Chapter 160 Tianxiu!

At this time, the moment Sima Yi grabbed the red buff, he immediately rose to level 4, decisively upgrading his ultimate move.

King Lanling looked at the passivity that had just finished cooling down, and directly pressed Invisibility.

Looking at the invisible King Lanling and the exclamation mark above his head, Lin Chuan was not in a hurry at all, but chuckled lightly.

"Oh, do you think you can escape?"

As soon as Lin Chuan finished speaking, he instantly pressed skill 1 and blindly cut to the small path near the middle of the red pit.

The invisible King Lanling appeared instantly.

King Lanling was dumbfounded, "I'm going? You know all this?"

At this time, every attack of Sima Yi has a red buff bonus.

Although King Lanling turned back and gave Sima Yi a shadow dagger dart, it still had no effect and was burned by the red buff instead.

"Won't Xiao Qiao come to support?"

King Lanling is also a low-level proficient at any rate. Knowing that he and Zhuang Zhou, who have not yet reached the fourth level, can't beat the menacing Sima Yi and Guiguzi, they can only turn on all the mics to call for support from the mid laner.

Xiao Qiao also reacted quickly, and immediately rushed to the grass in the river.


"Qing Ning help me hold Xiao Qiao."

Lin Chuan saw that Xiao Qiao was going to help, and immediately asked Fang Qingning to help stop him.


Fang Qingning knew that Lin Chuan wanted to forcibly kill King Lanling and Zhuang Zhou, and took back Guiguzi's slight weakness after giving him blood.

Immediately manipulated Zhang Liang to press skill 1 to block Xiao Qiao's way.

"Spirit of Words Barrier!"

I saw many golden magic barriers in front of Xiao Qiao, and Xiao Qiao, who had no time to react, was immediately stunned to the ground.

"I can't get through this, King Lanling, you wish for good luck."

Xiao Qiao, who dared not confront Zhang Liang head-on, immediately returned to the middle of the road.


The two who originally thought that Xiao Qiao would come to support them were instantly dumbfounded. They turned around and prepared to grit their teeth and fight Sima Yi to the death.

"Heh, let the four of you surround and beat me up!"

"Tell you to let me give you blood!"

"Tell you to cause me to be attacked by my teammates!"

At this time, Guiguzi turned the hatred he had just given the first blood towards all four of them into motivation, and vented it all on the two Kings of Lanling.

Resolutely aim at King Lanling who is showing his true body and press the 2 skill.

Immediately, Guiguzi summoned a large number of golden-green Xuanweizi to gather around him, pulling King Lanling and Zhuang Zhou to his side and stunned them.

At this time, Lin Chuan saw that the two who were attracted by Guiguzi still wanted to run, so he immediately pressed the 2 skill.

"Desolate domain!"

Before King Lanling escaped Guiguzi's dizziness, he was immediately silenced again. At this time, Zhuang Zhou was passive and happened to come out, only to see him swaying away like a loach on his Kun.

"Zhuang Zhou, you want to betray me?"

King Lanling looked at Zhuang Zhou who ran to Xiao Qiao's side without looking back, and suddenly became furious.

"I don't want to die with you."

Zhuang Zhou, who managed to escape for his life, smiled contemptuously.


Before King Lanling could react, Lin Chuan once again manipulated Sima Yi to hit two high-burst spell injuries.

In an instant, King Lanling, who had two-thirds of his health left, immediately fell down with a general attack accompanied by burning.

There is no time to fight back!
"one kill!"

[Sima Yi killed King Lanling! 】

"Qing Ning successfully ganked this wave, and you owe the most to holding Xiao Qiao."

Guiguzi on the side was shocked when he heard Sima Yi's voice in the earphones. How could the person he helped to stop be credited to the mid laner instead?

Then he thought that the mid laner was the favorite of his jungler and shooter, and the jungler had just predicted the stealth position of King Lanling quickly and ruthlessly. The operation really shocked him, and he could only silently shout injustice in his heart.

Obviously he should be praised as Guiguzixiu!

Lin Chuan, who successfully took the head, immediately pressed the 1 skill to come to the dragon pit beside him, and quickly knocked down the master who had just emerged.

Lin Chuan, who finished beating the Juggernaut, looked at the soldiers after the Qing Dynasty, and started to play on the two sides under the tower one after another. This is impossible to catch.

Sometimes the tower jumping and killing can't be grasped. Instead of catching people, they sent a few heads to the opposite side. The gain outweighs the loss.

"Little Lie, be careful of being gank in the middle lane."

Lin Chuan looked at Xiao Qiao who suddenly appeared on the small map and knew that Hou Yi who was fighting alone must be hard to resist, so he could only remind him aloud.

As soon as Lin Chuan finished speaking, Qi Minglie ran back to the tower in a hurry. Seeing that Houyi was so wretched, the people on the opposite side could only give up and go back to everyone.

"Qing Ning, squat in the middle with me."

Seeing that Xiao Qiao disappeared in the bottom lane on the opposite side, he must rush to the middle lane at this time, Lin Chuan called Fang Qingning to squat in the grass in the blue area opposite.

Sure enough, Xiao Qiao didn't go straight to the river, but was going to go back to the middle from the blue buff.

Guiguzi saw Xiao Qiao bouncing from the bottom lane to the wild area, so he pressed the 2 skill in advance and waited for the rabbit.

At this time, the little rabbit didn't know anything.


Following Lin Chuan's order, Guiguzi took the lead in pressing the 1st skill, accompanied by the 2nd skill yellow halo to rush out, holding Xiao Qiao who was jumping.


"Spirit of Words Manipulation!"

Before Xiao Qiao could react in the future, she was locked by Zhang Liang with the art of speech, and golden lights came from Zhang Liang's book.

At this time, Lin Chuan manipulated Sima Yi to press the 2 skill to silence Xiao Qiao.

"Serial control, I'm crying."

At this time, Xiao Qiao had given up struggling and let the three of them kill him like a living target.


Soon, Lin Chuan was supernatural.

At this time, he followed Sima Yi's Guiguzi from the beginning, and only then did he know how strong Lin Chuan was.

Immediately, the resentment of being abandoned and beaten by four people against Lan at the beginning of the game disappeared.

"Do you want Sima Yi to play together?"

Guiguzi completely forgot that Lin Chuan and the others were in the third row, and he thought about going to the stars with Sima Yi in his heart.

"Isn't that what you said at the beginning?"

Lin Chuan remembers Guiguzi throwing the blame on Fang Qingning at the beginning.

Although he cooperated well with Guiguzi in this round.

"Hey, didn't they do it unintentionally?"

Guiguzi chuckled and said coquettishly.

At this time, Fang Qingning, who had been silent all this time, watched Guiguzi's 360-degree face change, snorted disdainfully, and then sneered on the microphone.

"Mocking me as a female player, you still want to play with the master of the female player? Go and make your spring and autumn dream."

When several teammates saw Fang Qingning turn on the mic suddenly, they immediately covered their mouths and laughed.

"Miss, don't pay attention to him."

The overall taciturn top laner suddenly turned on his voice to comfort him.

Fang Qingning snorted coldly, then turned off all voices.


As time passed, the opposite side dared not go out of the tower, and they couldn't get in either.

The two sides suddenly fell into a stalemate.

"Guiguzi, do you dare to flash to start a group?"

At this time, Lin Chuan manipulated Sima Yi to lead the Qing troops around, but all his attention was on their delay in breaking through the last line of defense on the opposite side - the high ground defense tower.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me."

Guiguzi sniffed at this moment, snorted coldly, and made a gesture of flashing to split the group.

"Huh? Why don't you wait for me to do it yourself? One hit five?"

Lin Chuan watched Guiguzi swaying left and right, and hurriedly stopped him.

He went up to start a group with Guiguzi, without his teammates to keep up, didn't he die?
When Guiguzi heard Lin Chuan's words, he stopped and waited for Sima Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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