Chapter 190 YU Before the War
LC and the others had just entered the waiting room and were about to take a break. Before the aftereffects had recovered, they saw the staff knock on the door to inform the game time.

"Today is so fast."

Lin Chuan was about to sit down at this time, but had to get up again.

"Isn't it you who were moaning before?"

Fang Qingning immediately rolled her eyes angrily, this person really had the nerve to say so.

Lin Chuan couldn't help scratching his head when Fang Qingning said this, so can he be blamed?
Lin Chuan didn't speak, he walked to the arena first with a smile and waited for the notification from the staff.

In the first game that morning, most of the fans came, so not many people came, but the auditorium was still full.

Most of them are fans of LC.

When the fans saw the five LC members appearing behind the arena, they immediately became excited.

"God Chuan, I love you!"

"LC will win! Go, go, go!"

Lin Chuan looked at the enthusiastic fans in the auditorium, smiled and waved.

Immediately, several people followed the staff to the arena and sat in their designated positions.

"Every time I sit in this seat and use this special plane, I feel noble."

Qi Minglie sat in his seat wearing earphones, picked up the phone on the table and watched carefully.

"These are all invested by ACG." Cheng Lu said slowly.

This competition is hosted by ACG, they will naturally not neglect these equipments and facilities, and pick the best of all.

Otherwise, they can't afford to lose face.

And he has already seen it before, but what the current LC has is not bad.

"Really rich."

Lin Chuan couldn't help sighing from the sidelines.

No wonder so many people want to join ACG.


The teams from both sides are all here, and this is the host who came out with the topic and announced the start of the game.

"LC team vs YU team!"

"Game start!"

The host left the arena after speaking.

Immediately, the lights of the arena became dim, and the only light was the big screen between the two teams, which was eye-catching.

Fans stared intently at the big screen, for fear of missing a detail.


The two teams entered the officially created room, and then the screen turned and the ban selection interface for both parties appeared.

After banning a few disgusting heroes as always, the two sides began to choose heroes.

Cheng Lu looked at the opposite side and chose Zhu Bajie in seconds, and then he chose Lu Bu.

"Should I continue with Diao Chan? Or Wu Zetian?"

Fang Qingning on the second floor frowned and looked at Zhu Bajie, who was as fleshy as the wall, and suddenly panicked.

Wu Zetian is definitely her best, but Diao Chan is a little easier to fight in this lineup.

"Diao Chan."

Seeing the hesitant Fang Qingning, Lin Chuan gave her advice in an instant.

Even Wu Zetian, who is proficient in the middle level, can't beat the big meat on the opposite side at all, but Diao Chan, who is proficient in the low level, can.

After all, Diao Chan has real injuries and displacements!


Looking at Pei Qinhu opposite, Lin Chuan locked on to Pangu immediately.The experience card I just got must be used, Lin Chuan smiled lightly.

But why are so many people playing Pei Qinhu recently?

Lin Chuan was thinking with his head down when he was interrupted by Fang Qingning.

"Lin Chuan, are you sure you can play Pangu?"

Fang Qingning couldn't believe what she saw.

She thought that Lin Chuan would take out Zhao Yun and Yun Zhongjun to gank, and no matter how bad it was, he would choose heroes like Han Xin to lead the line operation, after all, he played those heroes so well.

And he actually chose a Pangu!
Fang Qingning, who has experience in competitions, is more aware of Pangu's strengths and weaknesses than ordinary people.

You must know that Pangu is very dependent on the operation. If you play well, you will open up the world, and if you play poorly, you will be given to the scene for nothing!
Without more than a dozen formal match rankings, it is impossible for Lin Chuan to be familiar with Pangu.

What's more, Pangu was too easy to be targeted, and the opposite was Pei Qinhu's jungler.

"you guess."

Lin Chuan didn't know what to say for a while, and then smiled slightly at Fang Qingning.

Why didn't he know Pangu's strengths and weaknesses, but he believed in himself.

"You... Hmph, I don't know what to do, I don't care about you anymore."

"But you have to know we can't afford to lose."

She kindly reminded him, but he didn't appreciate it.

Although Fang Qingning was a little puzzled, she didn't speak any more.

Everything is based on facts.


"Two tanks on the opposite side."

Chenglu looked at the opposite side and chose another old master, and immediately reported the enemy's position.

"It's okay, we have you and Diao Chan, so we are not afraid of flesh."

"Then should I choose a tank?"

Qi Minglie was at a loss for a moment.

"You choose a hammer tank, will you?"

"Give me a good shooter."

Lin Chuan has long known that YU does not play cards according to the routine, and if they are too passive because of this, they will definitely be thankless.

It's better to play the original way.


Immediately, the two sides select a hero and instantly enter the loading interface.

Lin Chuan looked at the dark surroundings, slowly closed his eyes, and coldly called out the game analysis.

The next moment, all the situation of YU's game was reflected in Lin Chuan's mind.

[game analysis]

【Opponents: Zhu Bajie, Guiguzi】

[Advantage 1: Zhu Bajie has a very thick blood volume as a tank, and he can convert fake blood into real blood by attacking the enemy, and can enjoy the equipment bonus of restoring blood volume; the general attack in the later stage has strong incidental damage; skill 1 is in the state of dominance, and can be avoided Conventional control effect; big move can play a road closure effect, an artifact of team battles. 】

[Advantage 2: Guiguzi's stealth 1 skill and battle CD are short, and can be invisible; the big move can cooperate with teammates to gank or retreat well; the support of the whole field is fast, and the 2 skill can actively start a wave of team battles. 】

[Disadvantage 1: Zhu Bajie is slow to clear troops after level [-], has short hands, and no outbreak; is restrained by sanctions and nightmares; sometimes the ultimate move accidentally traps himself or his teammates. 】

[Disadvantage 2: Guiguzi has no output; difficult to cooperate, testing the team's tacit understanding; low defense, fragile body. 】

[Adversary skill coefficient: operation 16, awareness 18, reaction 17]

[Opponent's proficiency: Zhu Bajie's proficiency (low level), Guiguzi's proficiency (low level)]

Lin Chuan quickly read the game analysis very calmly, then opened his eyes, looked at the summoner skills under Zhu Bajie's portrait in the upper left corner of the loading interface, and suddenly smiled coldly.

"The opposite side is here to fight against the wild."

Lin Chuan knew that Pangu's anti-wild ability was not strong, and he didn't intend to turn against the wild, but looking at the two punishments opposite him, the corners of his mouth curled up in an imperceptible arc.

Although Pangu is not strong against the wild, he is strong in first-level team battles.

When Pangu had an ax, it was one set of skills, and when he didn't have an ax, it was another set of skills, and he only needed to be able to use combos.

Such a first-tier regiment, they can't lose.

"Then what do we do?"

Fang Qingning panicked when she heard Lin Chuan's words.

The opposite side is against the wild, and the first wave of team battles will definitely break out.On the opposite side, Ying Zheng in the middle, she may not be close at the first level.

What's more, her speed of clearing troops is not as fast as that of Ying Zheng!That means support is slow!And slow support is fatal!
(End of this chapter)

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