Chapter 123
Hearing Qi Minglie's voice, Lin Chuan, who was originally serious, smiled helplessly.

No matter what tense situation Qi Minglie is in, he can talk about it like acting.

But Lin Chuan immediately turned his face to look at Yita on the next road, and frowned.

At this moment, Ma Chao actually forcibly jumped the tower directly, using his own displacement and the attack advantage of the Lenghui gun.

Qi Minglie did not have a stable output environment at all.

Under the blessing of the power of the master, it directly hits explosive output.

Seeing his only trace of blood left, Qi Minglie's expression turned extremely ugly at the moment.

If he really loses his head, then the bottom lane will be completely at a disadvantage.

And the advantage of the middle and upper class will disappear in an instant.

The two sides once again entered a stalemate of balance of power.

Thinking of these, Qi Minglie's eyes suddenly became confused.

But at this moment, the descendants and Cai Wenji who were following Ma Chao directly entered his sight.

But at this moment, because of their absolute advantage, Ting Man and Naughty Boy had no defense at all.

Especially the naughty boy, in order to cooperate with Ma Chao in killing Sun Shangxiang, he directly handed over Cai Wenji's 1 and 3 skills.

Everything is to kill Sun Shangxiang!
But looking at the continuously flickering golden circle of light, Qi Minglie's flustered eyes suddenly became certain.

The corners of the mouth are directly raised slightly.

Then he gritted his teeth hard
"Master! Leave me alone!"

"Look at the shooter and support behind Senior Saber!"

"They all lost their skills!"

Hearing Qi Minglie's words, Lin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the descendants and Cai Wenji standing on the edge of a tower.

You Qi saw that Cai Wenji even called out her ultimate move.

The corner of Lin Chuan's mouth turned into a sneer

The reason why he has never tried to break the balance in the bottom lane.

Not only because of the pressure of the saber, but also because of Cai Wenji's ultimate move.

After all, the blood recovery effect that her ultimate move brought to teammates, as well as the doubled resistance bonus, made it difficult for Zhao Yun, who relied on explosive output, to instantly kill his descendants.

That's why Lin Chuan went wild quietly.

At this moment, Cai Wenji actually released a team buff skill just to let Ma Chao kill a Sun Shangxiang safely.

It's just a waste of money!
And the saber is also very dissatisfied with the naughty boy's move to release the big move at the moment.

In my heart, I re-evaluated the existing QE team members.

Not only is it technically unable to reach the level of strength of a standard team, but it is also eager for success.

For a hero like Ma Chao, with the power of a master and the passive blood recovery effect brought by him.

Even the anti-tower can only cause a certain amount of damage, and it is not worth using the ultimate move to restore blood.

Can't an assassin himself kill a squishy shooter? !

In particular, the positions of descendants and Cai Wenji are full of loopholes.

Actually standing outside the defense tower not only put himself in a dangerous situation.

And if there is support from the river at this time, the descendants and Cai Wenji will die!

Just when the saber was about to remind Tingman and the naughty boy, a silver light suddenly flashed out from the river.

Saber suddenly widened his eyes and shouted at the two people who were still ignorant

"Quickly withdraw! Zhao Yun is here!"

And Tingman is so full of heart to kill Sun Shangxiang at this moment, why would he care about looking at the map.

He even smiled at the saber with an indifferent face.

"Captain, don't lie to me!"

"Sun Shangxiang's head must be mine!"

Speaking of which, Ting Man even manipulated the descendants to directly press the 3 skill, and instantly hit the scorching sun arrow and flew out.

The moment Ma Chao's Leng Hui spear was about to kill Sun Shangxiang, he took the head away!

"One Kill!"

[Descendants kill Sun Shangxiang! 】

Looking at the information on the public screen, anger rose in Saber's eyes.


"You guys stay here!"

Speaking of the saber, he directly threw two Lenghui guns, thinking about rushing towards the wild area on LC's side.

Directly bypassed the river and rushed back to the wild area.

Only in this way, may there be a chance to kill Zhao Yun with a backhand!

Seeing Ma Chao who unexpectedly left from under the tower, Ting Man suddenly smiled contemptuously.

"As long as you have the guts, you still want to be the captain?!"

"It's just a coward!"

Speaking of which, Tingman was about to walk back to his own tower with the naughty boy.

But when they turned around, their eyes suddenly flustered.

Saber was right!

I saw Zhao Yun slowly coming out of the grass in the river and charging towards the two of them.

At this moment, although Lin Chuan was manipulating Zhao Yun, his heart was full of doubts.

Why don't the descendants and Cai Wenji run away? !

They even stole someone's head on purpose, aren't these two afraid of me? !
But thinking that Cai Wenji had lost her big move, Lin Chuan immediately raised a playful smile when he looked at the descendant's body.

A stance output lost the only control skill.

What else do you have to fight with me? !

Thinking that Lin Chuan didn't even try this time, he just quickly pressed skills 1 and 3.

Zhao Yun leaped forward like a bolt of lightning, and then rose into the air
Accompanied by the endless power of thunder, it instantly shot down the descendants and Cai Wenji!

"Thunder Dragon!"

"Sky Soaring Dragon!"

Accompanied by the passive critical strike of control and skill 1, the blood volume of descendants and Cai Wenji evaporated in an instant.

And Lin Chuan didn't give the two of them a chance at all, and directly pressed the 2 skill.

"The Dragon Breaking Clouds!"

With the silver light flashing, gun shadows ran rampant, under the thunder effect of Zhao Yun's big move.

The descendants and Cai Wenji didn't even have a chance to resist, and were directly killed on the spot.

"Double Kill!"

[Zhao Yun completed a double kill! 】

Accompanied by the passionate tone in the game, Qi Minglie, who was originally dark-eyed, suddenly became happy.

Almost jumped up directly.

"Master! You are too strong!"

"Let's see how they're pissed off!"

In an instant, the advantage of the original saber was directly equalized by Lin Chuan.

And Saber, who had just returned to the wild area and had no time to rush to the bottom lane again, looked at the prompt message on the screen and sighed helplessly.

No matter how strong you are in the jungle, you have teammates like Ting Man Urchin.
It's just a fantasy
Thinking of the saber, he directly brushed up wild monsters.

He no longer has any illusions about supporting other roads at this moment.

Up and down have collapsed, and the middle road is not far away.
Then we can only watch the team battle.

Thinking of these sabers began to develop rapidly.

Especially seeing that Lin Chuan's economy is almost 1K higher than his own, his veteran jungler suddenly feels powerless to control the situation for a moment.

Looking at the gloomy image on the screen, Ting Man could no longer hold back his temper.

Especially thinking that the saber had just been withdrawn directly from under the tower.

Shouldn't he stay and fight Lin Chuan to the death? !

The more Ting Man thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said it directly to the saber.

"Captain! You are watching us die on purpose!"

"Are you so happy when you lose?!"

"Or is it that you deliberately want to bring down QE by returning to QE as the captain?!"

(End of this chapter)

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