Chapter 102
The 33-story sky at this time has only appeared once in history.

But that one was when he became a fairy, looking back at the world with emotion, and shed tears for all living beings.Now, because of Feng Ling's feelings for Xu Yuan, she forcibly summoned these 33 layers of heavenly tears.

The rainbow bridge slowly merged from top to bottom, and 33 bridges merged into one. The continuous drizzle gradually condensed, forming the image of a long-haired woman.

This woman's face is dignified, her body is wrapped in drizzle, and there is a bit of Dao rhyme in the haze, which makes people feel mysterious.

After seeing the appearance of this woman, Li Qingyuan sent a voice transmission to all the disciples of the Three Lives Sect nearby: "I have seen the four generations of patriarchs!"

After all, Li Qingyuan took the lead, arching his hands in front of his body, solemnly and silently saluting to the phantom.The other Sanshengmen disciples also recognized the woman, and they were surprised, and hurriedly followed Li Qingyuan to salute.

The people present looked at each other with inconceivable expressions in their eyes.

Immortals do not exist in the world, and they do not know where they are going, but the projection of immortals is not extinct.

Before the immortals of the past dynasties ascended, they would leave their magic tools and belongings, and leave invisible life marks between the heaven and the earth.

And the descendants, with the help of magical artifacts or belongings, can temporarily summon the immortal projection.

All the super sects and Xuan Pavilions have the means of summoning the projection of immortals, but the number is very small, and they will never be used until the French net is broken and the five continents are in danger.

But now, a disciple of the Spiritual Source Realm would actually summon a fairy projection due to the tears of heaven and man, and it was the legendary, fourth-generation patriarch of the Sanshengmen, Yaoxian!
Seeing his descendants worshiping him, Yaoxian Projection seemed to feel the connection of the dharma, smiled kindly, did not speak, and then looked at Fengling below with pity.

Feng Ling didn't notice the changes around her. At this moment, in her eyes, apart from the cold body of her lover in front of her, there was only grief in her heart.

Yaoxian projected a little bit of Fengling in the air, and a crystal teardrop flowed down Fengling's face, past the bloodstain beside her cheek.

The teardrop seemed to have a spirituality, and when it crossed the bloodstain on Fengling's side face, it flickered for a while, and after cleaning the bloodstain, revealing Fengling's beautiful face, it slid down to Xu Yuan's forehead as if he had settled his mind.

The teardrops left a mark between Xu Yuan's eyebrows, and melted all the water lines that wrapped him into his body.

After all this was over, Feng Ling came back to her senses.

She felt the temperature from Xu Yuan's body again, the heartbeat that had stopped returned, and she could faintly hear the sound of long breathing.

At this time, she turned from sadness to joy, and wanted to say something more, but a wave of exhaustion surged to Tianling, and she immediately fainted.

The suzerains present could feel the changes in Xu Yuan, and while they breathed a sigh of relief, they looked at the projection of the immortal in doubt.

According to the records, the Immortal Projection is compassionate and will save all beings, but it is unconscious.

Whenever the projection finishes exorcising the enemy, or saves people, it will disappear soon, because the power of the true immortal level is not allowed to exist in the world, even if it is only a projection, it will be oppressed by the world every second of its existence until it dissipates .

But at this time, after the immortal projection bestowed the tears of heaven and man, not only did it not disappear, but looked at the people of the immortal sect with charm.

To be precise, she was staring at Master Qing with confusion in her eyes, and the Dao Yun of the fairyland spread out from her body, making everyone dare not move lightly.

After a long time, Yaoxian Projection actually said: "We, meet again?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Teacher Qing in disbelief.

Immortal Projection spoke, and from the tone, it seemed that he had seen Master Qing before.

However, if you have seen it, you have seen it, and if you haven't seen it, you have never seen it. Why is this fairy projection in a questioning tone?

Under everyone's gaze, Master Qing replied indifferently: "As expected of Senior Yaoxian, you actually know me."

Yaoxian thought for a while, then smiled and said: "Immortals have no priority, and there is no high or low. I am an immortal in the past, and you have two eras exclusively. You are an immortal in the present and a immortal in the future. If you really talk about supernatural powers, I may not be immortal." And you. I dare not answer this senior."

Master Qing said with a smile: "Senior, don't scare me. I'm only a current immortal, not a future immortal. This future immortal is my apprentice."

Yaoxian came to the world and understood Master Qing's plan, so there was something in her words and she expressed her own point of view.

From her point of view, Qingshi monopolizes the two eras, and his magical powers are unpredictable, but in the end, in the 2 years, only Qingshi became a fairy.

Yaoxian lowered his head, looked at Xu Yuan who had just been rescued by the tears of heaven and man, and still maintained a smile: "I also recognize him, but unless Daoyuan is flexible and supplemented by the opportunity to become a fairy, otherwise, it is impossible for him to become a fairy again." Immortal."

Hearing this, Shang Yan's eyes flashed.

He could naturally hear that Yaoxian's words were to remind Xuange that under the premise that Master Qing was peerless, if he wanted to block the plan of the twin immortals, then the only way was to prevent Xu Yuan from getting the chance to become immortal.

Master Qing naturally heard this meaning, but he replied without the slightest concern: "You were inspired by my apprentice's family, but in the end you wanted to kill my apprentice. Although I understand your thoughts, but your matter It’s unreasonable to do it!”

"Teacher Qing!"

Shang Yan shouted: "Don't be rude to the immortal, and Yaoxian just rescued your apprentice, how can you do this!"

Master Qing didn't take it seriously, and said: "Didn't you hear what she said, I am a fairy in the world, she is a fairy, and I am also a fairy, what can I say? Besides, my apprentice was injured by Zhan Kuang Yin Cangsheng, I I have to ask, who brought the common people into the realm of the fairy gate?"

Shang Yan was like a rooster defeated in a fight, unable to say a word. At this time, he felt ashamed, but as the head of the Xuan Pavilion, he also had his own principles to uphold.

As for Master Qing, he is not grateful to Yaoxian, because the appearance of tears of heaven and man is a natural rule, like clouds gathering to produce rain, Yaoxian is only able to condense into a projection at the 33rd floor of tears of heaven and man because of past deeds , Temporarily acting on behalf of the heavens.

But Qing Shi's ability to talk to immortals in this way also fully shows that Qing Shi's claim that he can become a fairy at any time is by no means a lie.

Yaoxian also didn't care about Master Qing's rudeness, and still said gently: "You say that I am not honest, then I will pass on my inheritance to you, and you can pass it on as you like, how about it?"

Everyone was in an uproar, Master Qing contradicted the immortal, not only was he not punished, but instead got the Yaoxian inheritance?

What's going on here?

The first reaction of Xuan Ge and the others was that there must be something hidden about Master Qing's plan for the twin immortals, otherwise Yao Xian would not have acted like this!

But if Master Qing was really so strong that Yao Xian would give in, why would he be blocked by Kuang Yin, a half-demon, and he couldn't even save his apprentice in time?

Is it because Kuang Yin mobilized too much evil luck, and Master Qing wanted to suppress his cultivation, so he was held back?


Thinking of this, the two suddenly glanced at each other and thought of a possibility at the same time.

That is,
Master Qing will appear when the Tears of Heaven and Man appear!
(End of this chapter)

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