Chapter 143
Norton on the other side of the phone was staring at the gray screen. Although he was plotted and killed by Gongsunli, LC's cooperation just now was indeed seamless.

If Wu Zetian's ultimate move was one second late or one second early, he would have a chance to fight back.

Today's LC team seems to have a better understanding than yesterday's LC team.

This game was indeed worthwhile. The five members of the FPS team did not have any hope of winning this game, but the LC team taught them that a good team must have trust and tacit cooperation.

Norton's eyes sparkled and he smiled brightly, encouraging his teammates.

"Cheer up for me, don't leave any regrets, let go and do a big job."

"Okay, Brother Nuo!"

The four members of the FPS team are also full of energy at this time.

Although they came here from different cities to form a temporary team, although they lost to the LC team, they faced the reality of disbanding.

But they are reluctant to part with this arena, and they are also reluctant to part with these like-minded teammates!
It is precisely because of this that in the last game, you must have fun and show your full strength.

After Norton, the FPS team in the middle, took the heads of Wu Zetian and Da Qiao, both sides entered a heated stage.

The economy, the number of towers, and the number of people are evenly divided.

Both teams can only rely on team battles in the middle to decide the outcome.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

Success or failure is here!
Cheng Lu manipulated Sun Ce to restrain each other with Li Xin in the bottom lane but they couldn't kill each other, he just felt bored in his heart.

Cheng Lu, who felt that he was useless, finally ushered in a team battle in the middle.

"Sun Ce is here to play a team."

Hearing Lin Chuan's order to fight a group, Cheng Lu excitedly drove the boat to the middle road.

"Long sail breaks the waves!"

"The bright lights guide the new course, the important thing is who to fight for"

"Sun Ce has passed. Wait for me to gather before forming a group."

Watching Sun Ce sail away, Li Xin quickly signaled to his teammates.

Hearing the horn of Sun Ce's sailing ship, the FPS, which wanted to retreat, was too late!

Cheng Lu got off the boat ahead of time, and the boat that Sun Ce abandoned abruptly sailed towards the FPS and the others.

The few people standing together were abruptly knocked into the air by Sun Ce's boat.

At this time, Wu Zetian also started his big move.

"Live and kill with a spear!"

A golden magic circle suddenly appeared at the enemy's feet.

Facing Sun Ce's oncoming ship, Sun Bin wanted to take the opportunity to speed up his retreat with skill 2, but accidentally hit and hit to trigger time reversal, instantly returning half of the damage he suffered.

Sun Bin took the lead in purifying and releasing the control, and still made big moves in Sun Ce's direction.

"Time passes!"

Norton even directly controlled Yang Yuhuan to frantically pluck the strings, and three sound waves chased Sun Ce.Norton didn't want to hand over his skills to Sun Ce, but Sun Ce was bullying too much just now, and wanted to charge into the arena and kill them in seconds.

"Neon Clothes Song!"


Cheng Lu was instantly silenced on the spot. He thought that he would surely die after being hit by Sun Ce and Wu Zetian's big moves. Seeing the blood volume on the opposite side suddenly recover, he completely forgot to move and stood there in a daze.

"What are you panicking about, step back."

The double attack of Sun Bin's big move bomb explosion and Yang Yuhuan's 1 skill plus basic attack, the damage should not be underestimated, so he quickly reminded Chenglu to retreat.

Lin Chuan looked at the sudden acceleration on the other side, and knew that this would be the result.

Sure enough, the cooperation is very good, but it is not empty that they have 50% cooperation!

Lin Chuan, who was hiding in the grass, realized that they had to finish the team battle before Li Xin arrived.

Five against four is the advantage!
Li Tianlong went directly to Chenglu's side to release skill 2, and Chenglu directly pressed skill 1 to rush towards Da Qiao's magic circle.

"Cleave the wind and chop the waves!"

Seeing the bloody Sun Ce standing at the moment of returning to the city, Li Tianlong immediately pressed his big move.

"Vortex Gate!"

"Go upstream!"

Accompanied by Da Qiao's ethereal voice, the carp in the water waves went upstream, and Sun Ce sent it over.

"I'll sell it, and then you can buy it."

Sun Ce returned full of blood and charged into battle.

"Give me a chance, and I'll pay you Pentakill!" Lin Chuan joked with a smile.It is a tacit consent to become a way to attract firepower.

Hearing Lin Chuan's laughter, Cheng Lu decisively pressed the 1 skill and rushed in the direction of Marco Polo.

Da Qiao's 1 and 3 skills cooperated with Sun Ce to knock Marco Polo into the air and silence him.

Marco Polo, who was still shooting at Wu Zetian, also reacted quickly, and immediately used his displacement skills to dodge to the side.

Marco Polo mocked with a mocking smile, "You still want to mess with me?"

The big move is directly rotated into the field.

"Fever barrage!"

Seeing Sun Ce's remaining blood, Marco Polo was dazzled by the head, and even shot at Sun Ce continuously.

"Let the bullets fly happily!"

Chenglu didn't intend to get out alive at all, he slashed at Marco Polo with his backhand 2 skill to delay time.

"The stormy sea!"

Following Marco Polo's general attack, Sun Ce fell bravely.

"one kill!"

[Marco Polo killed Sun Ce! 】

"It's up to you."

After completing the task, Cheng Lu put down his phone, picked up the water on the table, and drank it in one gulp.

"I will avenge you."

Qi Minglie controlled Nako Lulu to summon "Mamahaha" to go around and pounce on Marco Polo.

Lin Chuan knew when it was time to wait for the next update, so he quickly dodged forward and made a few basic attacks.

Marco Polo, who was still bragging about successfully killing Sun Ce, evaporated in an instant.

"I go!"

"Save me!"

Sun Bin, who has no skills, can only watch Nako Lulu and Gongsunli pounce on Marco Polo and have nothing to do.

"one kill!"

[Gongsunli killed Marco Polo! 】

Ake, who had been waiting for the opportunity to get in the car to harvest, finally got the opportunity.Turn on the big move to stealth and enter behind, follow the mid laner and support, and accept Wu Zetian's head.


Fang Qingning was hiding behind and following Lin Chuan to make up for the injury, when she was suddenly frightened by the elusive A Ke, and before she could escape in time, she was taken away by A Ke.

"one kill!"

[A Ke killed Wu Zetian! 】

Lin Chuan saw that A Ke killed Wu Zetian in an instant, and the next target must be himself. Seeing that A Ke's skills were refreshed to restore the invisible state.

A golden light flashed, Lin Chuan knew that the danger was approaching, and decisively pressed the 2 skill behind him.

"Lonely bird breaks the sky!"

A Ke, who wanted to cut back, was immediately repelled.

"I'll let you get close?" Lin Chuan sneered and hit A Ke with a few basic attacks.

As an assassin, A Ke has high damage but lacks blood volume, how can she stand up to Gongsunli's general attack.When the maple leaf imprint on the head exploded, it was instantly dropped.


[Gongsunli kills Ake! 】

Norton saw that one of his teammates was missing, and Li Xin had not arrived for a long time, so he could only resist the heavy responsibility and felt the pressure.

He couldn't touch Gongsunli, so couldn't he hit Lin Chuan's teammates?
Cleverly using Yang Yuhuan's 2 skill to stun Na Ke Lulu, then the 1 skill received the basic attack to take away Na Ke Lulu's head, and then flashed to Da Qiao who was about to return to the city, completing the double kill in an instant.

Yang Yuhuan, who had no skills, was dropped by Gongsun Li at the last moment of landing.





Facing the lonely and helpless Sun Bin and Li Xin who arrived late, Lin Chuan had five kills with tears in his eyes.

"The group is destroyed."

Norton sighed helplessly. They still couldn't beat LC in the end, but they couldn't hide their excitement.

The five of them agreed to surrender.

Goodbye bye.

(End of this chapter)

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