Chapter 173 MG Battle!

"Isn't he afraid that I will steal their jungle position?"

Lin Chuan looked at the saber jokingly as he spoke.

"Then you must have the ability to poach you away."

Saber felt Lin Chuan's playful gaze, and immediately laughed. Lin Chuan would not break his promise like tears.

Lin Chuan is always worthy of their trust!

"We will never give WK any chance!"

Cheng Lu, who had always been reluctant to speak, suddenly smiled coldly, with a very firm tone.


"That's right, anyone who doesn't want LC to be good will not succeed."

It was rare for Qi Minglie to be serious, but it attracted a lot of jokes from everyone.

"Whether it's a human or a ghost, you'll know if you take it out and swipe it around."

Lin Chuan has long lost the immatureness at the beginning, but now he has become stable.


Several people are discussing the relationship between the prince and WK.

Qi Minglie at the side touched his growling stomach and shouted. "I'm very hungry!"

"Are you hungry now?"

As Lin Chuan spoke, he picked up his phone and checked the time. It was only less than 11 o'clock, and the game they had just ended really quickly.

"This isn't the game just now. It was physically and mentally exhausting. Besides, I digest quickly."



Qi Minglie can be called a first-class living treasure of LC.

A few people chatted and laughed, and instantly forgot what happened just now.

"Then let's go eat."

Saber smiled helplessly and shook his head. These children are really energetic and have no worries.

"It makes me hungry."

Lin Chuan suddenly felt that his stomach was like a tsunami and landslides, crazily declaring that he also needed to eat.

After lunch, take a rest along the way.

A few people talked and laughed and walked to the parking lot.


At this time, a group of teenagers walked towards them, dressed in white team uniforms, with the words MG team printed on the clothes.

It is the MG team!

Huo Tian, ​​who was on the side, immediately went up to meet the person coming. "Brother Liu!"

"Brother Huo!" The bearded man's eyes lit up instantly, and he strode towards Huo Tianyi.

Lin Chuan looked at the two middle-aged men shaking hands and hugging, and then looked at the group of teenagers behind him. Without any suspense, they were the home team of MG.

"By the way, I was too busy talking to you. Let me introduce you. This is the MG team I lead. Are these brats called people?"

"Hi Coach Huo!"

"This is Ice Balance, this is a lion, this is..."

Liu Wenzhi introduced them one by one, and the teenagers behind him smiled and nodded.

"You also come up to get familiar with it."

Huo Tian turned around and called Lin Chuan and the others behind him.

"Hello, I'm Lin Chuan, the captain of LC."

Lin Chuan smiled politely and introduced himself. Although he was facing the five MG people, his eyes were fixed on Bing Heng.

The two looked at each other and smiled as if they had known each other for a long time.


"My LC's unilateral Fang Qingning, by the way, who was your Wang Zhaojun last time?"

After all the teammates had finished their introductions, Fang Qingning waited for the right time, and impatiently looked up at the few people opposite her and asked.

I saw a very handsome boy on the opposite side scratching his head in embarrassment, and replied softly, "It's me..."

"To make friends."

Fang Qingning immediately smiled at him very kindly.

With a smile all over the city, the face of the man across from him flushed instantly, and his teammates winked and joked when they saw this.


"Your jungler is pretty good."

Bing Heng walked straight to Lin Chuan, nodded in approval, and stretched out his hand.

It seems that they have made a deal with this friend.

"Your monkey is also okay, and the operation is very good."

Lin Chuan didn't expect Bing Heng to praise himself directly, and then he smiled and held Bing Heng's outstretched hand.

Bing Heng's frank demeanor reminded Lin Chuan of an old friend - Zhuo Ran. He also lost the game back then, but he was still frank.

And his operation and consciousness are not necessarily bad at all.No wonder MG has been able to compete with ACG for so long, it really can't do without two brushes!
Lin Chuan suddenly became more fond of Bing Heng.

"Add a friend?"

"Right on my mind!"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and both took out their mobile phones and added WeChat.

From now on, they are friends.

The ten people exchanged their impressions of their positions one after another, and before they knew it, half an hour passed.Several people didn't feel tired while standing, but became more and more excited as they talked.

"Brother Huo, we have a game at two o'clock, so let's go first."

Liu Wenzhi only felt that his leg was about to break, and he took the lead in breaking the chattering discussion of a group of young people.

I was saddened in my heart, "I am old and useless."

"Come on for the game."

Lin Chuan smiled slightly at Bing Heng, he believed that Bing Heng would definitely win.

Bing Heng also smiled slowly, his face full of confidence.

After the two teams said goodbye to each other, Lin Chuan and the others went to have lunch.


"Are you interested in MG games?"

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Chuan was not in a hurry to return to the base, but looked at several people and asked.

Huo Tian couldn't help but nodded when he heard Lin Chuan's words. He also wanted to see the real strength of the team brought out by Liu Wenzhi, and he turned on his mobile phone to look at today's schedule.

"Worth seeing."

Although the cabbage team facing MG is about to fall out of the secondary league, they really need to be more familiar with MG's style of play.

Baobuqi will meet someday.

Hearing that Huo Tianyi responded to him in this way, Lin Chuan smiled slightly, and then looked at the other people, seeing that they also nodded in agreement, Lin Chuan smiled even more.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.


Unanimously agree.

Several people immediately went to the auditorium of the competition field and waited.

Seeing the five members of LC and the coach appear in the auditorium, the scattered auditorium was suddenly filled with LC fans who hadn't left yet.

"I read that right, it's Team LC!"

"Ah, God of Chuan!"

"Nightmare is here too!"

Fans of other teams were even whispering aside.

After hesitating again and again, he also stepped forward to take a group photo.

If they don't keep it all together, they will be on fire someday.

Lin Chuan and the others dealt with batch after batch of fans, taking photos, signing autographs, and shaking hands.

After finally sending off their own fans, the auditorium returned to normal immediately.

"Why hasn't it started yet?"

Qi Minglie held his mouth shut and asked, making him want to open the King of Glory to play two games.

"This is the first game after the noon break, so it should take time to prepare."

"We came too early."

Lin Chuan yawned and explained that it is easy to get sleepy after lunch, and his energy is no longer as full as that of the game in the morning.

"Why don't we fight five rows?" Qi Minglie took out his mobile phone, ready to move.

"Can you make it?"

Lin Chuan was also moved by what Qi Minglie said.If he doesn't find something to do, he will probably fall asleep in the next second.

Seems like a good pastime too.

And Fang Qingning on the side even raised her hand in favor, she wanted to take the opportunity to try Diao Chan's touch.

"In time! In time!"

Qi Minglie saw that Lin Chuan was a little loose, and immediately made a strong promise.

Lin Chuan let go, and Li Tianlong and Cheng Lu had no objections.

Saber and Huo Tianyi looked at them and took out their mobile phones in unison, and smiled at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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