President, don't be your woman

Chapter 11 Stranger Woman

Chapter 11 Stranger Woman
At five o'clock in the afternoon, she came to Shen Yumo's house.

He hasn't come back yet.

It was still the housekeeper who opened the door for her.

This is the third time she has come here twice, but it is the first time she has had time to notice the housekeeper. She is about forty years old, very professionally dressed, with neat hair, but she doesn't like to talk, and she is a little gloomy of.

"Excuse me, what should I call you?" She asked gently.

"My surname is Wei. Miss Lan can just call me Butler Wei." The voice was still cold, and then she lifted her luggage, "Miss Lan, please come with me."

"I can take it myself." She is not used to ordering others, even though she also has servants at home.

"This is what I should do. Miss Lan, please don't be polite." The butler went upstairs with his luggage.

Ruoxi didn't say anything else, and followed her upstairs to another room.

"This is Mr. Shen's order. Miss Lan will live in this room. If you need anything, just let me know." The housekeeper said dutifully.

"Thank you!"

"No thanks, this is what I should do!" The housekeeper went out after finishing speaking.

Ruoxi looked at this bedroom, it was very spacious and gorgeously furnished, but it was cold everywhere.

She couldn't help but wonder, how long has he lived here?Living in such a dull atmosphere, wouldn't he feel depressed?

Although her home is not as spacious and luxurious as his here, and there are servants at home, but her home is very warm, with mother, Xintong, Ruohang, grandfather, and Azi and Sangyu. People would also sit with them, and while eating fruits and sunflower seeds, they chatted and often laughed.

And here, although luxurious, it looks like a hotel, not like a home.

"You seem to be dissatisfied with this place!" A condensed voice sounded in the air.

She turned around in astonishment, "When did you come back?"

"When you were in a daze." He lifted the corners of his lips expressionlessly.

"..." She lowered her head again and stopped talking.

Today's Shen Yumo is like a volcano that will erupt at any time, maybe what she said is wrong and it will make him angry, she should try her best to speak less respectfully, and stop looking for trouble!
But he is very dissatisfied with your silent appearance: "I'm asking you something, talk!"

She is still silent!
I really don't know, what else can they talk about now?

After thinking about it, she finally changed to the oldest and most common greeting: "Have you eaten yet?"

"No." He answered simply.

"Then, shall I make it for you?!"

The atmosphere is so depressing now that she just wants to escape from him.

However, just as she turned around, a female voice suddenly came from downstairs: "Yu Mo! Are you back? Yu Mo!"

The voice is very charming and pleasant.

She subconsciously looked at him, only to see that he, who was always indifferent, frowned slightly when he heard this voice.

(End of this chapter)

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