President, don't be your woman

Chapter 127 The Man Who Ruined Her Life 1

Chapter 127 The Man Who Ruined Her Life 1
"Ruoxi!" He sighed helplessly, "Those things have already passed, why mention it again?"

"I must know!" she insisted.


"I must know!" She insisted, "If you don't want to tell me, you can arrange for me to see your mother. You interrupted our good business last time..."

she muttered.

I always feel that last time, Ruan Suxin wanted to tell her something.

"What do you mean I interrupted your good deeds?" Why do these words sound weird?

"Do you want to arrange it or not?" She said in a threatening tone.

He was doomed to be eaten to death by her in this life, and there was nothing he could do about her, so he finally had to agree, "Okay! I'll arrange for you to meet!"

It's better for her to ask that woman than to press him, otherwise, he can't tell the truth, and he can't lie to her.

Ruoxi looked at him, always felt that he was weird, her eyes were full of suspicion and warned, "I warn you, don't play tricks!"

"What can I do?" He was helpless and unacceptable to her suspicion.

"Then when shall we meet?"

"Now!" She was eager to know the truth.

"I'll arrange it now, okay?"

In order to avoid her doubting him, he called and arranged all this in front of her.

In the end, the time was set at noon that day.

So she had nothing to do all morning.

After breakfast, he said, "Let's go for a walk!"

"Aren't you going to the company?"

"There is nothing important in the company today."

Azi said that she would be thinking wildly when she was stuck at home all day, and going out to bask in the sun would be good for her condition.So he ignored such a big company and so many employees, and insisted on going for a walk.

If it were placed in ancient times, he would probably really be what everyone calls a 'faint king'.

In the season of July, the sun is no longer scorching, and there are still gusts of breeze blowing.

They strolled along the tree-lined path.

This kind of tranquility, this kind of leisure, seems to be a thing of the past life for them.

As for Murphy's name, none of them would deliberately mention it again.

However, they seemed to have nothing to talk about. When they mentioned the hospital, they would think of their grandfather; when they mentioned their children, they would think of Xinxin; when they mentioned their family, they would think of her mother.

It seems that all the topics are no longer appropriate to bring up between them.

He really wanted to ask her about that child, wanted to know why that child died at that time, and wanted to know what she had experienced after that child left?
He couldn't ask, for fear of touching her wound.

And, strangely, he tried to investigate these things, but could find nothing, all about the child and about Father Lan's death were blank.

There was also a hint of conspiracy.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you leave?" She noticed that he had stopped and turned her head to ask.

"It's nothing." He took her hand, pulled her towards him, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue, "Are you tired?"

"A bit."

She had just recovered from a serious illness, but her body was still very weak.

There was a wooden bench next to him, and he sat down with his arms around her, "Let's take a rest first!"

She didn't object.

I always feel that he has something on his mind today, but she just doesn't want to ask.

The clearer the question, the closer they are.She didn't want to get to that point.

After sitting quietly for a while, she looked at her watch, "It's almost time, shall we go?"

"it is good!"

He drove the car and took her to the place that he had made an appointment with Ruan Suxin.

In fact, it was already early for them to come. They had arrived at ten past eleven after the appointment at eleven forty.Unexpectedly, Ruan Suxin had already chosen a seat and sat down earlier.

Presumably this is the mood of a mother, she wants to see her son.After Ruoxi read her mother's diary, she can understand this feeling even more.

Moreover, the matter of Ruan Suxin was only heard from Shen Yumo, Ruoxi's impression of this woman was actually not that bad.

When she sat down opposite her, Ruoxi smiled at her, "Auntie, have you come already?"

"No, I just arrived too." Ruan Suxin said with a smile, and asked with a smile: "Haven't you had lunch yet? Let's order something to eat first?!"

"I'm fine!" Ruoxi said with a smile.

"Yu Mo, what about you?" Ruan Suxin turned to her son again.

Today her son actually took the initiative to ask her out, which made her feel very good, even if it was for Ruoxi, she didn't care, so she didn't do anything in the morning, and spent a long time tidying up her appearance, and then went to bed early The came here and waited.

It's just that he didn't seem to hear her words.

Seeing that he ignored Shen's mother, Ruoxi said, "Go away first, okay? I want to talk to my aunt, and I'll call you later."

She knew that with him present, she would not be able to ask anything.

Shen Yumo was almost pissed off by her, and snorted angrily, "You really know how to cross rivers and tear down bridges."

"Then are you going or not?"

There was really nothing he could do about her, he sighed helplessly, and looked at Ruan Suxin.

For so many years, he has turned a blind eye to the matter between her and those men, as if she was not his mother, and he no longer cares about anything.

Shen's mother also understood the meaning of his eyes quite well, without showing any trace, she handed the menu to Ruoxi with a smile, "Ruoxi, look at what you want to eat and order it, you are really too thin, you need to make up for it Make up for it."

"Thank you, auntie!" Ruoxi smiled back, then glared at Shen Yumo, asking him why he didn't leave.

He was helpless and had to leave.

Seeing his figure disappear outside the restaurant, she and Mother Shen were the only ones left on the table, she closed the menu and got straight to the point: "Auntie, I invited you here today, I want to continue what we didn't finish last time." I just wanted to ask you to tell me that you and my dad knew each other a long time ago, didn't you?"

She adopted a more tactful and reserved method of questioning. After all, the person in front of her was an elder, and an elder who had no malicious intentions. She didn't want to embarrass him.

Shen's mother was startled, and said somewhat unnaturally, "Yes, we were friends a long time ago..."

What kind of friend are you?
Ruoxi was about to ask this question, but felt that something was wrong, so the question stuck in her chest.

Shen's mother saw that she was hesitating, and took the opportunity to say, "Let's order something to eat first, and talk while eating."

Then immediately called the waiter and started ordering.

Ruoxi watched her expression, she seemed a little flustered, she seemed to be focusing on the menu, but looking carefully, she could still see that she was a little absent-minded.

Why, didn't she see herself last time to talk about what happened between her and her father?

Ruoxi was a little puzzled, not knowing what this woman was thinking.

After about ten minutes, she finally ordered the meal.Ruoxi also decided not to beat around the bush, otherwise she would let this woman fool her, and said directly: "Auntie, please forgive my presumptuousness! Because I saw a picture of you in my father's notebook before, so I want to ask clearly."

"Your father still took my photo?" Mother Shen asked subconsciously, but soon felt that her reaction was too excited, and immediately said: "This happened 30 years ago, and your father is no longer alive." Alive, you insist on knowing this, what do you do?"

"You mean that you knew each other 30 years ago, don't you?" Ruoxi asked sensitively.

More than 30 years ago, she was not even born at that time!
Could it be that father and this woman knew each other at that time?This is too unbelievable, right?

Shen's mother smiled awkwardly, "Yes, your father and I met 30 years ago, but we are only friends, Ruoxi, what exactly do you want to know?"

"I want to know the real relationship between you and my father!" Ruoxi looked at her firmly, "Auntie, please tell me what is going on between you, my father and my mother, okay?" ?”

"Your parents are no longer alive, so what's the point of knowing this?"

Ruoxi was silent for a moment.

That's right, her parents are no longer alive, so what's the point of her knowing this?Do you have to dig out the past, 30 years ago, from the grave?
This is not her intention, and she does not have to know what is going on between her parents and them.But too many things have happened in the past few years, and everything tells her that the love between her and Shen Yumo was wrong. Their love was a mistake from the beginning, so they suffered a series of retribution.

But she didn't know why?
I originally thought that all of this was inseparable from everything that happened five years ago, but now it turns out that it is not only five years ago, but also 30 years ago.

What is going on here?

"Ruoxi, Yumo doesn't want you to know, he's for your own good." Shen Muyu persuaded earnestly, "I've never seen a woman who can make him helpless and obey her words. He really loves you, And I have fallen in love to the point where I am more than obsessed than crazy, and I, I am not a good mother, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of being a mother, the last time I came to see you, I just wanted to know what kind of woman he fell in love with A woman can make him desperate. So Ruoxi, don't ask about everything that happened 30 years ago, okay? It's all fate, it's not anyone's fault, don't blame yourself for the mistakes, Don't blame Yu Mo alone, let alone hate Mo Fei crazily. Maybe those things are your responsibility, Yu Mo's responsibility, and Mo Fei's responsibility, but there is still destiny. You should Let go of yourself, I believe your parents know well, they must hope you can be happy."

"Happiness?" Ruoxi smiled bitterly.

A person full of sins, is she worthy of happiness?

It seems that nothing can be asked from Shen's mother's mouth today.The waiter delivered the ordered meal to the table, Shen's mother picked up the chopsticks and picked some for her, "Eat something, kid, don't think so much!"

Ruoxi didn't have any appetite at all, so she pushed away the food in front of her, and said without a mood, "Sorry auntie, I'm leaving first, take it easy!"

Then, she walked out of the restaurant.

Shen Yumo sat in the car waiting for her, saw her walking over in a daze, got into the car in a daze, he held her hand, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"You know what to ask!" She knew that he must have said something to his mother in advance, otherwise his mother would not keep her mouth shut and put on a persuasive tone.

(End of this chapter)

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