The Chief Designer of Doting Wife

Chapter 346 Dad Accompanying Me

Chapter 346 Dad Accompanying Me (1)
Taking it for granted, she failed, and Lu Long didn't even move.

"Let go." Lu Long looked up at her slightly, neither angry nor happy.

Lu Shuo wasn't afraid of him, he was exhausted with him, and finally lost in about a minute.

It only takes 60 seconds. If he doesn't compromise, he will let himself run, twenty kilometers!So Lu Shuosong went upstairs complaining all the way.

Aunt Mei smiled and asked the two maids to go up to serve, then turned around and continued to work on dinner.

Without Lu Shuo, the atmosphere in the hall returned to tense state.Several people sat quietly without speaking.

"Xiao Si, have you chosen a place for your wedding with Luo Qing?" After a long silence, Lu Long looked at General Lu and asked him the main question about his return this time.

General Lu shook his head. "Not yet."

"Not only the fourth brother's, but also mine." Lu Cheng raised Yi Feng's hand as he spoke, speaking eloquently. "I did it together with my fourth brother to avoid trouble."

Yi Feng looked at him in surprise. "Sir, sir, when will I, you, you..."

Lu Cheng smiled softly and harmlessly. "Second Lieutenant Yi Feng, you have come home with me. The door of our Lu family is not so easy to enter. If you enter, you have to stay here as a wife."

Yi Feng, who couldn't scold him, glared at him angrily, then pulled out his hand angrily and walked out.

"Ah, hurts, fourth brother, quickly call a doctor for me." Yi Feng stood up and pushed Lu Cheng down, thinking that he had been touched by a wound, Lu Cheng frowned and yelled for General Lu to call a doctor.

"Sir, sir, how are you?" Yi Feng, who hadn't walked far, heard his cries of pain, and nervously fell back to help him, frowning.

Lu Cheng was sweating profusely, shaking his head weakly while holding her hand. "I'm fine."

"He said it's okay, he's sweating." "I'll help you into the room."

Everyone looked at Yi Feng who helped Lu Cheng back to the room, and fell silent for a while.

Luo Qing frowned.Lu Cheng didn't look like he was pretending just now, right?Why didn't the officer call the doctor?
Lu Cheng, who was about to walk to the door, turned his hands behind his back, made an OK gesture, and was helped in by Yi Feng with a weak face.

"Now let's talk about your marriage." Lu Long withdrew his gaze, looked at Lu Jiang and Luo Qing, and subdued the aura of being the master of the house.

Lu Gang also acquiesced in his actions.Since ancient times, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and I was shot to death on the beach by my son, which is an achievement.

"I'm optimistic about the date, let's say April [-]th next year, it's an auspicious day." Lu Jing said, and said the answer they discussed first. "But the place hasn't been decided yet, I want to make it decent."

The first wedding of the new generation of the Lu family was not only their own, but also the entire Lu family's. It was more casual and low-key.

Luo Qing looked at the table indifferently.Anyway, she can't speak, just listen quietly.

"Second brother's army is in City A, which is the closest place to the city, let's hold it there." Lu Long was silent for a while, and said decisively.

Even the old men who asked him to come back to make a decision had nothing to say, and the new couple Lu Jiang and Luo Qing had a company in City A, so they naturally had no objections.

"Okay, let's make it like this." Lu Gang nodded and formally finalized the result.

Therefore, this wedding, which will attract widespread attention, was held in Lucheng's base. I believe this will make many media reporters jump their feet.

They can't get in, they can't get in, they can't even get close to the corner, unless there is an invitation card.However, this should be difficult.

After discussing things, what should everyone do?

Luo Qing knocked on the desk, staring at the computer and thinking deeply.Unreasonable.

"Thinking about work?" General Lu was reading with this booklet, looking up at her wrinkled face, and said indifferently. "We'll make preparations after the next year. We're going to stay in City A for a month. Leave the company's affairs alone for the time being."


Promised so readily?That's not a job thing. "What's on your mind?"

Hearing his question, Luo Qing finally couldn't bear it anymore. "Lu Dong, will you tell me everything I want to know?"

General Lu raised his eyebrows, but didn't answer.

Whether he answers or not, Luo Qing has to try, otherwise she will be overwhelmed.

"Director Lu, what is the relationship between Major General Lu... and his daughter?"

Looking at her general Lu, he withdrew his gaze and continued to read. "Father-daughter relationship."

Am I really thinking too much?Luo Qing lay down on the table.

"Luo Qing, don't ask me about my elder brother, I can tell you his height, measurements, and preferences."

Luo Qing rolled her eyes.But she confirmed one thing, that is, Lu Long is an absolutely mysterious person. "Who wants to know about him!" "Director Lu, why don't you give me yours?"

Lu Jiang lifted the curtain and looked at her meaningfully. "You do not know?"

"I haven't measured it." Feeling guilty, Luo Qing added: "I really haven't measured it carefully."

Lu Jiang raised his lips and revealed an evil smile. "It's okay, you can measure slowly, and measure carefully this time."

Then she goes to get the ruler.Luo Qing searched for tools in a flash, was picked up by General Lu, and looked at him with blinking eyes.

"When taking the measurement, you have to take off all your clothes." General Lu put her on the desk and helped her undress while explaining.

Luo Qing immediately grabbed her collar. "Measure you, why take off my clothes?"

"I'll measure yours by the way."

"You rascal! Don't take it off!"

"Take it off again and I'll bite you!"

"Ah, you bastard..."

Every time Lu Su finishes her mission, she will be very tired and needs a lot of rest. She is in a deep sleep and won't wake up even when there is thunder, unless she has enough rest and wakes up automatically.

Lu Long pushed the door open, saw the girl sleeping soundly on the bed, and closed the door gently.In fact, even if he tried hard, he would not wake her up.

Lu Su slept very peacefully, as if losing his soul, a little unreal.

Lu Long, who stood by the bed and looked at her for a while, sat next to her, and stretched out his big hand, which was used to holding the army thorn, towards her forehead, and when the tentacles were cold, they pressed against her chest again.

It's a very weak heartbeat, if you don't feel it carefully, you may not even notice it.

The situation is still the same.Lu Long withdrew his hand and frowned slightly.Is there no other way?

Just when Lu Long was thinking about something, Lu Su on the bed slowly opened his eyes, looking at his father beside the bed, not surprised at all.

"Dad, sleep with me." Lu Su said innocently, blinking his clear and innocent eyes.Knowing that her father would definitely come, she fell into a light sleep on purpose.

Lu Long frowned even tighter. "You are not a child anymore."

"But you are my father." Lu Su insisted. "Dad, I'm cold..."

She is indeed cold, Lu Long knows this, can he sleep with his adult daughter?No matter how you think about it, it is impossible.

Lu Long stood up and approached the wayward Lu Shuo.

Lu Shuo looked at him happily, planning to throw himself down as soon as he went to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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