President, don't be your woman

Chapter 113 The Unblessed Wedding 1

Chapter 113 The Unblessed Wedding 1
"But his surname is Mo after all, isn't it?"

"Isn't what he has done for you all these years worth a surname?"

He couldn't believe that Lan Ruoxi would become like this today, "Ruoxi, you really let me down!"

"It's better to be disappointed than hopeless, isn't it?"

"You've really changed, Ruoxi!" He stared at her with disappointment and suspicion, "The Lan Ruoxi I knew before was not like this, she was kind, gentle, and distinguished right from wrong, but now she has been hated Blinded."

"Thank you for your evaluation, I will pass it on to you." She smiled as before without changing her expression.

"Then tell me one more thing, I know her experience is not something ordinary people can bear, but if she is still the old Lan Ruoxi, each of us will be willing to do anything for her, and now, she has become Already!"

"Okay, I'll convey it to you, is there anything else?"

Having said so much, she still insisted on her own meaning.

Feng Qingyang knew that what he said was useless, he stood up, took one last look at her, said nothing, turned around and left without looking back.

But she was looking at his back, the smile accumulated on her face slowly faded, her eyes became distant and blurred:
Ayan, you don't know, I just don't want you guys to do anything for me...

Feng Qingyang came out of Lan's house and drove directly to the cinema.

Of course, he didn't know which movie theater Sang Yu went to. He only went after calling Sang Zi to ask.

Sitting behind Sang Yu's seat, looking at her, she was eating popcorn while watching a movie and laughing. As for her, there was no one, not to mention the damn doctor Zhang.

His mood suddenly improved. He had never seen a woman who was so happy watching a movie by herself.

After watching the whole movie with her, he walked out of the movie theater with her.

It was getting dark, she stretched her arms and stretched herself, but who knew, she hit someone.

"Knowing you, Sang Yu, I will lose many years of my life." He snorted.

Sang Yu was taken aback by this all-too-familiar voice, and turned around to see, who was the person she hit, if not Feng Qingyang?

"Why are you here?" she asked strangely.

"Why can't I be here? Where's your doctor Zhang?" He pretended not to know, and looked left and right.

She didn't expect him to follow at all. Dr. Zhang was originally a cover, but now that he caught him on the spot, she was speechless and blushed.

As if he didn't see her embarrassment, he carried her and walked towards his car, saying as he walked, "I knew that no one in the world would look at you so disrespectfully except me." .”

After speaking, he opened the back seat door and threw her in.

"Hey, Feng Qingyang, what do you mean?"

She wanted to protest, but he was already suppressed.

"Bastard, what are you doing?" She pushed him hastily.

"You call me an asshole, then I'll do something like an asshole!"

"You have no right to treat me like this, we broke up."

"I didn't agree, it doesn't count."

Is there anyone in the world more rascal than him?Sang Yu is usually very strong, and he can beat anyone he wants, but now he is pressing him down, and he can't use all his strength.

If you can't fight, then she can always scold, right?The mouth is free, however, just as she opened her mouth to scold, his lips immediately pressed down, tightly blocking hers.

Is this person her nemesis?That one thousand and one set of kung fu met him, and he couldn't use a single move, so he could only let him do whatever he wanted.

"Stupid girl, do you know that I miss you so much!" His voice was slightly hoarse and charming when the enthusiasm was deep.

"I see you are very happy, lingering in the flowers, with constant female companions." These days, she has seen more than one time in the newspapers, he is hugging left and right, so happy.

"Don't you know that men also have self-esteem? You don't know, did I do it for you on purpose?"

"Then you carry them and don't touch me!" She thumped his chest hard.

But he smiled and held her small fist, "Stupid girl, what kind of magic did you cast on me to make me not interested in other women?"

He had never been dumped by a woman before, he couldn't face it, and wanted to find some women to relieve his loneliness, but every time he faced the choking perfume smell on those women, he couldn't bear it.I miss the faint body fragrance of this little girl, but I can't bear to look for her.

Feng Qingyang, who was once romantic all his life, has ever lost a woman by his side?I had no choice but to get some frivolous news to show this little girl, trying to annoy her and want her to surrender voluntarily, but I didn't expect that in the end, in the end, he was the one who surrendered first.

"I didn't cast any magic on you, I think you are very happy at all!" She pouted her mouth unhappy, and her appearance was extremely cute.

He couldn't help but kissed her on the lips several times, "Stupid girl! You have so much backbone that you really didn't come to me!"

"Didn't you also not look for me?" The tone was a little sad.

"I'm here now!"

"You came to find your sister, not me."

Once a woman falls in love, even a broad-minded woman will become narrow-minded.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, anyway, he was here, and she couldn't run away whatever he wanted to do.

The immature Sang Yu, the silly Sang Yu, how could they be Feng Qingyang's opponents, they were completely subdued by him, and in the end, she didn't know how they returned home with him.

Tired all night, finally at dawn, she didn't even have the strength to move. He leaned on the bed and lit a cigarette for himself.

Seeing her silent again, he patted her head, "Girl, what are you thinking?"

"last night……"

"What?" He couldn't hear what she was muttering clearly.

"Last night, you didn't take security measures."

He froze for a moment.

"What if I'm pregnant?" She had to think about it.

"Not so accurate, right?"

She doesn't speak.

Judging from his tone, is he not ready to have a child yet?
That's right, a man who doesn't even plan to get married and just wants to play, how could he want a child?
"Stupid, don't think about it, I will marry you when you have a child." He is not the kind of irresponsible man.

But she wasn't happy at all.

If you have a child, marry her.

Marry her for the sake of the child?Does her own existence mean nothing at all?

She is Sang Yu with backbone, she will not force him to marry her just because of a child, get up from the bed, pick up her own clothes and put them on.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"go home."

"Go back to what home? Didn't you promise me to stay?"

"I only promised to stay last night."

"Just stay for one night? What is this?" His handsome eyebrows frowned, he grabbed the clothes in her hand and threw them aside, "I won't let you go, do you hear me?"

"Why don't you let me go?"

"What do you think of yourself? Whores still charge!"

He was in a hurry, he was so mad at her, he left after finishing the work, what is this?I really don't understand what women are thinking, especially Sang Yu, she doesn't want money, he said he will marry her, why is she still unhappy?
But Sang Yu, after hearing his words, trembled violently, and looked at him in disbelief, "Feng Qingyang, I really can't believe that such words will come out of your mouth... "

But Sang Yu, after hearing his words, trembled violently, and looked at him in disbelief, "I really can't believe that these words will come out of your mouth..."

"Girl, I didn't mean that, I..."

"I didn't ask you to marry me. You don't have to wrong yourself to marry me. If you have a child, I will kill him." She quickly interrupted him.


"Don't come here!"

She hugged her clothes and quickly jumped off the bed, shivering and messily putting them on her body, then opened the door and ran outside.

He was in a hurry to chase, but he hadn't put on his clothes yet, so he picked up his trousers and chased after him while buckling his belt.

Sang Yu had already opened the door of the living room, and rushed out. Unexpectedly, there was a person standing outside the door, looking at her with a smile.

"Mom! Stop her!" Feng Qingyang shouted from behind.

Sang Yu was taken aback, looking at the beautiful lady in front of her, she was a little familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Mother Feng wiped the tears off her face with her hand, "Did that bastard bully you, tell auntie, auntie will teach him a lesson."

Sang Yu suddenly remembered that the woman in front of her was the woman she met in the hospital that day, and the one who said she would introduce her boyfriend.

She is Feng Qingyang's mother?
Sang Yu froze there, forgetting to wipe the tears off her face.

Mother Feng took her into the house and closed the door.

Seeing that she couldn't leave anymore, Feng Qingyang also heaved a sigh of relief, and went back to his room to get a shirt and put it on.

Mother Feng sat down on the sofa in the living room with Sang Yu on her arm, and while wiping her tears with a tissue, she said distressedly: "My dear baby, don't cry anymore, tell aunt what's going on, is this kid wiped dry?" Clean and irresponsible?"

Sang Yu shook his head.

"What's the matter? Did he hurt you?"

Sang Yu blushed even more.

Feng Qingyang came out of the room, just heard this sentence, and shouted in a very speechless voice: "Mom, did you say that?"

"Then tell me, what's going on?" Mother Feng asked confidently, not feeling that there was anything wrong with her question.

"Why are you so interested in other people's boudoir?"

"It's related to me holding my grandson, how can I not be interested?"


Sang Yu couldn't listen anymore, and took advantage of their quarrel, quietly moved towards the door.

Feng Qingyang noticed her movement with keen eyes, hurriedly chased after her, and grabbed her arm, "Where are you going?"

"Where do you want me to go?" She broke free from him and walked quickly to the elevator.

He was about to catch up again, when Mother Feng came over and stopped him, "Son, what's going on? Did you annoy him?"

"I said Mom, don't drag me, your daughter-in-law ran away, and your grandson also ran away."

"Then hurry up and chase."

When Mother Feng heard this, she quickly let go.

However, when Feng Qingyang chased him out, the elevator door had already closed.

"What are you doing running so fast, girl?" He was so angry that he had never been humiliated by any woman before, making him keep chasing after her ass.

However, he was afraid that she would get stuck in the horns and couldn't get out, so he didn't dare to delay. He pressed the elevator and couldn't get up, so he simply ran down the walking ladder.

He ran dozens of floors in one breath, caught up with her outside the building, held her arm, and he was still panting, "Can't you run slower? Are you afraid that I won't be able to catch up?"

(End of this chapter)

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