Chapter 188 Suspect Substitution

"Master, is this really the same team as WK when we played?"

While asking, Qi Minglie manipulated Hou Yi to push the tower crazily, fearing that Hua Mulan would be revived and the situation would be reversed.

"Why not?"

Lin Chuan looked at Kai Yidao in his hand and immediately dropped the enemy's newborn soldiers, and smiled suddenly. He had to say that WK's operation was indeed like a replacement, but in fact the food was the original sin.

With the general attack under the blessing of Hou Yi's 1 skill, the damage is higher, and it is precisely because of this that the crystal explodes almost instantly.



Without much nostalgia, Lin Chuan withdrew as soon as the game was over.

The provocation ended accordingly.

Lin Chuan also unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He can't like WK.

"Hahaha, it seems Brother Chuan is our god of luck, and no one can take him away."

Li Tianlong clicked on the end panel while speaking, and looked at the overall output interface of the team. Kai's team output was as high as 35%, and he immediately looked at Lin Chuan with admiration.

"Hmph, of course."

Lin Chuan has already occupied an irreplaceable part of Qi Minglie's heart. Hearing Li Tianlong's words, Qi Minglie snorted coldly. His master is invincible.

And Huo Tianyi even stood up and came to Lin Chuan's side, patted his shoulder lightly and said.


At the beginning, he was a little worried that Lin Chuan would have an accident, but the ending proved that he was worrying too much.I trust Lin Chuan even more in my heart.


Contrary to LC, at this time WK suddenly seemed to be in a freezer, very scary.

"It's all trash! What's the use of WK raising you?"

Zimu's face was livid, and he flicked the phone violently, then raised his head to look at his teammates, very angry.

"Heh, do you think you will be able to squeeze us out with two brushes and take WK all by yourself?"

"I tell you, go dream!"

At this time, the four members of WK stood on the same line unknowingly, besieging Zimu frantically.

"Hehe, good job, I'll tell the coach."

As Zimu said, he walked away without looking back.


"I just heard the news that tomorrow the quarter-finals will be held in the afternoon."

Huo Tianyi's cell phone vibrated suddenly, he picked it up and looked at it, he was a little surprised, and said slowly.

At this time, the news in Huo Tianyi's mobile phone was the battle list for the semi-finals.The pace of this campus competition is really fast. The top eight list was just drawn this afternoon, and the battle list was immediately drawn this evening.Huo Tianyi thought silently.

"Come out so soon?"

"No rest time for us."

A few people mourned suddenly, it was hard to finish this match, and there was another match tomorrow.

And more importantly!
"Stop talking, a bunch of brats, LC now needs the results of the campus competition, and then we can compete for the second-tier league, or even the KPL league."

Huo Tianyi explained the rules of the e-sports circle.

"Will we be very famous by then?"

Lin Chuan looked at Huo Tianyi with his face in his hands, and asked with a blank face.

For these, he is not very familiar with.

"Nonsense, when the time comes, you will have the team uniforms and fame fans you want, and you don't know how to work hard for me."

Huo Tian laughed as soon as he spoke, as if seeing the champion team he brought out.Immediately he mustered up his energy, and immediately sent the battle list to the five of them.

"YU team?"

"A particularly famous college team from the university next door, that is, the team that played after MG today."

Huo Tian looked at the bewildered looks of several people, and immediately explained word by word.

"Then we didn't see their game today, wouldn't it be a loss?"

As Qi Minglie spoke, he became even more annoyed, he should have kept them if he knew earlier.

"Stupid you, don't tell others that you are my apprentice." After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he hated iron and made a gesture to hit Qi Minglie on the head.

"Master! I'm about to be knocked stupid by you."

Qi Minglie was so frightened that he immediately put his hands on his head, for fear that Lin Chuan would hit him.

Even though Lin Chuan made a fake knock, he was still very cowardly.

"Let's go to the meeting room to watch the replay of today's game." After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he entered the meeting room first, leaving the rest of the people looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Didn't you say wait, you can't wait to go in?"

"Hahaha...quickly stop talking."

Then several people followed Lin Chuan into the conference room exclusive to LC.


Several people watched the replay of the YU team with serious faces.

Sharp style of play.

It is Lin Chuan's only evaluation for the YU team.

You never know what they're going to do next, because they don't play by the rules.

Lin Chuan watched the replay quietly and then smiled softly.

"Master, you are still laughing, this Yu is obviously very strong."

Qi Minglie couldn't hide the worry on his face, but seeing that Lin Chuan didn't care at all, he couldn't help but said out loud.

"You don't even think about how to get into the top 8 if you are not strong."

"However, I like to play this kind of team."

Lin Chuan said confidently. He was still a little uneasy at first, but after watching YU's previous games, he felt much more relaxed.

The less they play their cards according to the routine, the easier it is for them to win!

And these Lin Chuan did not explain to them, and they will naturally know when they are on the field.

"Xiao Chuan, do you have a solution?"

Huo Tianyi had never seen such a sharp team before, and suddenly he felt a little overwhelmed. Seeing Lin Chuan's relaxed face, he immediately looked at him with bright eyes.

"It's pretty easy, but it won't be revealed until the time comes."

Lin Chuan smiled mysteriously, then nodded towards Huo Tian as if to comfort him.

Facing someone who doesn't play according to the routine, that's even worse than him playing according to the routine!


After being disappointed by Lin Chuan, the members of LC didn't ask any further questions. Instead, they looked forward to tomorrow's game.

"what time tomorrow?"

Lin Chuan stared at the YU team on the screen in the meeting room, and asked casually

"It's morning again?!"

Lin Chuan was a little surprised, why they were always assigned to the morning games.Now that he can't sleep late again, Lin Chuan feels regretful when he thinks about it.

He hadn't slept for a long time until he woke up naturally!
Lin Chuan looked at Huo Tianyi sadly after thinking about it, only to see Huo Tianyi shrugging his shoulders with a helpless expression on his face.

"Don't even think about sleeping in."

Fang Qingning on the side covered her mouth and laughed, why does this person always want to be lazy.

Hearing Fang Qingning's words, Lin Chuan snorted coldly and rolled his eyes in his heart.

What do you know? !

That is his daily leisure time.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, aren't you hungry?"

Huo Tian smiled helplessly and dotingly, and then left the conference room.

After Huo Tianyi said this, there was a gurgling sound in the quiet conference room.

"Hey, it's me."

Qi Minglie scratched his head in embarrassment, and tried to ease the embarrassment with a hey smile.

"Let's go, let's go eat!"

"When you are full, you will have the strength to work!"

A few people muttered and left the meeting room, and all attacked the kitchen.

The entire LC base was filled with joy in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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