Chapter 117 LC Has a Home

At this moment, Lin Chuan and the others were sitting on the Rolls-Royce of Saber with puzzled faces.

Saber said that there are surprises for himself, and what is it?
While Lin Chuan was thinking, Rolls-Royce stopped suddenly.

Looking at the luxury villa outside the car window, Lin Chuan was taken aback for a moment.

"This is?"

Just as he was thinking, Saber suddenly opened the car door and walked down, waving at everyone.

Then he walked directly to Lin Chuan who just got out of the car with a dazed expression on his face.

"Xiao Chuan, this is the training base I promised you earlier, how are you satisfied?"

Hearing Saber's words, both Qi Minglie and the others present were stunned.

This villa turned out to be the base of the LC team that Saber gave them? !
Especially Qi Minglie looked at the high-end villa in front of him with eyes full of shock, and his mouth was so surprised that he almost fell to the ground.

"Just kidding?!"

"Senior Saber, are you going to give this to my master?!"

"Captain you here."

Fang Qingning looked at the saber in shock.

Although she knew that Saber was rich, she never expected that Saber would be so generous that he would buy such a large villa at one time as LC's training base.

Seeing the astonished expressions of several people, Saber smiled slightly.

"It's nothing, it's just a villa."

"The value of LC is more than that."

On the other hand, Lin Chuan looked at the villa in front of him calmly.

In my heart, I was silently estimating.

Not to mention the value of this villa.

As far as the surrounding area where this villa is built, the land price has been fired up to [-].

And this is a high-end community, even the most common high-rises are priced at 10,000+.

This villa is too expensive, he can't accept it!
Xiang Lin Chuan waved his hand directly at the saber with a smile.

"Senior, this is too precious. Our LC cannot accept it"

With that said, Lin Chuan turned around and was about to walk back to the car.

On the other hand, Qi Minglie grabbed Lin Chuan quickly and grinned at the saber.

"Brother Saber, don't listen to my master's nonsense. He just couldn't accept it for a while."

"Xiao Lie!"

Hearing Qi Minglie's words, Lin Chuan immediately raised his eyebrows and turned his head to interrupt Qi Minglie's words.

Then he walked towards the saber with eyes full of respect and said

"Senior Saber, I know how much you value LC."

"But this villa, I'm sorry, I absolutely cannot accept it."


Saber looked at Lin Chuan's determined face, and was speechless and turned to look at Fang Qingning who was beside Lin Chuan, and immediately gave him a look for help.

"Qing Ning, quickly persuade Lin Chuan."

"but I."

Fang Qingning listened to Saber's words, but looked at Lin Chuan's face for a while, and was also in a dilemma.

Although LC needs a training base very much now.

But the gift of the saber was too precious, and she really didn't dare to make this decision for Lin Chuan.

For a while, the scene suddenly became deserted.

At this moment, Huo Tianyi, who had been silent on the sidelines, slowly spoke to Lin Chuan.

"Xiao Chuan, I think you can accept it."

"Coach Huo, how can you?!"

Hearing Huo Tianyi's words, Lin Chuan looked over in a daze.

Huo Tianyi, who usually doesn't even intervene in team affairs, actually stood up? !

And before he finished speaking, Huo Tianyi waved his hand at Lin Chuan.

"Xiao Chuan, listen to me."

"LC really needs a training base now. This one is just right. Why not"

"How about we count Saber as a shareholder? How about we give Saber points when the team gets the bonus in the future?!"

Hearing Huo Tianyi's words, Saber's eyes lit up and he nodded hastily.

"Yes, yes, Xiao Chuan, what if I become a shareholder?!"


Seeing the attitudes of Saber and Huo Tianyi, Lin Chuan immediately fell into hesitation.

Since the establishment of the LC team, they still only play training games in the cafeteria.

In the long run, it is really not an answer, but if you count Saber as a shareholder of LC
This is also a way.

And the other people on the side were waiting for Lin Chuan's reply with anticipation.

For them, Lin Chuan's words at this moment, one thought of heaven, one thought of hell.
Looking at the hopeful eyes of several teammates in front of him.

Lin Chuan swallowed back the words to refuse, and nodded helplessly.

"All right."

"However, Senior Saber's villa is [-]% of the shares."

"From now on, I will give you back a lot of points"

"Good good!"

Seeing that Lin Chuan finally agreed, Saber nodded happily.

As long as Lin Chuan accepts his gift, it will be fine. As for the follow-up payment of the LC team
At that time, it’s okay if you don’t want to?
And Qi Minglie was even more afraid of Lin Chuan's repentance, seeing Lin Chuan nodding in agreement, he ran towards the villa directly.

"Senior Saber, hurry up and open the door! Aren't you afraid that my master will go back on his word?!"

Hearing Qi Minglie's words, Saber hurriedly pulled Lin Chuan into the gate with the key.

After entering the room, even though Lin Chuan was unwilling to accept it, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction with the facilities in the room.

Tactical conference rooms, training bases, swimming pools, a lounge for everyone, and more.

Especially when Saber brought Lin Chuan to the room specially customized for him, Lin Chuan was even more moved.

Han Xin, Li Bai, Sima Yi, Zhao Yun and other heroic life models lined up in a row, all facing the door with their knees slightly bent.

It seems to be welcoming the return of his master.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, the rest of the LC team couldn't help swallowing.

Especially when the other people ran to their respective rooms, they immediately screamed.

Sun Shangxiang, Wu Zetian, Lu Bu, Zhuang Zhou.
There is a one-to-one life-size model in each person's room, and there are corresponding room decorations.

After Lin Chuan walked around several rooms, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

From these decorations, it is not difficult to see the importance and expectation of Saber on LC.

And looking at the four LC standing in front of him, Lin Chuan suddenly smiled slightly.

"LC has a home today!"

Listening to Lin Chuan's words, Fang Qingning's eyes were a little redder.

Although LC is named after Lin Chuan, it is also like her child.

From the ruin of leaving QE to today.

Like a child, she finally found a place of her own.

Today's LC team is the LC team.

While several people were feeling emotional in the hall, suddenly there was a knock on the door and they were stunned.

They just came to the villa, how could anyone know before their butts are hot?

Just as everyone looked at Saber suspiciously, Saber slapped his forehead.

"Forget! The cleaner I just called!"

"I'll call them in"

Speaking of the saber, he walked over and prepared to open the door.

But Lin Chuan frowned slightly.


But it's not good to hear the knock on the door
Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the angry voice of the saber.

"How did you get here?!"

"Who allowed you to come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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