Chapter 198
"Master, you are too cruel."

When Qi Minglie controlled Gongsunli, who was full of blood, to go down the road, he couldn't help covering his mouth and secretly laughing.

Lin Chuan snorted softly and ignored it, instead manipulating Pangu to the opposite blue zone.

Seeing a shadow of a fox flashing across the grass, Lin Chuan smiled lightly, he was still right.

Immediately, he controlled Pangu, who was as tall as Mount Tai, and rushed straight towards the blue pit.

"Master, why are you going to the opposite blue zone?"

Qi Minglie returned to the line and saw that the blue buff on the opposite side hadn't been refreshed, but Lin Chuan manipulated Pangu into other people's wild areas.

Are you going to have fun playing two lizards?

"Just watch."

Without saying much, Lin Chuan then controlled Pangu to press the 1 skill and jumped into the grass next to the blue pit.

Li Bai, who had just taken away the blue buff, was startled, why did Pan Gu come again? !

"Zhuge Liang is here to help, the next passerby."

The two people who were busy clearing the line had more energy than they wanted, "I can't help it, we're going to lose one tower in the past, Brother Li Bai, you have to resist."

"I will fight with a hammer!"


Lin Chuan looked at Li Bai who wanted to escape, and immediately pressed Pangu with skill 2 to slow down. At this moment, Lin Chuan knew that Li Bai did not have skill 1. After all, he could see the fox shadow just now.

"I want your blue buff and head."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he used the effect of the 2 skill Suppression Grip to disarm Li Bai. Li Bai, who had no normal attack stack and was passive, had no power to fight back.At this time, Pangu's tenacious and unyielding voice came.

"Ax or fist? Pick one."

"one kill!"

[Pangu kills Li Bai! 】

Lin Chuan watched the blue buff under Li Bai's corpse transfer to Pangu's body, and then he left the opposite blue area contentedly, and then prepared to fight the dragon.

At this time, Li Bai's mentality was about to explode. He started the game with 0 buff at the beginning of the first wave. Open all the public screens of the game, "God Pangu, take me with you!"

"Whoa, whoa..."

At this time, Li Bai's teammates even scolded, "Spineless!"


"Is this a girl?"

Qi Minglie looked at the long string of red letters that appeared on the public screen, and suddenly asked a little puzzled. "Master, why don't you take Li Bai with you later?"

"Li Bai is a girl, let me just call you Dad, okay?"

At this time, Xiao Qiao was not happy. She hated this kind of boys who pretended to be girls the most. They shouted in the game all day long. Real girls would only play games silently.

"What's more, how many young ladies can play wild now?" Xiao Qiao snorted suddenly.

As soon as Xiao Qiao finished speaking, she saw Pangu typing on the public screen to say yes, and she was a little unhappy, but because of the girl's affection and dignity, she could only let her snort coldly, and stopped talking.

She doesn't want others to take it!
"Obviously fake." Lin Chuan said suddenly at this moment.

"Then why did you bring him, Master?" Qi Minglie was puzzled for a moment, why did he bring a big man while leaving little sister Qiao alone.

"Because he is too miserable."

Lin Chuan looked at the bloody tyrant, and immediately pressed punishment to take it down, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

[The tyrant has been killed by Pangu! 】

"That's right, the 0 buff start, it's already 1-5 at this time, the economy is lower than the support, it's really a bit miserable." Qi Minglie thought in his heart, if it were him, he would have to beg Lin Chuan to lead him to win.


"Master, look at me, I can't beat these two people on the opposite side."

Qi Minglie is a Houyi player, so he naturally knows the horror of Houyi's general attack, not to mention following a real Taiyi, relying on Taiyi to be passive, Houyi has already caught up with him, even surpassed him.

The novice Gongsunli and the player Qi Minglie suddenly felt miserable.

In order to prevent Gongsunli from being forcibly killed by Yuetao, Zhang Fei had to follow Gongsunli to the death.

After Lin Chuan gank on the road, he immediately clicked on the information interface of both parties. Seeing that Houyi's economy followed by the real Taiyi was almost catching up with him, he was shocked, and he ignored Houyi.

It seems to be aimed at Houyi.

You can't let Houyi become economical, otherwise after you are gank, the opponent is likely to come back.

Lin Chuan thought about it, and then responded to Qi Minglie, and then manipulated Pangu to come down the road to support him.

"This Taiyi is really annoying!"

At this time, Xiao Qiao was going down the road to help gank. Seeing that Hou Yi, who was blown up by his 2 skill and then killed by his big move Luo Huayu, was instantly resurrected, he immediately cursed viciously.

"Is Taiyi old enough?"

Lin Chuan had turned on all the microphones of his teammates at this time, and immediately the corners of his mouth rose slightly when he heard Xiao Qiao's words.

Since the real Taiyi on the opposite side has not been revived, it is not as easy for him to kill the two of them as to crush an ant.

"Ahhhh...I'm gone." Xiao Qiao, who had no skills, was killed by the resurrected Hou Yi after a few strokes, and suddenly screamed.


"I will help you avenge."

Lin Chuan said slowly, and then manipulated Pangu who had finally rushed to the bottom of the road to squat in the grass, and then said, "Xiao Lie, do you still remember what I taught you just now?"

"Hmph, of course I remember. Why? Try again?"

The corner of Qi Minglie's mouth curled up. Although he was not proficient, he already knew how powerful Gongsunli was and how he played.

"of course."

As soon as Lin Chuan finished speaking, he saw Gongsunli wearing Zhang Fei's shield rushing towards Houyi, and then released purification at the moment Taiyi Daoist was dizzy, repelling Houyi and Taiyi with his big move.

Lin Chuan looked at the two people who were fixed on the grass wall very close at hand, and decisively pressed the 1 skill to jump out of the grass. During the jump, Pangu used the furious surprise attack again to select Houyi. After landing, Pangu immediately rushed to the side of Houyi and Knock it back against the wall and it won't move.

In an instant, Lin Chuan aimed at Hou Yi's general attack after pressing the 2nd skill to disarm the two, and then released the big move, and saw Pan Gu jumping upwards and converging his power on the psionic axe.

After Pangu's power is gathered, Pangu will chop the ax forward, and three cracks will gradually open on the ground, and he will go straight to Houyi and Taiyi.

"It's over, it's over, I just used it." Taiyi was even more at a loss, watching the two fall to the ground helplessly.


[Pangu killed Houyi! 】


[Pangu kills real Taiyi! 】


"Hmph, good death, worthy of being the king of the wild." Xiao Qiao, who was waiting for her resurrection, suddenly felt a lot of relief. It seemed that her wave was worth it.

"Can my humble Pangu be called a wild king?" Lin Chuan joked with a slight smile when he heard Xiao Qiao's words. "I remember that the only wild kings in your girls' eyes are handsome assassins like Li Bai, Han Xin, Baili Xuan Ce and Pei Qinhu."

"That's someone else. Anyway, in my eyes, the jungler who plays well is the wild king. I don't care if you play an ugly hero like Pangu or Dianwei."

Hearing what his teammates said, Lin Chuan suddenly smiled, so he could barely be considered a half-wild king.

Lin Chuan thought happily.

(End of this chapter)

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