.

He didn't expect that tears would bring up this matter in front of everyone in FK.

Immediately his face became angry.

And the members of FK on the side looked at Xu Guanjie questioningly.

They couldn't believe it, their own coach, a man who was determined to lead FK out of the secondary league.

He would take the initiative to provoke such a waste as tears!

Seeing the ferocious expression of tears, Xu Guanjie suddenly snorted coldly.

The game was so bad, how dare you mention the crown prince to yourself? !
Even if the emperor is here, you can still get out today!
Thinking of Xu Guanjie directly took out an envelope from his pocket, tore it to pieces twice and threw it on the ground.

"Crying! Get out!"

"From now on, FK will have nothing to do with you!"

"If you have the ability, go find the prince yourself!"

Speaking of which, Xu Guanjie directly led the other four people from FK off the arena.

Seeing the result of Xu Guanjie's handling, Gu Cheng and the others felt warm in their hearts.

Although they knew that Xu Guanjie might have agreed to some condition of the prince.

But Xu Jiao is still that Xu Jiao!
Thinking about leaving the arena without looking back, before leaving, he glared at him with tears in his eyes.

"Bah! How dare a stray dog ​​bark at our FK!"

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing in tears that the FK team really dared to shoot him, he was trembling with anger
He looked fiercely at the LC team who was still celebrating their victory.

Lin Chuan of dog days!We are not finished!

Thinking of crying, he left the arena directly, and rushed to the top floor of the event building.

If anyone can save him at this moment, there is probably no one except the prince!

Seeing Lin Chuan leaving the arena in tears, the corners of Lin Chuan's mouth, who was still greeting him, suddenly smiled.

Such a person should have been like this long ago!

Thinking of Lin Chuan leading the other LC people down the arena to meet Huo Tianyi.

Seeing the high-spirited expressions of Lin Chuan and the others, Huo Tianyi was even more gratified from the bottom of his heart.

Although LC is just a newly established team, it allowed him to see the dawn of the sprint league.

King, invincible!

Thinking of Huo Tianyi, he waved directly at a few people.

"Let's go, let's have a good meal today, I treat you!"

As he spoke, he led everyone out of the event building.

Meanwhile, on the top floor of the events building.

Looking at the silent prince in front of him with tears, he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Prince, look at Xu Guanjie who dare not listen to you."

"Do you want to cure him?"

Hearing the tears, the prince suddenly laughed.

The prince knew the battle process between LC and FK clearly.

He had known for a long time that tears would definitely come to him after the game.

But the prince didn't expect the tears to think that he would save him?
Tears used to be the captain of QE, and he had the capital to talk to himself.

Now it's just a street mouse that everyone yells and beats, so what can I talk to myself about?
But seeing nothing in front of his eyes, he felt nothing but tears, and the prince didn't bother to poke it.

He just smiled slightly at the tears, and said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Crying, you are right! This Xu Guanjie is not a thing!"

"But I'm not FK's boss"

"What do you think I can do?"

Hearing the prince's words, the smile on his face that was crying suddenly stagnated.

Now he was really scared.

I used to have QE to allow myself to act recklessly, but when it comes to FK, not only my butt is not hot.

And this quarrel will definitely be infinitely magnified.

I will no longer have a place in the entire e-sports circle.

This prince is his only hope!

No matter how stupid he is, how could he fail to hear that the crown prince wants to give up on him.

Thinking of this, shed tears and hurriedly said

"Prince! We are in the same trench! I offended QE for you."

"Now you don't care about me, but there is really no place for me."

Seeing the tearful expression of eating Huang Lian, the prince smiled coldly in his heart.

No capital, still want to talk to yourself?

When ACG is a shantang?

Although the prince thought so in his heart, he could not say so.

After all, if tears are something that jumps over the wall in a hurry, I will inevitably have some troubles.

Thinking of the prince, he smiled and comforted him with tears

"Captain Tears, don't worry."

"After the limelight passes, I'll find another chance for you."

Said the prince will get up.

And the tears on the side listened to the prince's words, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

After a while? !

After a while, my day lily is cold!

Still looking for a chance? !
How nice to hear that!
Thinking of crying, he looked at the prince in front of him and sneered again and again.

"Then don't bother the prince."

"I'm leaving now."

After speaking, she shed tears and turned around and left the prince's conference room.

Go downstairs.

Seeing that he left the office in tears, the prince smiled at the two bodyguards behind him.

"This idiot, you still want me to help him? I'm afraid he has no brains?!"

The two bodyguards looked at each other helplessly and then worried.

"Prince, don't play like this next time."

"It would be too dangerous if he rushed over just now."

Hearing what the bodyguard said, the prince's mouth curled into a sneer.

"This idiot, has the guts?"

Then bursts of laughter came from the top office.

Hearing the laughter from upstairs, the teary one who had just walked downstairs suddenly turned cold.

Couldn't help clenching his fists.

Oh shit!Lin Chuan!
It's all you!
Without you, how could I be reduced to this point!
And that bitch Fang Qingning!
You all have to die!
Thinking of crying directly to the first floor.

At this moment, the tears were filled with hatred towards Lin Chuan, and at this moment, he looked up and saw the LC and the others who had just come out of the competition hall and were about to eat!

"Damn it! Let me die!"

With a cry of tears.

Seeing tears running towards everyone in LC, he directly raised his fist and punched Lin Chuan.

"Damn! Lin Chuan! I want you to die!"

The movement of crying was so fast that everyone in LC had no time to react.

But Lin Chuan, who had the blessing of reaction, heard the roar of tears and wanted to see what happened.

Suddenly a fist appeared in front of him.

"Grass! Tears are you crazy?!"

As he said that, Lin Chuan directly exerted force on his legs and withdrew directly.

Instantly dodged the fist of tears.

Immediately, Qi Minglie, Li Tianlong and the others pressed their tears to the ground.

"Fuck! How dare you hit my master!"

"I will let you understand today why the flowers are so red!"

As he said that, Qi Minglie went down with his feet in tears.

But at this moment, Lin Chuan, who was relieved, was suddenly afraid.

Fortunately, I have a systematic response blessing.

Otherwise, with this punch, I won't be able to dodge it even if I want to!

Thinking of Lin Chuan, he immediately waved at Qi Minglie and the others.

"Stop it all! Let him fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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