Chapter 151 Fierce Battle

Lin Chuan controlled Han Xin to jump from the field to the road with a spear, and he wanted to bring the line of troops there.

If you can take the opportunity to push down the highland defense tower, you can earn a profit directly.

At this time, Tachibana Ukyo suddenly disappeared from the top lane. Lin Chuan guessed that he might be in the wild area, and pressed the 1 skill to jump to the enemy's wild area without hesitation.

Sure enough, Tachibana Ukyo was frantically outputting two lizard wild monsters.

"If you don't bring a good line of soldiers, why come here to fight wild?"

"In that case, don't blame me for being cruel."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he laughed jokingly.

Pressing the 2 skill very decisively, I saw Han Xin flying to Tachibana Ukyo's face.

"It's because you just pissed me off in the middle of the road, right?"

The lion didn't expect Han Xin to come over so boldly and directly press the 1 skill.

"Yan back!"

Tachibana Ukyo jumped back and swung the knife at Han Xin at the same time, only to see a knife shadow hit Han Xin and directly activate the second stage to use it.

Tachibana Ukyo hurriedly dodged under the defense tower.

"Will I let you kill easily?"


After the lion finished speaking, he smiled coldly.

Han Xin then jumped over with Tachibana Ukyo with skill 1, and even provoked Tachibana Ukyo with skill 1, but was forced back by Tachibana Ukyo's big move and two damages from the defensive tower.

The two red lights emitted by the defense tower instantly beat Han Xin to blood.Lin Chuan muttered silently.

"Bring your own famous knife! You can't die!"

Lin Chuan has long known that the players of the professional team will not be too weak, nor will they be forced.

If he was killed by the defense tower, it would be for nothing.


Lin Chuanben manipulated Han Xin to retreat to the grass in the river, and saw Li Tianlong and Fang Qingning respectively controlling Zhang Fei and Wu Zetian to go up the road.Immediately, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled wickedly.

"You can hit."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Fei rushed up and roared out a big move.

"The bloody beast!"

Zhang Fei showed his real body instantly.Fang Qingning joked while releasing skill 1 to compensate for the damage, "It really is a red buff for movement..."

Hearing Fang Qingning's words, Lin Chuan also smiled slightly.Then press the 2 skill to jump to Tachibana Ukyo under the defense tower.

A general attack.


The three tacitly cooperated to take Tachibana Ukyo away in an instant.

"one kill!"

[Han Xin killed Tachibana Ukyo! 】


"Why don't you come to support!"

The lion didn't expect the opponent's support to be so fast, and except for Bing Heng who was playing the dominant role in Longkeng, his teammates couldn't get away. The other three were actually held back by Sun Shangxiang and Lu Bu in the middle.

The lion murmured, "Is this teamwork?"

The cooperation of their team is not as good as that of an unknown team that has just been established.

My heart immediately paid tribute to the LC team.


Watch the broadcast of the enemy killing the master that suddenly appears at the top of the screen.

The canyon suddenly sounded passionate and inspiring.

"Return to the tower in the middle."

The three of them encircled Tachibana Ukyo, and Sun Wukong summoner Bing Heng would not give up easily, he would definitely vent his anger on Sun Shangxiang desperately.

If Sun Shangxiang lost the purification, wouldn't he be gank by Monkey King like a mobile cash machine?

Hearing Lin Chuan's words, Qi Minglie and Cheng Lu withdrew down the tower without looking back.

"Since they fight the master, let's fight the tyrant."

As Lin Chuan spoke, he manipulated Han Xin to leap towards the pit of the tyrant.

With the attack speed boosted by the rapid combat boots, Han Xin waved the long spear in his hand, and killed the tyrant with a set of skills.

Seeing the speed of light increase in the blood bar, the corners of his mouth raised.

They have the tyrant bonus, and the MG team is missing the top laner Tachibana Ukyo at this time, a good opportunity to formally form a team!

Squat in the grass in front of the tyrant, press the button to request assembly.

"Let's play a team."

"Is the path still big?"

When he was chasing Tachibana Ukyo just now, Zhang Fei's ultimate move was gone, and his anger value was only half at this time, so he could only rely on Lu Bu's ultimate move to start the team.

"Wang Zhaojun on the opposite side..."

Cheng Lu was a little hesitant, because the moment Lu Bu jumped to the top, Wang Zhaojun could release 2 skills to freeze in place.

"Wang Zhaojun and Jia Luo, I'll take care of it."

Lin Chuan knew what Chenglu was worried about, so he said aloud.

"Xiaolu can just trick Donghuangtaiyi's big move."



Although MG is missing Tachibana Ukyo at this time, but with the support of the master, he is not afraid at all.

"They're going to team up."

Bing Heng crouched in the middle of the bushes in ambush.All he has to do is cut off the opponent's double C after going around.

"Wang Zhaojun pay attention to move, don't be caught by Han Xin."

Han Xin's 1 skill is flying and big moves, and he is not afraid of Wang Zhaojun's deceleration and freezing.


Wang Zhaojun nodded, and he and Jia Luo clung tightly to Donghuang Taiyi's side.

"If Han Xin dares to come, I will suck him in and let him come and go."

Donghuang Taiyi, who has a big move and a flash, responded confidently.

Contrary to Donghuang Taiyi's self-confidence, Jia Luo felt a little suspenseful.The gank in the bottom lane is vivid.


"The Demon God Comes to the World!"

"Life or death!"

Chenglu slid the direction keys, manipulating Lu Bu to jump down into the crowd of people facing him. Following Lu Bu's maniacal laughter, several people were stunned by the golden ball of light falling from the sky, and were knocked into the air before they could escape. slow down.

With Fang Tian's slash, the blood bars of the three of them were reduced to half in an instant.

Lu Bu's real damage is undoubtedly the most deadly to tank support like Donghuang Taiyi.At this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi gritted his teeth and could only bite Lu Bu.

If he didn't bite again, Jia Luo and Wang Zhaojun, who were still bloody, were killed by Lu Bu with a single knife.And he himself couldn't wait for Han Xin, so he died first.

"Fallen Angel Contract!"

Chenglu had already guessed that Donghuang Taiyi would give him a big move, and he didn't resist at all.

His value is to find opportunities for Lin Chuan.

At this time, Wang Zhaojun released his 2 skills to take advantage of the situation to freeze Lu Bu, and Jia Luo output with all his strength.

"Captain. It's up to you."

"Wang Zhaojun is still big."

Listening to Cheng Lu's words, Lin Chuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled coldly. "Hehe, I made him unable to release his ultimate move."

The moment Cheng Lu watched Lu Bu fall down, he knew that he had completed his mission.


At this time, I saw Han Xin suddenly strung out from the wild area, and a white dragon surged from the wild area.

"When the spear moves, Bai Long yin!"

The 1 skill is not as good as Wang Zhaojun and Jia Luo who are fleeing in a flash. The assassin's favorite thing is that the crispy skin sticks together.Then decisively press the big move, the overlord body is immune to deceleration and control.

"Dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!"

almost simultaneously.

"one kill!"

[Han Xin killed Jia Luo! 】

[Sun Wukong kills Wu Zetian! 】


[Han Xin killed Wang Zhaojun! 】

[Sun Wukong kills Sun Shangxiang! 】

Han Xin and Monkey King completed a double kill!


Zhang Fei had no choice but to escape alone. Without a big move, Zhang Fei could only watch helplessly as his home output was beaten to death by Monkey King with three sticks.

But Sun Wukong didn't chase after him, his goal was Han Xin!

Li Tianlong, who fled back to the tower, saw that Monkey King had no intention of chasing him, and shouted in his heart that it was not good.

Han Xin with residual blood is no match for half-blood Monkey King.

I can only bite the bullet and rush to Han Xin.

Zhang Fei can die with one support, but Lin Chuan can't!
"Brother Chuan, Sun Wukong has come to you."

(End of this chapter)

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