President, don't be your woman

Chapter 105 Why is it him?

Chapter 105 Why is it him?

"Shen Yumo?"

Ruoxi was surprised!
This week, Shen Yumo has not appeared in front of her, she thought, he should have left Russia.And she had been forcing herself not to think about that person again, but she never expected to hear his name mentioned again.

She pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Director Lin, what's going on?"

"The situation is like this. After you told me, I started looking for someone. In the process, I knew that Mr. Shen was also looking for that surnamed Wang. You know, Mr. Shen and I have always had business contacts. We I have to consider his position. In fact, Mr. Shen was the first to find Father Wang. He asked me to pass it on to you, and he didn't want you to know that he was also involved in this matter. I don't want to take the credit for myself, so I think, I should have told you."

Lin Dong gave her a general account of the situation.

She hung up the phone, still a little confused.Shen Yumo, why does he care?Didn't she already tell her not to meddle in her affairs?I thought he could really leave so simply, but it turned out that he didn't care about it clearly, and took care of it behind his back.

In fact, it was true, how could he easily give up on what he had decided on?
She smiled bitterly, put away her phone, and turned her head to see both the Queen Mother and Wang Zhi looking at her curiously.When she turned her head, they immediately pretended nothing happened and continued to do their own things.

She didn't say anything more and left for a while.

When she came back again, she had several handbags in her hand.

Wang Zhi kept looking into her bag curiously, but she didn't tell him what it was.After closing the stall in the afternoon, she still sent them outside the house, and then took out the handbags to Wang Zhi, "Xiaozhi, my sister is leaving! You should go to school next year, and you are already two years late. You can't postpone it any longer! This is a gift from your sister, a new schoolbag, and a set of stationery. You have to study hard, grow up well, and be filial to grandma in the future, you know?"


"What's more, my sister bought some food for you and grandma, and asked grandma to cook for you. Be obedient!"

"Okay! Xiao Zhi will be good!"

Wang Zhi was a very well-behaved and sensible child. He nodded, held her hand reluctantly, and asked, "Sister, where are you going?"

"I'll go find your grandpa!" This was Ruoxi's last chance, she decided to take a gamble.

"Grandpa?" Wang Zhi turned pale when he heard these two, and looked at the Queen Mother in horror.

The Queen Mother took his hand and pulled him behind her, looked at Ruoxi with a defensive look, and asked cautiously: "Did you find him?"

"En!" Ruoxi nodded slightly.

"where is he?"

"He just got out of prison!"


The Queen Mother didn't speak again.

Ruoxi didn't want to force her anymore, so she smiled at them faintly, "I'm leaving, and I hope you all have a good life, goodbye!"

"Wait!" Seeing that she was really about to leave, the Queen Mother hurriedly stopped her again, "Wait!"

"Is there anything else?" Ruoxi turned around.

"You really don't know what happened back then?" The Queen Mother was still skeptical.

"I think I know less than you do."

"Then come in!"

After all, the queen mother sighed and compromised.

Ruoxi followed them into that house.This was the first time she had walked through this door and observed the surrounding environment. This really couldn't be called a 'home', the inside looked even cruder than the outside, just enough to shelter from the wind and rain.

She really couldn't imagine that the old and the young lived in such an environment for a year.

Wang Zhi is a very sensible child. When he came home, he saw that the yard was full of dust. He picked up the broom and swept it up. The Queen Mother sat beside her, coughing uncontrollably.

"The house is desolate, there is nothing to entertain, Miss Lan, you can do what you want!" The Queen Mother said while coughing.

"It's ok."

Ruoxi looked around, they didn't even have hot water at home, so she went to boil some water herself, and brought it to the Queen Mother, "Auntie, drink some water first, it will be better."

Then he called Wang Zhi again, "Xiao Zhi, don't scan anymore."

"There is a lot of dust in the yard, how can we not sweep it?" Wang Zhi asked innocently.

"Grandma has lung disease. If you sweep like this, grandma will cough even worse."

"What should I do?"

Ruoxi thought for a while, and went to fetch a half basin of cold water, "Xiao Zhi, my sister taught you, every time you sweep the floor, you should sprinkle some water on the ground first, so as not to raise a lot of dust."

"Okay, Xiaozhi understands, thank you sister!"

Wang Zhi took the water basin and followed her example to sprinkle water in the yard. He was very careful, but learned quickly.

Ruoxi walked up to the Queen Mother, and asked her: "Auntie, are you feeling better?"

"It's much better, sit down!" The Queen Mother said weakly.


Ruoxi sat down on the steps beside her.There is no way, there are no stools in their house, and both grandparents and grandchildren sit on the ground.

The Queen Mother looked at her grandson who was sprinkling water and sweeping the floor not far away. Before she could speak, her eyes were wet. "Actually, I don't know exactly what happened. During the period before my son's accident, His father is very good at gambling, and his gambling addiction has become much bigger than before. He often gambles for several days without knowing how to go home. I am also used to it, and I can’t control him, so I don’t care anymore. Daughter-in-law, our life of being dependent on each other is not bad, and that man will not do anything to us. So we never bothered him, and we didn't know that someone in the casino gave him money to gamble, and he owed him a lot Money, finally, people stopped giving him money to make him "turn over the money", and asked him to pay back the money. He had no choice but to borrow money from usury. But he has been fond of gambling all his life. Apart from gambling, he is good at wine. He doesn't know how to do anything else, he borrowed a loan shark, and he just wanted to go to the casino to get the money back, who knows, the more he gambled, the more he lost, the higher the loan shark..."

"Who is that person who gave him money to gamble?" Ruoxi hurriedly asked.

"I don't know." The queen mother sighed, "The loan sharks come to ask for money every day. We are threatened all day long and live in fear. In the past few days, I saw my son with a sad face all day long, and my daughter-in-law also sighed. Yes, a family was in a cloud of misery all day long. Later, my son said that he wanted to resign, but we all disagreed, because our whole family almost lived on his salary. If he quit his job, our whole family would suffer What should we do? But no matter how much we persuaded him, he didn't listen. He must resign. Because of this, my daughter-in-law didn't talk to him for several days. However, no one expected that on the day he resigned, I went to the mountain and never came back again..."

"And then? How did you end up in Russia?"

"It's a letter left by my son. In the letter, there is an address, a check, four air tickets, and the documents that our whole family needs to go abroad, all of which have been processed."

Ruoxi's breathing became chaotic all of a sudden, so there was really a check, did that check buy the lives of her whole family?She didn't dare to ask, didn't dare to think, and listened to what the Queen Mother continued.

"At first, we didn't know what it meant, and my son didn't leave a clear instruction. We all guessed that he should want us to take the money and go to live in Russia. It's just that a check for 500 million, I I have lived for a long time, and I don’t see much money, let alone a check? We don’t know how to use it. It’s really such a coincidence that my son’s father saw it. He is not only a gambler, but also a I'm a money addict, and I can't care about anything when I see money. I know that I can't give him money. If I gave him, he would throw it all in the casino. But he knelt in front of us and cried bitterly, saying that he would change his past After arriving in Russia, he will find a job to take care of all of us. After all, we are a family, and my heart softened. Then he took this check and went to withdraw cash, and the 100 million usury owed was also paid off. We took The remaining 400 million came to Russia. Originally, there was a distant relative of our family in Russia who immigrated to settle here. We defected to him. When he saw that we were rich, he didn’t say anything at first. He told us Everyone took good care of us, and our life was very comfortable. However, the good times didn’t last long, and he became addicted to gambling again. The 400 million yuan was quickly squandered by him. The relative of our family originally tolerated us, but later , and really couldn’t hold on any longer, so they kicked us all out.”

It's hard for Ruoxi to imagine, a check for 500 million, a check that can buy several lives, how could it make them fall to this point?
It's hard to imagine if you don't see it with your own eyes.

When the Queen Mother said this, she pulled the corner of her mouth bitterly, and continued: "Actually, a gambler is a gambler. It's easy to change, but his nature is hard to change. He only thinks of it when he is desperate and can't even eat. Us. And our daughter-in-law is also a more virtuous and diligent woman. No matter how hard life is, she has always followed us. Who knows, that old gambler had a bad intention for her, and came back after losing money. Beat us, hard, sometimes even Xiao Zhi. Later, when the beating was not enough, he defiled our daughter-in-law..."

Ruoxi was even more surprised, she never thought that there would be such a heartless person in the world.

"It wasn't until we hid here that we got rid of that man completely. However, my daughter-in-law has been forced into a mental disorder. Soon after coming here, our life became more and more difficult. Finally, one day, she Missing, we never saw her again, and we don't know whether she is dead or alive..."

This is all the stories of their family. When the Queen Mother said it, she still couldn't help crying.

Ruoxi couldn't bear it, but she had to ask, just when she was about to ask who the drawer of the check was, Xiao Zhi ran over after sweeping the check, shaking the Queen Mother's arm, "Grandma, Xiao Zhi hungry."

"Then grandma will cook for you!" said the Queen Mother, about to get up.

It's just that she is already old, and under the pressure of poverty, her health has always been poor. What's more, she said such a big speech at this time. When she stood up, her body suddenly tilted.

Ruoxi hurriedly supported her, "Auntie, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I can't die..." the Queen Mother insisted.

"You can rest for a while, I'll cook." Then he patted Xiao Zhi's head, "Xiao Zhi is good, watch grandma carefully, you understand?"

"En!" Xiaozhi nodded.

Ruoxi took out the vegetables she bought before, cooked a good meal for them, and even fried several dishes.

Xiao Zhi hasn't eaten fresh food for a long time, and said while eating, "It's delicious, the rice cooked by my sister is really delicious."

"Then eat more!" Ruoxi said with a light smile.

No matter how unresolved the feud between the two families is, a child is still a child, Ruoxi is just a mother who lost a child, she can't hate a child who doesn't understand anything from the bottom of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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