President, don't be your woman

Chapter 115 Ruohang 1

Chapter 115 Ruohang 1
"With things like this today, all kinds of gossip about Ruoxi will start again... How could she do this? The first time she was abandoned by Yu Mo at the wedding, that was not up to her to decide; this time it's the same, How will she face the criticism from everyone in the future? How will she go on in the entertainment industry?"

Ah Zi couldn't help worrying, couldn't help feeling distressed.

"One moment and another moment!" Feng Qingyang was still so calm and relaxed, and said with a chic smile: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic. Think about it, today's Lan Ruoxi is a legend in the entertainment industry, a legend in the charity world, like Those rich families donate some to charity organizations every year, just to make themselves famous and look good. Ruoxi is different, she is giving sincerely, and can dedicate all her savings and income Giving to the orphanage, dedicating to those children in need, this kind of courage is beyond the reach of even a man, her reputation has long been known, your worries are superfluous!"

"Really? Where is Shen Yumo? He only wants An Qi to appear, and only needs An Qi to stop the wedding. Has he ever thought that the entertainment circle Ruoxi is in is too complicated, maybe someone is waiting for this scene To seriously hurt her? He is too possessive, has he ever thought about what the consequences would be if Ruoxi was abandoned at the wedding?" Sangzi was still not satisfied with this ending.

"I think he should be observing all this somewhere. Since he has done this, he will not ignore the consequences. If someone makes trouble today and things don't turn out so smoothly, he should appear, and he should Protect Ruoxi." Feng Qingyang had no choice but to say a few words for his brother.

"Ruoxi's life is too bitter. She is always helping others, always blessing others, and always thinking of others. What about herself? But no one has thought about how bitter she is..."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sang Yu ran over bouncingly, holding Azi's arm, "You said it so happily, my sister is gone, and you didn't notice?"

"Has Ruoxi gone?" Sangzi looked towards the piano, and sure enough, Ruoxi had disappeared.

"Yeah, yeah, you two had a great chat!"

"Then let's go too!" A Zi hugged her shoulders and walked out of the wedding venue with her.

This time, Feng Qingyang couldn't maintain that handsome and unrestrained smile any longer, and was so angry that his teeth were itching behind her. This damn girl walked in front of her, pretending that she didn't exist.Is he transparent?They had not spoken or seen each other for more than a month since she left his house that morning.Now, she actually dared to smile so happily in front of him, as if it would be the same without him, he really wanted to pull her into his arms and ravage her well, damn girl, it's really itchy.

However, people have gone far.

He can only sulk here, and the good mood of the whole day has been ruined.

Ruoxi left the wedding scene and came to the beach alone.

The sea breeze blew her cheeks, blowing her long hair, and there was no trace of a smile on her face.

As A Zi said, the pain in her heart will never be shown, and she will never let others know.She doesn't need other people's sympathy, her pain, her suffering, and it will never be possible for anyone to empathize with her, she will not tell anyone.

Shen Yumo stood behind her and watched her for a long time.

In fact, he has been following her since she came out of the wedding scene.

He was the one who promoted An Qi's confession at the wedding. Although he was not sure why Ruoxi did this, he still couldn't just watch her marry someone else, at least that 'other' couldn't be Mo Ran .

Many mistakes in the past have been made, many injuries have been caused, and his regrets will not help. The only thing he can do is to prevent history from repeating itself.If things don't go very smoothly, then he will appear, he will take her away, and he will never let those gossips hurt her again.

However, she greatly fulfilled Mo Ran and An Qi. She withdrawn from the drama very gracefully, making everything go smoothly and continue, so he never appeared.

He thought, now Lan Ruoxi doesn't care what others think of her anymore, she just wants to finish her own business.

The wind on the beach is getting stronger and stronger.

He walked over, took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders.

She didn't expect that there were other people by the sea, she raised her eyes in surprise, and saw him, "Why are you here?"

With that said, she was about to return the coat to him.

"It's windy, put it on." He pressed her hand and wouldn't let her take it off.

"You let An Qi go?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah!" He nodded, not wanting her to misunderstand, and then said, "But I didn't force her. In fact, I can't force this kind of thing. I just woke her up."

She didn't speak, didn't even scold him.

He stared at her deeply, and he had been thinking before that she didn't really want to marry Mo Ran. He wanted to be honest about it. If she wouldn't scold him, it would confirm his guess.

Sure enough, she didn't blame him.

"Use your own reputation to fulfill the happiness of others, don't you think it's too much of a joke?" He didn't agree with her approach.

"Mo Ran deserves happiness!" She smiled lightly.

"But there are many ways, you shouldn't joke about your reputation and happiness!"

"I'm not only doing it for Mo Ran, but more importantly, Sang Yu. Let A Yang be completely disappointed in me, and cherish Sang Yu's innocence and beauty even more. This is what a sister should do."

"and then?"

"What then?" She looked at him strangely.

"You can't wait for revenge. You don't want to deal with Murphy anymore, so you have to arrange for your sister's happiness. You want her to be taken care of, and then you can take revenge without any worries, right? You think We will die together with Murphy, right?" When talking about dying together, his eyes became a little deeper.

"What you said is too serious, you don't have to die together." She still had that very faint smile.


He called her name heavily, and hugged her into his arms.

She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't break free, he hugged her too tightly.

"How can you do this? For Sang Yu, for Mo Ran, and for A Yang, when will you think about yourself?" He was heartbroken.

"It's not as serious as you said, it's just a small matter, it kills two birds with one stone, the best of both worlds..."

"But it's very serious in my heart!"

He interrupted her slightly annoyed, "Do you know, ever since you said you were going to marry Mo Ran, I couldn't work during the day and sleep at night, I kept thinking, why on earth did you marry him? You tortured me so badly, Ruoxi!"

"But you're still involved in this, aren't you?" Her voice muffled from his chest.

He didn't catch what she said.

In fact, he didn't need to be too clear, he just wanted to hold her, and that's it, until the end of time.

The so-called resentment is suddenly not so important at this moment!

She also misses this kind of warmth and misses his hug very much. For a moment, she really wanted to sink herself in this way and never wake up again.

It took a long, long time before she finally pushed him away, still thinking about Mo Ran and An Qi, "Tell me, would Mo Ran hate me? How could he arrange his marriage like this without authorization?" !"

"Isn't it too late for you to think about it now?"

"I thought he wouldn't be angry..." Her voice was small, without much confidence.

"Then it won't!"

He hugged her into his arms again, "I know Mo Ran, he is kind by nature, just like you, he only thinks of others. He will not be angry with you, not to mention, he grew up in an unhappy family , neither of his parents gave him much love, and he also needs to be loved. An Qi is a good woman, her love for Mo Ran is unsurpassed, and they will be happy."

"is it?"


She believed it!

In fact, she has always believed in him, and his words always have an inexplicable persuasive power to her.

In this way, she will feel at ease!
He hugged her quietly, and she no longer struggled. I really hope that time can stop forever at this moment!
However, there was an unintelligent phone ringing that disturbed them.

"Answer the phone!" She pushed his shoulder.

"Can I say that I don't want to pick it up?" He just wanted to hold her and not let go.


He had no choice but to pick it up.

She didn't want to know who was calling, and she didn't want to get involved in his affairs, but just as she was about to leave, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms again.

"What are you doing?" She waited for him to hang up the phone, then glared at him slightly angrily.

"Don't be angry, this matter has something to do with you."

"What's the matter?" She didn't even think about it, what would happen to her on his phone?

"Mrs. Li is back, don't you want to see her?"

"Mrs. Li? Which Mrs. Li?"

"Don't doubt it, it's the Mrs. Li you know. I have someone investigate her, and people have been watching her. Now that she has returned from a trip abroad, don't you want to meet her?"

He asked knowingly.

He clearly knew that she had been waiting for that Mrs. Li to come back, but he didn't expect that he even knew that she was waiting for Mrs. Li.

Eager to know everything, and didn't think too much about that, she pulled him towards his car, "Let's go quickly, don't delay!"

Twenty minutes later, they came to Mrs. Li's house together...

Mrs. Li was shocked when she saw Ruoxi.

Especially after hearing about Ruoxi's intentions for coming this time, Mrs. Li's expression became a little unnatural, and she asked stiffly: "It's been so many years, why did you suddenly remember to ask about this?"

"I want to know, why did you persuade my mother to burn incense? Did someone ask you to do that?" Ruoxi asked straight to the point.

"Ruoxi, why are your thoughts so outrageous? You have to know that the thoughts of your generation and ours are different. You may all believe in science and the law, but we are different. Look, after your mother went to burn incense In a few days, Ruohang will be back?" Mrs. Li tried her best to persuade her.

Ruoxi was speechless, she didn't know what to say, Ruohang's return was not the result of burning incense.

Shen Yumo held her hand, gave her a look, signaled her to be calm, and then looked at Mrs. Li, "Mrs. Li, I know, it was Mo Fei who asked you to persuade Aunt Lan, and you charged her a sum of money." ,is not it?"

"No, no, don't spit blood." Mrs. Li interrupted him in panic.

"If not, why do you need to panic?" Shen Yumo said calmly: "Since we can come here today, it means that I have investigated the backgrounds of the three generations of your grandparents and grandchildren, and I might as well reveal my identity to you. I am Shen Yumo of the Shen Group, Mo's and I are tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, let alone you? As long as you tell the truth now, this matter has nothing to do with you, then I will keep you safe. But if you continue to After I find out the truth, I will deal with business and stop thinking about your situation, you should think about it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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