Chapter 176
"The dirty routine on the other side really has to be dealt with like this!"

"It's still Master who is amazing and knows how to break it."

"Fortunately, I took the head, otherwise it would be too miserable."

After Qi Minglie took the head, he became more talkative, put down his phone and started chattering.

"This kind of thing is very easy, in fact, they just hope that you suddenly panic, and wish that you all stay in the middle of the road foolishly, so that the old master on the side can take Da Qiao to lead the line and demolish the tower."

Lin Chuan exited the game interface as he said that. Now he is no longer sleepy just now, and he is completely refreshed, thanks to the five people just now.

But Fang Qingning gave him a surprise.

"Qing Ning, when did you know how to play Diao Chan?"

"Yes, yes, it's a bit powerful, unlike the first time I played it, it's a bit boring, and it's even hiding it from us!"

"Secretly practicing heroes behind our backs?"

Seeing her teammates looking at her with puzzled faces, Fang Qingning gave a shy smile in embarrassment.

"I have learned it before, and I have practiced it quietly a few times."

After speaking, he stuck out his tongue, very playful and cute.

"I swear, I didn't hide it from you on purpose!"

Seeing the disbelief on the faces of several people, Fang Qingning made a gesture of swearing.

Saber at the side even laughed out loud, he was the one who knew Fang Qingning the most.

"However, it's really beautiful. When we fight WK, remember to take out your Dharma king Diaochan!"

Qi Minglie looked at Diao Chan, whose damage was second only to Han Xin's on the game end panel, and Qing Ning was full of praise.

"I can see it."

Before Fang Qingning could speak, Lin Chuan on the side nodded and rushed to talk.

Fang Qingning's Diao Chan is indeed not weak, but she lacks a little self-confidence, probably because Wu Zetian has played too much, and she always feels unaccustomed to other heroes.

Now that your teammates agree, let's go!
Fang Qingning nodded immediately, thinking to herself.


"The game is about to begin."

Huo Tianyi, who was silently watching the progress of the game, suddenly said.

Hearing Huo Tianyi's words, Lin Chuan and the others raised their heads one after another. Sure enough, the entire competition venue was already full of people.

Lin Chuan couldn't help but gasped when he looked at the people who gathered around unconsciously.

"This scene is really getting bigger and bigger!"

When Wk played against them in the morning, there were already a lot of people, but it was far less than this venue.

At this time, there were crowds of people everywhere, and fans who had no seats consciously stood behind to cheer.

As soon as the members of Team MG and Team Cabbage appeared on the stage, the fans instantly became overwhelmed.

"MG is awesome!"

"Ahhh... Bingheng's mother loves you!"

"Brother Lion, go ahead!"

"Cabbage wins!"

Compared with MG, the fans of Team Cabbage seem pitifully few.

It was the first time for Lin Chuan to sit in the audience and feel the crazy loud shouts of the fans. Even the last time he watched the ACG second team at the door, there were not so many.

Lin Chuan only felt that his eardrums were about to explode, and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

Immediately, I felt that being able to sit on the stage and play games is also a very wonderful thing.

"My mother, when will our team have so many fans?"

Qi Minglie couldn't help sighing.

"We're not weak, are we?"

Hearing his words, Lin Chuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and slapped Qi Minglie's head hard to teach him a lesson.

"Aren't there a lot of fans who just took a photo together?"

Cheng Lu was used to the "treble duel" between fans, but he was not as surprised as they were, and he covered his mouth and smiled secretly.

"That's right...haha."

Qi Minglie's voice was quickly drowned out by the solidarity of other fans.


But now Lin Chuan focused more on the ten people on the stage.

Although the cabbage team looks weak, maybe MG will underestimate the enemy too much, and will accidentally cause the same result as the ACG second team.

While Lin Chuan was thinking, the host on the stage shouted with a microphone.

"Team MG VS Team Cabbage!"

"Game start!"

With the exit of the host, the entire venue became dark, and the originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

Sitting in the auditorium, Lin Chuan was even more engrossed in watching the selection of both sides at this time.

MG really banned Zhuang Zhou as always!

Do you want to play control again?

At this time, Bing Heng, who was sitting in the player's bench, was looking at the selection ban of the Baicai team, thinking about what kind of jungler would be suitable for him, when he suddenly caught sight of Lin Chuan who was sitting in the front row from the corner of his eye.

The eyes of the two met immediately, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

The corner of Bing Heng's mouth curled up into a slight smile, and he immediately spoke to Lin Chuan with his lips.

"Let you see my true strength!"

After finishing speaking, Bing Heng directly pressed down on the screen.

In an instant, the whole scene was in an uproar, and Lin Chuan's eyes shook slightly.

He has long heard that MG Bingheng is best at Pei Qinhu, and it can be said that he is a powerful character who kills the side, but this is the first time he has seen him play with his own eyes.

Although Lin Chuan is not proficient in this hero, he also knows the horror of Pei Qinhu.

Pei Qinhu desperately needs the cooperation of the entire team, and the early stage is relatively strong in countering and catching people, so whether Pei Qinhu can take shape in the early stage becomes the key.

And if the operation is one level higher, then Pei Qinhu will be a nightmare in this arena.

When Lin Chuan was lowering his head to think, the saber beside him said in surprise.

"This MG is so confident?!"

"Haha... You don't know, Pei Qinhu is a famous hero of Bingheng, and he seems to have never lost!"

Huo Tianyi explained with a smile.

"I didn't expect MG to attach so much importance to this game this time."

But Lin Chuan didn't think so, he had already understood Bing Heng's lips just now.

It must have been for him to play!


This idea was affirmed by Lin Chuan the moment he raised it from his heart.

Otherwise, there is no need for Bing Heng to compete in the top 8 and just take out his best hero.

What's more, the opponent is about to fall out of the secondary league team!

The audience looked at the hero chosen by Bing Heng, and they exclaimed at first, and then boiling shouts resounded throughout the venue.

"Am I not mistaken?! It turned out to be Pei Qinhu!"

"This hero, Bingheng, is not easy to use. I didn't expect to use it today?!"

"That's right, the last time I saw Bing Heng's Pei Qinhu was in the championship finals, woo woo woo..."

"MG must win!"

Hearing the passionate shouts of the MG fans beside him, Lin Chuan was a little stunned.

It seems that this is your true strength
In the last match, Bing Heng took the Monkey King who was proficient in the intermediate level, and his operation was so powerful.

The scene of silk blood extreme anti-kill is vivid in my mind.

Now he has come up with his best assassin hero.

Lin Chuan looked at the lineups of both sides with a serious face.

Sure enough, MG conforms to its usual style.

Pei Qinhu, Bull Demon, Wang Zhaojun, Sun Ce, Marco Polo!

Control and aggression are correct!

And the cabbage team's lineup doesn't seem to be weak, and it seems that they have done their homework in advance.

This time he was really right.

(End of this chapter)

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